Alcohol On Breath Of United Pilot

Name them personally in a lawsuit, along with their boss and the individual who trained them. Just start filing lawsuits left and right and name individuals. They have to be served and respond. Drag them into court, you may not have standing and the case dismissed, but this crap will stop.
Gotta love the TSA


Thousands Standing Around

Terrorist Support Agency

Trained Shoe Analysts

Guess we can now add Treacherous Sobriety Analysts
I really wish someone would find a way to take on these jack booted thugs. It takes all I can do to be civil to them. They nauseate me

So now TSA is trained in "smelling alcohol on crewmembers"?
If I am accused of "smelling like alcohol" you can bet your ass that I will get off of the trip and be tested.
I will also collect pay for the entire trip and have the TSA agent job.
In this fishbowl that we live in and the "fair and balanced" reporting we get from the news media its called CYA.
I'll wait for the facts. The majority of security folks are decent, hard workers that have to put up with an enormous amount of public animosity.

However, over the years I've noticed more and more TSA checkpoint workers leaning close to me as I go through the metal detector in uniform. Perhaps they're trying to get a good whiff of me, anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get 15 minutes of fame by snagging one of those drunkard pilots! :down:


I pray one of those "robots" get extra close to "smell" me. !!
I've been known to "emit" some BRUTAL "HOT noxious SEWER GAS", virtually at will :shock: :blink:

Name them personally in a lawsuit, along with their boss and the individual who trained them. Just start filing lawsuits left and right and name individuals. They have to be served and respond. Drag them into court, you may not have standing and the case dismissed, but this crap will stop.
You can only sue the Gov't with "their" permission.
File a suite against the individuals (get their names) ... It may be thrown out, but they will have to answer the summons. Frivolous suites are the American way.
Well was the guy charged or not? Did the company take him in for a blood test or breath-a-lizer??? Was he leagal??? If he wasn't I hope they prosecute him to the max, if he wasn't quit whining and GET BACK TO WORK! You know it's not like this hasn't happened before. And as you all know, those who have been accused have really been guilty! That's why they are in jail or got their pilot license revoked. People aren't stupid, you can smell a drunk! And working at UniTED can cause you to drink to MUCH!!!!!
Are you making a confession there, Fishy? You are an alcoholic?

Congratulations on making that important first step and admitting it.
I asked if he was charged? Bear96 came back with the smart A$$ answer I just retorted. Fly SWA Piney who cares!!!!
What do personal attacks have to do with this thread, other than giving time off? Discuss the topic at hand or it will be closed.
If he wasn't charged, than obviously they had no proof that he had been drinking. If he passed the breathalizer test and subsequently was not charged, than chances are that he will get restored to full flight status with back pay and no disciplinary action against him. Just because someone from the TSA says they smell alchohol, doesn't make it so. Some of those folks are not the most professional people in the world.

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