US Airways ALPA MEC Resolution

CaptainZitface, the AWA pilots have a choice. Either participate in the process or be left behind because unless there is a "realistic solution" to the problems facing the East and West pilots the ALPA EC, US Airways MEC, and the Company are prepared to cut a deal with separate contracts and permanent separate operations.
Spin it how you want but I don't think that the part of the resolution that says, "US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations" means AWA would be left behind at all. In fact I believe that both groups move forward in their quality of life contractually with this language. I think that you will find that not many people East or West wanted to be married to each other so separate operations permanently is not much of a threat.
Really? The EC helped draft a resolution in direct violation of both the EC's own resolution as well as the Transition Agreement?

Just got off the phone with Captain Rice and he denied that either he or the Representation Department had anything to do with it, other than being present at the MEC meeting. He did have a couple of interesting things to say about you, though.

I wonder how his "couple of interesting things" would compare with my perceptions?
Sorry he is not the right gender.

More like he doesnt have the mental capablities to debate me, he justs likes to post misinformation, as I coined his nickame, the Master of Misinformation.
Doug just said he offered pay parity to the East pilots and haven't received anything back from ALPA..what gives?
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B737FO said: "Spin it how you want but I don't think that the part of the resolution that says, "US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations" means AWA would be left behind at all. In fact I believe that both groups move forward in their quality of life contractually with this language. I think that you will find that not many people East or West wanted to be married to each other so separate operations permanently is not much of a threat."

USA320Pilot comments: If your comments are true then I believe the parties can find realistic solutions to the problems that exist and a deal can be struck that provides a separate or joint contract and separate operations so both pilot groups can obtain contract improvements.


Spin it how you want but I don't think that the part of the resolution that says, "US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations" means AWA would be left behind at all. In fact I believe that both groups move forward in their quality of life contractually with this language. I think that you will find that not many people East or West wanted to be married to each other so separate operations permanently is not much of a threat.

F/O you have has some of the most level headed posts on here so I would like your opinion as a west guy(really, not baiting you). Do you think separate ops with a joint contract are a good idea with Doug still lusting for a merger?
Probably because the East MEC told the company we didn't want 340s (per the PHL Captain rep).

A320 Driver B)
Now you're turning down flying?!?!?

Wow, you guys truly are suicidal.

And was that Captain rep the same one that promised you DOH?
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Junebug said: “How about this for a realistic solution: Vote in a joint contract so that you guys stop passing up millions in lost income and move on with your careers.
Simple, eh?

USA320Pilot comments: Junebug, your option above is not permitted by the US Airways MEC and their new resolutions. Furthermore, the ALPA International is preparing the grievance to enforce the Transition Agreement and yesterday’s US Airways AI 07-81 - Transition Agreement Dispute Resolution said, “BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that separate operations be maintained between the two parties as prescribed in the Transition Agreement.â€￾

Furthermore, to review the MEC said, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such separate operations are to be permanent in nature and include preemptive contract language to assure their continued application during any future merger involving both the US Airways and America West pilots, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC authorizes the US Airways members of the NC to pursue an equivalent contract utilizing all necessary ALPA resources, including the assistance of the Rice Committee.

Finally, did you see that the MEC authorized work of the NC and not the JNC and the Rice Committee is going to assist in the process?


The East pilots never cared about anything or anybody except themselves. Better hope the UAL merger is just a rumor. The UAL pilots would be pretty happy with a Nicolau style seniority solution, and they carry more votes than you do.

Considering your track record in predictions recently, I hope you don't mind if I consult somebody a little more qualified, like say....Ms. Cleo.

Capt. Zitface.

The East pilots cared enough to, quite literally, give the west pilots equal shares of the profit sharing.

How like the west pilots, when, on being welcomed into the East home, manage to put a three-coiler in the center of the Easts living room.

In a contest of which airline is healthier (wests arguments) who do you think would be stapled to the bottom of the UAL list? with no conditions and restrictions?

Junebug said: “How about this for a realistic solution: Vote in a joint contract so that you guys stop passing up millions in lost income and move on with your careers.
Simple, eh?

USA320Pilot comments: Junebug, your option above is not permitted by the US Airways MEC and their new resolutions. Furthermore, the ALPA International is preparing the grievance to enforce the Transition Agreement and yesterday’s US Airways AI 07-81 - Transition Agreement Dispute Resolution said, “BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that separate operations be maintained between the two parties as prescribed in the Transition Agreement.â€￾

Furthermore, to review the MEC said, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC endorses the concept of equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such separate operations are to be permanent in nature and include preemptive contract language to assure their continued application during any future merger involving both the US Airways and America West pilots, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC authorizes the US Airways members of the NC to pursue an equivalent contract utilizing all necessary ALPA resources, including the assistance of the Rice Committee.

Finally, did you see that the MEC authorized work of the NC and not the JNC and the Rice Committee is going to assist in the process?


Blah, blah.

I once used one of your resolutions to wipe my backside and was barely useful for that.
speaking of healthy airlines...from the q2 results

EAST operating income - $320 mil
West operating LOSS - ($25 mil)
Finally, did you see that the MEC authorized work of the NC and not the JNC and the Rice Committee is going to assist in the process?



I'm glad to see you removed "and the company" from your posts since we all know that wasn't true

Now, where and when did Captain Rice (or anybody at ALPA National) comment publicly on the resolution?
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This is a rhetorical question, but if there is a downsizing due to a merger and United indicated they were interested in partnering with a company with a strong northeast presence and southeast hub, and in Q2 the East had an operating income $320 million and the West an operating loss of $25 million, which part of the system could be downsized?


The East pilots cared enough to, quite literally, give the west pilots equal shares of the profit sharing.

Oh, so now you guys are in charge of determining who gets what? That's mighty kind of you sir. I assume I can count on another profit-sharing check next march signed by the "Benevolent East" (Analysts estimate consensus is $475 mil for the 2007)

This is a rhetorical question, but if there is a downsizing due to a merger and United indicated they were interested in partnering with a company with a strong northeast presence and southeast hub, and in Q2 the East had an operating income $320 million and the West an operating loss of $25 million, which part of the system could be downsized?


Downsized? I thought the West was going to CO or NW.

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