What Is Racism?


Oct 29, 2002
What can one do about it?
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Black Prof uses white privilege and oppression in class, students react.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this failed to provide comfort to the white students. Next, Gibney invited them to file a racial harassment complaint with the college if they were so offended.
So they did.
Last week, the college reprimanded Gibney and accused of her creating a hostile work environment for white students.
Gibney called MCTC’s investigations into her behavior “attacks on me by white males.”
The politics of faux victimization are spiraling out of control at a community college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where several white students, their black professor and irritated administrators have one-upped each other with complaints, reprimands and now a lawsuit.
The trouble began in English professor Shannon Gibney’s Introduction to Mass Communications class at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Though the class ostensibly has little to do with race, Gibney considers herself an activist on racial issues, and frequently invokes white privilege and oppression during class time, according to her students. (She has previously taught classes on race and gender.)

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/04/white-students-fed-up-with-black-professors-racial-screeds-lawsuits-fly/#ixzz33Pc5RZ5R
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They say white privilege is when a black person walks into a bar and everybody becomes quiet and stares......
Walk into a black bar and see if the same thing doesn't happen.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Paula Dean, and the rest of the 'Dog Shiit' racists in Georgia,...THATS Racism !! 
And your an Idiot!
Why don't you ever hear about these from the Libtard Media?
Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/brooklyn-youths-attack-couple-racial-attack-cops-article-1.1490901#ixzz33QjTeJrA
Hundreds of Blacks in Gangs attack Whites at Wisconsin State Fair
Read more: http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/08/hundreds-of-blacks-in-gangs-attack-whites-at-wisconsin-state-fair.html#ixzz33QjbPYw1
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/08/hundreds-of-blacks-in-gangs-attack-whites-at-wisconsin-state-fair.html#iKRCgUq1bQjpxouG.99
Racism is a lot like pornography to me.
Like Justice Stephens said, "I can't define it but I know it when I see it".
No one race has cornered the market on hate. Parts of Africa of all places still has an active slave trade. We don't much care because those nations often have minerals we need so we overlook slavery as a cost of doing business.
Do you think there is more racism in the US against minorities or against the majority?
delldude said:
They say white privilege is when a black person walks into a bar and everybody becomes quiet and stares......
Walk into a black bar and see if the same thing doesn't happen.
I walked into a bar in Augusta Georgia when I was stationed there and was threatened with an ass whipping to seek another bar. My friend with me was black, we both hightailed it the hell out of there.  Back to the NCO club... :p
Ms Tree said:
Do you think there is more racism in the US against minorities or against the majority?
I honestly never gave your question any thought. My take on it is pretty simple. Racism is wrong, end of story. No one should remain silent in the face of it. We are all God's Children, let's try to act like it.
I guess if someone be lives that all racism is the same the answer does not matter. I do not believe that to be the case and for me the answer does matter.
xUT said:
I walked into a bar in Augusta Georgia when I was stationed there and was threatened with an ass whipping to seek another bar. My friend with me was black, we both hightailed it the hell out of there.  Back to the NCO club... :p
Thats because they just didn't want any PICKLE SMOOCHERS in there ! 
xUT said:
I walked into a bar in Augusta Georgia when I was stationed there and was threatened with an ass whipping to seek another bar.
Was that The Masters bar?
Ms Tree said:
Do you think there is more racism in the US against minorities or against the majority?
There is racism on both sides of the aisle, problem is you only hear about one side of the aisle from MSM!