Months ? Brother. Months ! Whats the saying ? You get what you pay for . You pay chit you get chit . Vendors are always a short term solution that eventually will cost AAL/DP $$$
Rumor from whom? Some base maintenance employee who posted the pics, or someone else? Damage looks nasty to the forward pressure bulkhead, but it is repairable.
Over on Flyertalk, there's a flight attendant (US East) claiming that the truck is a US-owned "catering truck" and was driven by a US employee, not an outsourced contractor.
Looks to me like a truck driven by cleaning crew (it does have the greyhound AA logo on the side) but doesn't look like a catering truck. Catering would be Gate Gourmet or Sky Chefs, right? Anyway, are cleaners at CLT outsourced or in-house?