You are going to love this one..

PB, it is called "take the money and run"! We have seen this way too many times. Fact remains, we will not survive the summer with this "greased pig", stocks dropping and the big wigs cashing in their monies and going bye-bye. This is the norm and it will continue until we fall in line with Braniff, TWA, Pan American and others.

This company knows that all they have to do is turn the "switch" back on to survive. Why won't they? Hmmmm..?
Try and access some int'l avail on Easyjet(u2)or Ryanair . Our wonderful shares does not recognize the airline , but it will bring up Southwest even when you don't want it. What a system. Dougie was right that the res migration was a disaster. And to think that it was totally unnecessary had the company "Chosen Wisely". They chose to make the unwise choice and cust svc is left to clean up their mess. A good lawyer could have gotten out of the EDS contract for shares by simply comparing both systems side by side and concluding that shares was NOT capable of handling our total operation without major costly enhancements and upgrades while a choice to sabre would have been totally uneventful and the "Nightmare in March" could have been averted. Once again proving that the sandcastle knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. Remember what they say about building something on sand.
Try and access some int'l avail on Easyjet(u2)or Ryanair . Our wonderful shares does not recognize the airline , but it will bring up Southwest even when you don't want it. What a system. Dougie was right that the res migration was a disaster. And to think that it was totally unnecessary had the company "Chosen Wisely". They chose to make the unwise choice and cust svc is left to clean up their mess. A good lawyer could have gotten out of the EDS contract for shares by simply comparing both systems side by side and concluding that shares was NOT capable of handling our total operation without major costly enhancements and upgrades while a choice to sabre would have been totally uneventful and the "Nightmare in March" could have been averted. Once again proving that the sandcastle knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. Remember what they say about building something on sand.
IT department heads had to justify their jobs
Sadly, it's only a goal, not a requirement for *A carriers to use Amadeus; (I don't think UA is going to give up Apollo) it has been reported that US has decided not to go with Amadeus. I was surprised when I heard DP explanation for choosing QIK/SHARES over Sabre. All along the reason was said to be cost and not it's a contract issue with EDS. But EDS owns both Sabre and SHARES; one would think a deal could have been worked out.
Sabre is an independent company. It was spun off from AMR in 2000. It was publicly traded until recently. Sabre owns