Time to scrap the AA logo and bring back TWA ?

Could, but they don't remember who/what TWA was. It only lives on in the heads of it's former employees.

I'm glad that hardship hasn't dulled your razor sharp wit... That statement was hilarious. And who will look fondly back at AA in 10 years...Not even it's former employees. Nice legacy.

Check the date on this piece.
I'm glad that hardship hasn't dulled your razor sharp wit... That statement was hilarious. And who will look fondly back at AA in 10 years...Not even it's former employees. Nice legacy.

Check the date on this piece.
http://www.jaunted.c...rgin Australia.

A nice memory of height and weight standards. But of course in TWA's hey day during regulation they didn't have to worry about expedia and the lowest fair possible.
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A nice memory of height and weight standards. But of course in TWA's hey day during regulation they didn't have to worry about expedia and the lowest fair possible.

True TWA was basically a non-Internet era airline. It was and should be remembered a peoples airline. No smart phones and ipads clicking away lowering fares by the seconds as AA endures daily. Crandall kept AA on the cutting edge with regards to technology, but technology should never trump people.

Somehow Southwest has the right balance of people and technology, and it shows every quarter.

Note: In FC TWA served coffee on real china, and never too strong as to rip the seats from the floorboard.
Game, set, match to TWskyliner
Umm, ok. I hope that made you feel better. I guess I will never understand those who treat this as their life and not what it really is, a JOB. I guess I have too many other things in my life that are way more important than what I think my company's lasting history will be. Nor do I really care what other people think of AA. Like it? Great. Despise it? Also great.
I mean, look how long TWA survived while it circled the drain. In the end, it was bought and it's employees still have very well paying jobs. I guess that would be a good history as well. The one where the checks keep coming AND are cashed.
Umm, ok. I hope that made you feel better. I guess I will never understand those who treat this as their life and not what it really is, a JOB. I guess I have too many other things in my life that are way more important than what I think my company's lasting history will be. Nor do I really care what other people think of AA. Like it? Great. Despise it? Also great.

This “job” allowed me to move to Manhattan at 22, ride camels to the Pyramids in Giza, cruise down the Nile, spend Christmas in Jerusalem, Frankfurt and London, stand on a glacier in Alaska, fly a friend to NYC to go shopping for the day, have tropical drinks on beaches around the world from Maui to Mykenos, fly to Milan to buy a jacket I saw the week before on a layover, bring troops home from the middle east, meet movie stars, taste caviar for the first time, learn how to pronounce Chateaubriand correctly, sell Hermes scarves, Cartier watches, and Joy perfume from the duty free shop at the back of the 747, to send my entire family to a family reunion, to see the northern lights while flying over the north pole…and the list goes on. You probably would call this living in the past, I call it a legacy.
I loved my company and it was more than a “job,” it was a lifestyle that countless people dream of. I wish you felt the same way about AA but you had a different corporate culture and you measure success by how big your paycheck is/was. A “job” is what I’ve had for the last 10 years.
No, I just don't let my job define me. There is so much more to my life than my job. I'm sorry that isn't the same for you. All I have to say is that yes it is a good job, but it is still just a job. Also, I never said anything about how big my check was. Just that there were enough funds for it to be cashed. Enjoy, I hope you are happy if you are coming back. I've been in Dallas for training this past week and the recalls are running around like they were fresh out of college. All nervous and excited at the same time. Good for them, I'm happy they got to come back. Although i will never understand coming back to a job 9.5 years after i was furloughed. Reality will hit soon enough. It's just like any other airline job out there.
Trust me I dont let my job define me either and have a very full life, great friends, great pets, great house, volunteer work, am active with disability rights, support several causes, local pet rescue organizations and food pantries, marriage equality, etc. And, I wish the recalls the best as well, and I think they've stayed informed enought to know the job they're returning to isnt like the one they left.