Trump Tax Cuts

Didn't we go thru this with the Bush Tax cuts of the early 2000's when most of us got that small check, while the rich got the lions share which didn't "trickle down" into the economy. They kept that money and parked it offshore. Won't the same thing happen again? Then the wars came and massive defense spending killed that "surplus" and increased the budget with off the books spending.

Now President-Elect Trump wants massive infrastructure spending and a massive tax cut.... Will the Tea Party (or Freedom Caucus) agree to such spending, and what is going to get cut since they demand "offsets". This will be fun to watch. Hopefully there won't be a major event to screw things up. And killing the ACA isn't the solution since much of our economy is medical related. Everybody with plans (includng employer based) will be affected.
As VP Dick Cheney famously said...."Deficits doesn't matter."
......unless there is a Democrat as President to clean up the mess.
We will see how this all plays out.

Hey KCFlyer......I feel your pain out there in "Kochistan". With Gov. Brownback running the state into the ground, this SHOULD NOT be the template on how the country should be run.
Now President-Elect Trump wants massive infrastructure spending and a massive tax cut.... Will the Tea Party (or Freedom Caucus) agree to such spending, and what is going to get cut since they demand "offsets". This will be fun to watch. Hopefully there won't be a major event to screw things up.
He can cut taxes, spend money on infrastructure, AND bring the deficit down.

It is not a question of tax rates. It is a question of using money wisely.

The government always seems to have money for welfare, immigrants, or countries in the Middle East.

For example, when you have a government feeding, clothing, and housing Syrian "refugees" on the taxpayers' dime the government is using money that should be used on the citizens. Not to mention Syria is a known producer and sponsor of terrorist.

You want to see a prime example of government waste and corruption? Look at Amtrak. That is nothing more than a money laundering scheme for the Democratic Party.

And killing the ACA isn't the solution since much of our economy is medical related.

The Affordable Care Act was sold on lies. You know it. I know it. The Democrats know it. Even the name is a lie. There is NOTHING affordable about the ACA.

How much money do you think is wasted on ACA bureaucracy, not only from the government but from the private sector as well? How much do you think all that bureaucracy cost you, the consumer?

The ACA is the biggest scam ever pulled on the American people. It should absolutely be repealed.
He can cut taxes, spend money on infrastructure, AND bring the deficit down.

It is not a question of tax rates. It is a question of using money wisely.

The government always seems to have money for welfare, immigrants, or countries in the Middle East.
No we don't. Remember that debt you all talk about? That's a pretty good indicator that we DON'T have the money for that. And shifting money from human services programs into building up the military does nothing to reduce that debt.

For example, when you have a government feeding, clothing, and housing Syrian "refugees" on the taxpayers' dime the government is using money that should be used on the citizens. Not to mention Syria is a known producer and sponsor of terrorist.
Okay...we cut ALL spending on Syrian refugees.....every single penny. You haven't saved enough to make the monthly payment on that new fighter or aircraft carrier that our military "needs".

You want to see a prime example of government waste and corruption? Look at Amtrak. That is nothing more than a money laundering scheme for the Democratic Party.
Great....eliminate all spending on Amtrak. Privatize it. Now you might finally have enough for that first months payment on the aircraft carrier.

The Affordable Care Act was sold on lies. You know it. I know it. The Democrats know it. Even the name is a lie. There is NOTHING affordable about the ACA.

How much money do you think is wasted on ACA bureaucracy, not only from the government but from the private sector as well? How much do you think all that bureaucracy cost you, the consumer?

The ACA is the biggest scam ever pulled on the American people. It should absolutely be repealed.[
The biggest flaw in the ACA is that private insurers were given the job or running it. And if we repeal soon do you think you'll see your insurance costs drop? My suggestion to you - don't hold your breath.

And of course - none of that factors in the IMMEDIATE reduction in revenues we will experience with the tax cuts that will net the average middle class family a months worth of groceries, but will give the uber rich a down payment on a new Gulfstream. What impact will that have on this debt...and how will that impact "wise spending"?
No we don't. Remember that debt you all talk about? That's a pretty good indicator that we DON'T have the money for that. And shifting money from human services programs into building up the military does nothing to reduce that debt.
Who said anything about the military?

You say we do not have the money for that. That is your opinion. My opinion is we have a lot of government waste. It is not just a question of what, it is also a question of where.
Okay...we cut ALL spending on Syrian refugees.....every single penny. You haven't saved enough to make the monthly payment on that new fighter or aircraft carrier that our military "needs".
That was simply an example. I stated it as such.

I could give you many more.

There is also the fact that our government is using taxpayer money to fund non citizens. I damn sure don't want to feed, clothe, and house "refugees" over homeless vets. As an American taxpayer you should be outraged. I might also remind you many EU countries started down that same path and are now being assaulted, raped, and murdered by those Muslim "refugees".
Great....eliminate all spending on Amtrak. Privatize it. Now you might finally have enough for that first months payment on the aircraft carrier.
Don't trivialize the billions of dollars the taxpayers have spent on Amtrak.

