-190 Pay Rates


Dec 16, 2003
Jetblue just released their 190 payrates.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95

bluetoad said:
Jetblue just released their 190 payrates.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95

where did you get that information from bluetoad?
Alright, I'm probably gonna get a lot of s#it from my fellow b6ers, but I just got the DHL package this morning with our new contract.

I am totally bummed, because the company has never let me down before - until today. I think these 190 rates are pathetic!!! As a second year Captain, you'd have to fly over 94 hours per month, just to try to break 90K a year. We're paying way, way less than Airtran and Aloha on the 717. And the 717 and the 190 are just about identical in specs.

Folks this is a hundred seat jet; if you can't break 6 figures flying Captain on that something is wrong. All along we've been defending the 190 from being labeled as an "RJ"...well guess what, we might want to start calling it that, because we're getting paid RJ wages.

Disgusted, and embarrassed...

It does seem disappointing on the intial review of these rates, but it still too early for me to pass full judgment on this yet.

Considering the upheavals that have incurred in this industry in terms of pilot pay & benefits since 2002; the near-term dropping of the next shoe with United, DAL, and who knows who else; and the merciless competitive attacks on jetBlue by most legacy carriers since the new year; there could be other audiences (besides jetblue pilots) that jetBlue management is sending a signal to. Over the next five years or so the ramifications of such low pay rates on jetblue pilots will be almost negligible since upgrades from the 190 to the Airbus will be very short (there are still over 110 firm A-320 orders yet to be delivered!).

For those legacy carriers waiting to see what jetBlue's 190 rates were going to be, this announcement makes it almost impossible for "mainline" pilots to work for similar rates under the present scope agreements. On a competitive level you can bet your last dollar that jetBlue will come out of the gate with these 190s and put unbelieveable pricing pressure on the last profitable bastion of the legacies' domestic market (vis-a-vis their WO's and regional partner carriers). The result: EMB-190s will have their way with the 50-70 seat RJs.

jetBlue sees blood in the water with the legacies and will make a full-blown assault into these smaller markets with almost no competitive recourse by them. All I have to say is there better be an additional profit-share override for the 190 crewmembers since they will be making the lion's share of the profits for jetBlue in 2006 and beyond. If jetblue can make significant inroads into this market at the expense of its competitors then pay rates should also come up about the same time the internal growth at jetBlue begins to slow down after 2010. To do otherwise will only invite trouble for Mr. Neeleman, et al.
Hey, those are great rates! Heck, fly just 90 hours and between a 15% profit share and 401k matching, a guy flying the left seat in a 100 seat airplane can make over $90k a year. Besides that the culture is so good in the company that I'd be willing to fly for a lot less than that. Shoot, I'll fly left seat for $50 an hour if they'd give me the chance. They don't need any greedy $70 an hour guy who's just in it for the money. Airline flying isn't about the money or retirment plans, it's about getting to fly!

Time to update the old app.

I agree, very disappointing rates. :(


You are joking, right? If your not your, oh well, I’ll just keep it
to myself. :blink:
The sad part is these rates will become the benchmark for any other carrier getting these planes.

Way to set the bar, JB.

JB did not set the bar, that was done by MidAtlantic with the 170 payscale.

The only saving grace is, at jetblue, for the time being, you will upgrade to the bus, whereas at U, that seems rather an elusive prospect these days.
With those pay rates on the -170 not to mention the fantastic wages on the Airbus, why go union? Kool aid anyone?
I'd rather have a career that I love, even if it's not at the ruinous payrates that the guys at the majors have crammed down the company's and public's throats. Like I said, it's about flying and working with and for great people that don't complain and pitch in together to clean the planes, dump the lavs, or whatever else needs to be done . . . . and not how much money you make or if you have a secure retirement. Forget retirement schemes, they're going away because the flying public shouldn't have to pay extra so you can retire in a million dollar house on the beach.

Besides, at JetBlue if you get in soon enough, you can upgrade quickly and make more hourly pay than a major FO. As far as the guys who are late to the party, well, that's just too bad, but like I said, it 's not about money . . . it's about being part of the JetBlue team. If that's not enough for you, then JetBlue doesn't need ya.
Winglet said:
I'd rather have a career that I love, even if it's not at the ruinous payrates that the guys at the majors have crammed down the company's and public's throats. Like I said, it's about flying and working with and for great people that don't complain and pitch in together to clean the planes, dump the lavs, or whatever else needs to be done . . . . and not how much money you make or if you have a secure retirement. Forget retirement schemes, they're going away because the flying public shouldn't have to pay extra so you can retire in a million dollar house on the beach.

Besides, at JetBlue if you get in soon enough, you can upgrade quickly and make more hourly pay than a major FO. As far as the guys who are late to the party, well, that's just too bad, but like I said, it 's not about money . . . it's about being part of the JetBlue team. If that's not enough for you, then JetBlue doesn't need ya.
Have those pay rates even been formally announced by jetBlue? Where did those numbers come from? Is it official? The 190s are one year away from coming .. why dont we wait and see.

As well, as a FA I know I dont like the logistics of 1FA for 50 pax, and therefore I dont plan on bidding on 190 trips. IMO, if as a pilot at B6 you dont like the 190 payscale, dont bid for 190 trips and stay on the 320. If you get hired at B6 after the 190s have arrived, then you know what to expect when youre hired. If the money as much as you'd like, then dont accept the job offer.
Wonder what the turnover will be when you tired if making Wendy's wages! :shock: