American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Like I wonder why you submissively cow down to Nelson essentially saying that you shouldn’t be organized.

Sometimes we all wonder is all.
Weez seriously why would anyone with Kevs time, age and location vote for a union that would at least not get him a raise in 5 years or at worst uproot him...really
First off, let's cut the politically correct crap and call them what they are, Illegals. Not undocumented workers..... illegals.

Second, are you kidding me? You can't possibly be that naive. You ever wonder how a factory can pay 10 dollars an hour for hot repetitive work...... illegals. Temp services here act as an insurance policy for companies wanting to hire illegal labor. If they get caught they simply place blame on the agency that provided the workers claiming they hold vetting responsibility.

I took a job at Bama Pie. The majority of the people that worked there spoke Spanish or Chinese. I suppose your going to try to tell me all that was all above board right? That is a typical demographic of many of the factories in this city.

You need to wake up.
Look in my heart I wish all 11 million would have come here legally so they wouldn't have to leave but they didn't and thats not fair to those that did and its against the law.Ironically these guy's are in a bitter battle over healthcare costs with AA yet they don't mind that the illegals get it for free
I make no excuses for people who come here and don't follow the rules, and I don't know about where you live, but most of the undocumented workers I assume you are referring to where I live, are doing work that nobody else seems that excited about doing. I doubt you will find any working for any major companies like UPS or Starbucks. They all require ID's and SSN's. They certainly cannot pass a SIDA background check.

I am interested to know what jobs these undocumented immigrants might be taking that American citizens would want? There is not a large variety of people standing at the day labor sites here. I would assume if there was a large demand for that kind of work, we would see more diversity in those who seek it.

Again, I am not making excuses for people breaking laws. I am asking who wants to do the work they are doing and what jobs are they taking from citizens?

i cited what nobel prize winning economists claim; illegal immigration depresses wages.

big business and the wealthy clearly benefit the most (as sourced yesterday) from illegal immigration and fight behind the scenes and in the open for more immigration; illegal and legal, so the argument was; can the democratic party be for american labor and also be for illegal immigration?

my feeling is that both political parties in the usa are distanced from one doubts the republican party is. i brought up how the republican party once courted labor and bragged about labor's advances under a republican president (eisenhower's 1st term).
They looked like Big and little Ed from Smokey and the bandit in that pic

I’m telling you he really is incredibly short. Couldn’t have been taller than 5’4. At one point when we were talking he picked his nose which I thought was kind of weird.
I’m telling you he really is incredibly short. Couldn’t have been taller than 5’4. At one point when we were talking he picked his nose which I thought was kind of weird.
That's a sign he felt comfortable around you
How bout everything...why are we still waiting on a jcba? Details ...any calendars coming

I’m going to reverse this. The Unions aren’t going to give out all the information publicly on what’s already been TA’d because it still can change.

The Company has chosen to Negotiate directly with us so since some of you say you trust the Company more why don’t you ask them to show you those TA details? I’m sure they won’t do that either but give it a shot?

The rest that you wrote they’ve always been doing that.
He might be short but he can shoot lightening bolts out his arse

I’m not kidding. If you don’t believe me just look at the back of that chair and how it’s almost over his own head.

Only his little Afro gets him over the top.

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