You keep trying to dismiss my examples of government waste and that is fine. I could provide many more. The fact is lack of funds to maintain our country was never America's problem. America's problem is we have a bunch of politicians spending our funds unwisely... and let's be honest here, it is mostly the socialist doing it.
The biggest flaw in the ACA is that private insurers were given the job or running it. And if we repeal soon do you think you'll see your insurance costs drop? My suggestion to you - don't hold your breath.
If you truly believe that is the biggest flaw with the ACA then we are so far apart on this issue we might as well not even discuss it.
And of course - none of that factors in the IMMEDIATE reduction in revenues we will experience with the tax cuts that will net the average middle class family a months worth of groceries, but will give the uber rich a down payment on a new Gulfstream. What impact will that have on this debt...and how will that impact "wise spending"?
I love how liberals always point out luxuries the wealthy buy but never stop to consider how many jobs that purchase supports.

Following the life cycle from raw materials all the way through after purchase maintenance how many employees do you think it takes to support that Gulfstream?

How many taxes were collected through the life cycle of that Gulfstream?
Who said anything about the military?
President Trump. He wants to "make it stronger". He wants to "kick ISIS a$$ (that takes money) and he has pondered the use of nukes. Deploy one of THOSE and watch how that impacts the military.

I love how liberals always point out luxuries the wealthy buy but never stop to consider how many jobs that purchase supports.

Following the life cycle from raw materials all the way through after purchase maintenance how many employees do you think it takes to support that Gulfstream?

How many taxes were collected through the life cycle of that Gulfstream?

No argument there...but for every one person that buys a GV, there are about 250,000 who could have bought a Chevrolet. Which generates more tax revenues - the number of people required to build, sell and service a GV and pay those taxes or the number of people who build, sell and service a Chevy...along with all the gasoline taxes, property taxes and tolls that the drivers of those cars generate? But all you want to give THOSE people is a check that will buy them a months worth of groceries. Meanwhile, their jobs and or pay will be cut because the "job creators" that get the bulk of the tax cuts tend to INVEST the markets and NOT create jobs.

And when you rig the system to give the top tier folks massive tax cuts...THEN turn around and cut or eliminate the capital gains (the bulk of the taxes that they DO pay), and THEN eliminate the "thank God daddy died and left me a few billion for doing nothing but playing tennis at the club" tax that we call the "death tax", then why on EARTH would anybody want to put money at risk with "job creation"?
He can cut taxes, spend money on infrastructure, AND bring the deficit down.


BTW, he's looking for "public/private partnerships" on infrastructure projects. Get ready for some toll roads.

The Affordable Care Act was sold on lies. You know it. I know it. The Democrats know it. Even the name is a lie. There is NOTHING affordable about the ACA.

How much money do you think is wasted on ACA bureaucracy, not only from the government but from the private sector as well? How much do you think all that bureaucracy cost you, the consumer?

The ACA is the biggest scam ever pulled on the American people. It should absolutely be repealed.

Great. Get back to us when wellness care is no longer covered, and the cap in lifetime coverage is lifted. Hope your wife doesn't have a pre-existing condition, either...
get back with us when people can actually afford the sky rocketing premiums, If BCBS pulls out it's dead in the water anyway, they are pretty much the only ones left.My BCBS premiums have went up last three years ,hmmm I wonder why?
get back with us when people can actually afford the sky rocketing premiums, If BCBS pulls out it's dead in the water anyway, they are pretty much the only ones left.My BCBS premiums have went up last three years ,hmmm I wonder why?
Just curious...but I noticed my premiums were rising every year BEFORE Obama care. But once Trump takes office and repeals it, how soon do you think you'll see a reduction in your premium?
Just curious...but I noticed my premiums were rising every year BEFORE Obama care. But once Trump takes office and repeals it, how soon do you think you'll see a reduction in your premium?
probably never you won't get any argument from me that insurance companies are all crooks
get back with us when people can actually afford the sky rocketing premiums, If BCBS pulls out it's dead in the water anyway, they are pretty much the only ones left.My BCBS premiums have went up last three years ,hmmm I wonder why?

My BCBS premiums have gone up every year for the last 10+ years, at the same or higher rates than prior to the passing of the ACA. This will not change until we get the costs down and reign in big pharma. I doubt that will happen with who has been put into cabinet positions, nor would it have happened under Clinton.
BTW, he's looking for "public/private partnerships" on infrastructure projects. Get ready for some toll roads.

I for one have no problem with that. The toll roads in CA, OK, PA, OH, and IL are very, very well maintained, and the only one footing that bill are the people who use them.

There's no reason that you shouldn't want to see more PPP's done with regard to tunnels, bridges, ports, airport terminals, or even airports in total.
I for one have no problem with that. The toll roads in CA, OK, PA, OH, and IL are very, very well maintained, and the only one footing that bill are the people who use them.

There's no reason that you shouldn't want to see more PPP's done with regard to tunnels, bridges, ports, airport terminals, or even airports in total.

It is ok if there is a balance. So long as some of the core government infrastructure is maintained under government control to protect from the Mnuchin's of the private sector looking to cash in short term.