What Happened

Sorry, I won't be able to add much today, to this delightful forum. I am scheduled for at least 3 sessions of electro shock therapy! My doctor says that once my brain has been adequately numbed I will have a better chance at getting my first job, and won't have as difficult a time believing everything people tell me.

Doc also said that total removal of the front lobe may be a better solution, and guarantees results.

Remember The uncommon man is merely the common man thinking and dreaming of success in larger terms and in more fruitful areas.

Also : Whatever you want wants you even more than you want it.

Ring the bells that can still ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
Hey Leading Edge

I'd rather have a BOTTLE IN FRONT OF ME than a FRONTAL LOBOTOMY. Regardless you'll come out of both sessions a new man. I look forward to your post treatment posts!!!

Confucious say:
Man who lay on ground, feel peace on earth.

Man with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day.

Just thought it may help this forum! :up:
Sorry Ralphie, I have delusions of grandeur. F** me, I better listen to you and stay a cable guy.
It's friday night and I gots better things to do!
Just for the record LeadingEdge I do appreciate your words of warning. There are an unfortunate number of student pilots out there who are deluded about their prospects after getting their license. Thankfully I'm not one of them. I researched this risky venture for years. Any school, of which I never encountered, who claimed immediate jobs after finishing would have sent me running the other way. There are still quite a few questionable training schools out there. My instructor was very firm in telling me what my prospects are just to be sure I got the message completely. Sure getting a CPLH is a ricky move, but well worth it for those who can persist into getting a flying job. If I didn't think I could persist I wouldn't have done this.
The low time pilots who never get employed are the quitters. Plain and simple. I don't care what it takes or how long it takes. This is what I'm going to do with my life. So lay off with all the comments about us student pilots being gullable fools with money to burn. I'm not one. If you want to slag a few individuals let er rip buddy, but don't shoot us all down.
The session at Dr. Bobs was good, it only took 12 jolts at 50,000Volts and I'm a new man. So today I called the flight school to sign up and guess what? "There are no guarantees", when the CFI told me this, I replied " I know there never is in life sir" Then he snickerd to his colleage "looks like we have a conformist here ,he could do well" . He proceeded to take my personal information and during the process there was some yelling in the back ground I think it sounded like "get off the premises" followed by "you can't be in the hanger its an insurance consideration". Then a I heard a door slamming or maybee it was it just a flashback from that first jolt of voltage Doc Bob administered. So I signed up anyway gave my creditcard # over the phone and next week I take my first lesson. Can't wait!

The fact that the company already has my money, and there are no guarantees doesn't deter me in the least , why because I am determined, and determination no matter what will win the day. I only hope that I don't reach my 60th birthday first.

Unfortunately my bed nurse has just arrived ladies, with some interesting looking pills, it can't hurt to try one-"gulp". Ohhhh, I'm starting to feel sleepy, starting to dream of fluffy puppies and my good friend the easter bunny, or is it the tooth ferry!

So good night to everybody in LALA land. Sweet dreams!
I just woke up again from my drug-crazed slumber and thought I would add 1 very important list both Ryan and Duf should consider......dam Electro shock flashbacks...!

1. Be prepared to be stabbed in the back, remember it's an ego game, mostly made up of people with questionable characters- who do things behind your back more than on average in any other industry, hands down.

2. Be prepared to deal with individuals that make no sense at all.

3. Be prepared to agree with those persons in 2.

4. Whatever you do once you got your license remember, realize you'll be an idiot forever even after 15 or 20 years experience, and what little you know, be sure not to try to pass it on to anybody, because there will always be a bigger ego who will accommodate you in accordance with 1. When your 50 expect those who are 55 to call you in a condecending tone "hey young feller"

5. Never believe that the job will last see ref - (1).

6. Don't expect to ever get anything in writing.

7. Be prepared to be told even the must ludicrous lies, right to your face, don't complain because 8 will be pulled out in defense.

8. Don't complian about 1-7- because that will mean you have a bad attitude.

9. Completely forget about the Canadian Charter or Rights and freedoms specifically those sections that deal with freedom of expression- Not applicable to Aviation.

10. Go see your doctor and have your tongue removed, or even shock therapy it will numb your senses...and allow you to completely ignore reality.

11. Never get on the bad side of persons mentioned in 1 because you will be blackballed in accordance with 8.

12 The word "opinion" should always be replaced by "attitude" because those that uses it don't have enough brainpower to know the difference. But when replacing ,remember 1.

Deal with this litany of absurdity and sleep at night and you'll do fine.

Best of luck, I mean it. or consider engineering, my experience has shown there is allot less ego and generally more sincere down to earth people.

Time for another sleepy pill! Ahhh Fuzzy Puppies.........its not working reality is slipping in! tommorow I go for the full frontal.
Every pilot and AME I've every met has been a very decent person. The only way to them apart was one carries a helmet, the other carries a tool box. These pilots and AMEs say the same about every pilot and AME they've ever known, with the odd exception.
Sorry you've been burned so bad by so many people. Thanks again for the warning. Should we ever meet and I don't have an ear to ear grin you can give me a big fat "I told ya so!"
So seeing as how I've been known to use the word "opinion" in my posts I too shall join you at Dr.Bob's. Not for shock therapy but for growth hormone injections straight into my brain. Then I can grow me some more smarts! :up:

Young padawan Jedi, Your youth and optimism is an inspiration. I have followed your updates on training and I can see that you have a real "flare" for the occupation- excuse the pun.

Remember the saying that holds true for many of us in this industry-" Learn from the mistakes of others because you will not live long enough to make them all your self" Copy and print the list above young padawan learner and refer to it through the years, or better post it at the hanger and pass on the message of this old Jedi, for all to witness.

May the force be with you!.

.. Damm flash backs.. off to see Doctor Bob agian!