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2nd MIA-LHR off to a great start

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Aug 21, 2002
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Advanced bookings thru JAN looking great. The 2nd MIA-LHR was a smart move.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 11:10:11 PM MiAAmi wrote:
[P]Advanced bookings thru JAN looking great.  The 2nd MIA-LHR was a smart move.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]No brain surgery there. I'm just surprised that it took AA so long to add a second MIA-LHR flight.[/P]
That is the sad part. With only so many slots to go around, a summer second flight is still from MIA is only a dream. ORD and JFK ramp up their frequencies in the summer. MIA needs more service to Europe. Every city served from ORED could be served from MIA.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/6/2002 1:20:27 PM MiAAmi wrote:[BR][BR]I think we were lucky to see the 2nd LHR.  I don't expect to see anything new from MIA-Europe any time soon.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]I think you can add South America to that list also.
I think we were lucky to see the 2nd LHR. I don't expect to see anything new from MIA-Europe any time soon.
On 11/6/2002 1:20:27 PM MiAAmi wrote:

I think we were lucky to see the 2nd LHR. I don't expect to see anything new from MIA-Europe any time soon.----------------

I agree. But you never know. South America might be a different story. Since the pull out by Delta and UA in South America we might see an increase in frequency in some South American markets. Of course it depends on the South American economy.

On 11/6/2002 1:20:27 PM MiAAmi wrote:

I think we were lucky to see the 2nd LHR. I don't expect to see anything new from MIA-Europe any time soon.

I don't expect anything either, but that's just because this is AA we are talking about.

Miami is one of the healthiest and most profitable trans-Atlantic markets, with only three less trans-Atlantic crossings a week in December 2002 than in August 2001. Loads and yields are excellent all around, and two-class 767-300ERs open a lot of oppurtunities for MIA-Europe, none that scream fly me! more than MIA-FRA. However, because this is AA, I expect nothing, because they never seem to care about MIA-Europe despite the huge potenital and profit there is. Other carriers will gladly take the MIA-Europe flying and make a killing. Early rumours for summer 2003 are MIA-MUC on Lufthansa and MIA-FCO on Alitalia (Rome airport authorities have been pushing very hard for more long-hauls from Alitalia, MIA being one of them, and it has been working well so far).

Though it should be noted that in most cases (London, Madrid, and Paris not being those cases), MIA-Europe traffic is coming mostly from Europe, so European carriers have the upper edge.
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