This past Saturday (12/17) in ORD.....

You're right! People aren't numbers. However, how would you have handled this situation -- without letting costs get out of control? We need solutions, not complaints. And we need people who understand the concept of strict cost control -- in this day of $99 fares.
Since we're in the business of service, I'd cut out incedental management positions (really, how many vice presidents does it take to screw in a light bulb), and then I'd make sure I had enough people to service the customer adequately, thus giving me a shot at their return business--maybe even increasing revenues in the process--call me an idealist. Unfortunately, realistic solutions meet a deaf ear, or are understood to be of the complaining nature. Reality is challenging to those who live in the realm of the cubicle!
I read "bits and pieces" about a "meltdown" at ORD Ticket counter.

Could someone give MORE detail ?


Boy oh boy you people at UA amaze me....we at USAirways thought WE had all the tricks to piss off the travelling public and now you have to have a "Meltdown". We went BK twice, took pensions and pissed off everyone in our path- hopefully You guys don't decide to use the same playbook. I have way too much respect for UA and damn it we don't want to share the limelite with anyone when it comes to piss poor management :lol: