US Airways Spurs Job Rush as 16,500 Vie for 450 Vacancies

If they were unlucky and be placed on the AWA side, they would be making $16.18 an hour.


That's about as many people as get fired on the west side a year.

If they started running things in the east with an iron fist like they do on the west, half of those 450 new hires will be gone by the first year, either terminated or because they couldn't take it anymore.

So much effort going into finding "THE RIGHT PEOPLE," yet they still hire over half the wrong people.
I wonder if any of them realize that if there is a merger, new hires on both sides would be in danger of being furloughed.

Take your chances, especially when nothing else is happening... what's the worse that could happen? Work a year, and get furloughed, and for many people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits they can re-new their benefits while looking for another job. Not much of a choice... sit at home waiting to be evicted or take a job and hope it turns into something, at least, long enough to collect unemployment benefits.
If they were unlucky and be placed on the AWA side, they would be making $16.18 an hour.


That's about as many people as get fired on the west side a year.

If they started running things in the east with an iron fist like they do on the west, half of those 450 new hires will be gone by the first year, either terminated or because they couldn't take it anymore.

So much effort going into finding "THE RIGHT PEOPLE," yet they still hire over half the wrong people.
You get what you pay for.
Anyone that applies for and takes a job knows up front what to expect as far as pay and job description. I took more than one job in my life that I knew was going to suck, but needed to pay the bills.
Well, yes and no. Some people read the fine print in the ad, and some don't. I would be almost willing to bet you that the great majority of the 16,500 applications at US Airways and the 25,000 at AA looked at the starting hourly pay, and calculated their gross for a 40-hour week.
Happens every time.
alot of people applying for fa positions dont realize what they are getting into. they think they are going to be doing 3 day layovers in Paris and Rome the first month out of training. once they are out on the line doing reserve and a couple of LGA turns reality sets in. will be interesting how long these new hires stick around. its still a good gig for fas off reserve etc, but for new hires we will see. i hope they like it and stick around
Let me ask a simple question. Why would they offer these jobs while contracts are in negotiations? Shouldn't any hiring take place after a contract is finalized (to find out how many people are actually needed)? And what happens during a potential merger with AA? It wouldn't make sense to hire since they would be the first to get laid off. This is a seniority based job, and they will definitely be on reserve for a long time (if they last). Working in any position for an airline is not all that is cracked up to be.

Get the house in order first, than see what happens.......
@ T5towbar
For one, there is an apparatus in place to fire flight attendants. So every so often, there is a need to replenish the void. I believe that every airline has one, some utilize it all the time and in full force (like America West), while others not. There are companies that resort to this strategy usually during bad times. UNITED, US Airways (East) and American are definitely like that.

There is always a need for staff, especially when flying increases, which is expected to happen this summer again. By the time the summer and/or all the (renewed) experimenting with re-launched routes is over, that apparatus has decreased the number of new hires and other employees, of course, to reflect the staffing needs at the end. If they overdo it like AWA usually does, it results in more hiring events, hence why 2001-2007 US (east) hired nobody, yet US (AWA) hired about 2000 (while managing to get rid of the same amount). American 2001-2013 hired 0 off the street.

I never understood it either why an airline like America West spends so much time in hiring people just so that by the first month after training, out of a class of 40, five have already been fired or eventually no-showed. But that's the way it is, US Airways West looses about 5-10 F/As a month on average, that includes retirements and other situations. US Airways East looses on average about 20 F/As a year (or at least so it was up to three years ago). The reason that the east is hiring right now, is because there is a push for new flying (incl. I believe new routes to Brazil). Thus the whooping 450 positions. With AA you know they got lucky, or maybe not in the eyes of someone like Doug Parker, by offering 2000 more buyouts than needed. DP would never approve any Buy outs after he takes over.
The same applies to other work groups as well. Hiring, terminating, turnovers. and so on take place on a regular basis at US as well as other companies. Fleet hires in bunches all of the time, and only a small percentage stay for good. I can go back 30 years ago, and it was no different. A fleet training guy told me that we were lucky to get 5 good people out of an original hire group of 25.
That was not a joke or sarcastic commentary. Apparently your interpretation of Sparrows ignorant comment was obiously wrong. Can't you spot the haters and the extreme when they open their mouths. Amazing how they bring Obama into every conversation no matter what the subject may be. Those types of people are on the fringe and have other underlying issues distorting theirs lives. I don't even feel sorry for them.
I think Bob is a douche and his diatribes are annoying as hell. That doesn't change the fact that the comment was misinterpreted.
Exactly why US shouldn't put more money on the table in FA agreement. Plenty are willing to undercut their wage and benefit requirements, US would be silly to pay them more. If you are at an intersection and one gas station is $3.39/gallon and another is $3.35/gallon which one would you buy gas from? This is the labor market at work.


And being an FA requires no skills beforehand, unfortunately for them.
Yeah, the economy is soooo robust that 450 jobs that pay food stamp wages get 16,500 applicants. Impressive. Not my fault! I voted for Dr. Paul

.......... how many apply, get hired and stay is the real question now. You see, new hires are quitting, ALOT OF THEM. They spent weeks in training, moved in many cases, tasted the glamor and said, I quit. You cant even retain (new) employees here.