What Happened

Also Mr. Valve

tell Santa I have been a good boy all year and brushed my teeth before bed every night, well almost every night (except for that night in Ft Nelson when the Engineer and I were so drunk we slept in the lobby of the Blue Bell with the Jugettes) and he should bring me a fluffy Puppy.

Thank You

Little DTII
Dear Mr Deep Throat II, I like your style kid I don't know who you are or where you live or your real name, but you sure have some Moxie...If it we didn't have guys like you....well you know how the rest goes.

Signed Deep Throat The Third......absolutely-positively in no way shape or form the same person as DTII scout's honor,cross my heart and hope to die.
Why Thank You MR DT THE THIRD, I am glad you think so highly of me, we should get together, I think I know who you are but I promise not to tell, scouts honor. :rolleyes:
Hi readers, want a good laugh ??

Just to re-cap, I wrote....
"Hey Deep Throat and Duf Check PMs"

So Leadingedge immediately wrote back....
"Overtalk, are you manuevering outside the transparent process? Where I come from this is called conspiracy or even worse?, another attribute of the industry that needs attention.
Try to win the argument at face value, you could also copy this PM to me but ......? "

Now, I'm sure I dont need to remind those of you that have been members here for more than 5 days that this not actually a transparent process, after all, a PM is a PERSONAL message.

However, just for entertainment, I will now post the PM that Leadingedge wanted to see....

"Hi I have nothing to say but I know the fact we are sending Pms will drive leadingedge crazy, if he isn't already !! "

Hey L'edge, GOTCHA.
Thanks, you keep us amused.
Regards, OT
DT 3
You bear a striking resemblence to someone that was recently somewhere south of Sri Lanka.
Guess who I am?, OK first clue I am bigger than a Bread Box, Damn bread keeps coming up in this forum..............Looks like our friend has been tucked into his straight jacket for the night by the nice men in white. G'night John Boy.

If you want it bad enough, go and get it. Dont let Mr. Leadingedge deter you from your goals. After reading this thread, I have come to the humble conclusion that leadingedge has been operating for far to many years in the rain without any blade tape.
The industry is full of great people. Pilots, Engineers, OP's managers etc. Research your school, get the licence, and start knocking on doors. We all needed a lucky first break, right place, right time etc. There are no guarantees in life, it is what you make of it.
Good Luck!
"Any idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it."
I have kept quiet here for a while, and I'll put some things on the table

(Before you spell checkers jump out, I AM NOT CANADINA/ENGLISH/AMERICAN but NORWEGIAN, so any spelling 'erors' are due to that!

Mr. Leading Edge, do you seriously think that any serious school will give a guarrantee? It's like saying that you'll get a job as a lawyer immediately after law school!

I think it was Mr. Duf that mentioned something about sitting on the Gluteus Maximus and whining, rather than actively pursuing work. I have several prior students working now, and some that don't. The unsuccessful ones are the ones (yes your getting it) sitting on their butts, waiting for the phone to call.

Then there are the ones that have traveled all over the effing country, thay have work, almost to the last one of them! But did we ever guarrantee work? NO!

At the school I was at previously, we also had a composite technician course, and they were not promised work either, but regardless, all the courses were full?

It all comes back to being able to get off the arse and do something, if you fancy sitting in yuor armchair waiting for the phone to ring, then GOOD LUCK.

The need for pilots will come (Just like there is a need for engineers NOW!). All it takes is a little patience!

AV CANADA must have folded up, with all the idiots we seem the be getting, hilarity is one thing, but hiding behind a hidden idenity and mud slinging is something else.

If you have the guts to sling sh*t, then have the guts to identify yourself or are you scared we will recognize what mental hospital you are presently lodged at.

Cheers, Don

PS; For your information when I say a group hug, I really mean, put the naysayer in the middle and we will sqeeze the sh*t out of him/her
The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes of it.