American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I seriously do not know what it is going to take to piss guys off and wake them up. I had to stop a guy from heading out to his airplane when the ramp was closed for severe weather. Warning lights and siren had sounded and he was just going on out to "get it done".

Does he suffer from D&D?
I really cant believe this page is still going. Since the mediation put put us on ice we are hosed just like I said. Im not sure the nmb will even assign a mediator anytime soon with all the cutbacks. I told weez and Mr Baskett but they listened to lehive.
Hey Tim, maybe, just maybe with the latest cuts in the NMB, they are waiting for us to get done with our mediators and they will send them your way to start up your mediated nego's? This way they won't have to send another team out into the field in the same area DFW metroplex.
We just received our first meetings with the mediators after the contract was rejected. These two dates will be Nov. 19-20 just 2 days but much better than meeting for these 2 days next year. Don't expect much to get done this year with all the holidays, but it could get done IF the co. really wants to get it done. The ball is in their court. Theoretically they could even set more dates in Dec before the X-mas holiday. In reality I don't see anything getting done until next year like we have all said from the get go. These two meeting dates from what I have been told, will be more like introductions of the "new" company nego team and for them to get familiar with all the info. That's all BS as they could be doing that right now prior to meeting in Nov. by just getting with all the current team and going over notes.
Good luck Tim. I was being sarcastic about using our mediators, but know this, it will not speed things along any faster than before mediation. Matter fact pretty sure it will slow the pace down as it did in our case.
WOW, look at the mediators schedule.
The two sides have 1 day to meet for the rest of the year. Even our negotiations had more meetings. Next year should be interesting. 3 days in January. 3 days in February. That should get a whole lot accomplished. At least the IAM pension and medical is safe for another year. Rest assured our 5 holidays and 1.5 OT multiplier is safe as well.
Welcome to SWA world in mediation we got 2 days a month , sometimes 3 from 2015 . We rejected our contract, and we have two days this November, the week before Thanksgiving.
Hey Tim, maybe, just maybe with the latest cuts in the NMB, they are waiting for us to get done with our mediators and they will send them your way to start up your mediated nego's? This way they won't have to send another team out into the field in the same area DFW metroplex.
We just received our first meetings with the mediators after the contract was rejected. These two dates will be Nov. 19-20 just 2 days but much better than meeting for these 2 days next year. Don't expect much to get done this year with all the holidays, but it could get done IF the co. really wants to get it done. The ball is in their court. Theoretically they could even set more dates in Dec before the X-mas holiday. In reality I don't see anything getting done until next year like we have all said from the get go. These two meeting dates from what I have been told, will be more like introductions of the "new" company nego team and for them to get familiar with all the info. That's all BS as they could be doing that right now prior to meeting in Nov. by just getting with all the current team and going over notes.
Good luck Tim. I was being sarcastic about using our mediators, but know this, it will not speed things along any faster than before mediation. Matter fact pretty sure it will slow the pace down as it did in our case.
Well at least you admitted we will not have a great victory, we are making progress! :)
"Association Demands More"...ROTFLMAO!

I see they still ain't got the balls to sign their official correspondence.

Too funny! They demand!
Looks a really grueling mediation schedule!

I'm sure the first meeting on Oct 30 is just a meet and greet. "Hi, how are ya, see ya next year"

Rogallo is correct. Just as in our case when we first met it was a meet and greet, plus the mediator asked both sides what they were expecting to accomplish in mediation's, and what each side demands were. So yes basically a meet and greet and what both sides are looking for, as well as what are the remaining open items on the table.
M&M and all others, this is exactly what I meant by your nego's will in fact slow down from what you guys had before. The company knew this going into mediation. The mediators will simply only schedule about 2-3 days per month and that's it. You guys were meeting 3 times per month before with week long nego's accuring.
Now you guys can see why I have said it looks more like 2-4 years not sometime next year for you guys. Too many open items with some that will take the longest time to nego.
By using the mediation process, the company and the union will blame all stalls on the mediators as it is up to them to set dates. Same thing happened to us when we filed and they all averaged 2-3 days sometimes 1 day and sometimes nothing for 3 months.
You guys are in for a long haul. Sorry for that. And good luck.
FYI. You guys will probably see much less info coming from the table now that you guys are in mediation, if that is even possible from this asso....
WOW, look at the mediators schedule.
The two sides have 1 day to meet for the rest of the year. Even our negotiations had more meetings. Next year should be interesting. 3 days in January. 3 days in February. That should get a whole lot accomplished. At least the IAM pension and medical is safe for another year. Rest assured our 5 holidays and 1.5 OT multiplier is safe as well.
3 days are a little misleading. depending where they are scheduled, some weeks will only be 2 days or maybe 2.5 days so people can get back home to families, travel time.
This happened on a regular basis with us and our mediators.
BTW 1AA, which mediators did you guys end up with???
Normally yes i would say picketing has a marginal effect. The difference now is the stock is in the tank, numbers suck and the media is starting to notice. The flight attendants are grumbling, the pilots are coming up, if there is enough noise it will start to affect the stock price even more. Which will hit them in the pocket, which as we all know is the only thing they care about.
I dont know about MTC but with fleet they could threaten hundreds to thousands of job that are not covered under the contract.Im not saying they will but they could
Hey Tim, maybe, just maybe with the latest cuts in the NMB, they are waiting for us to get done with our mediators and they will send them your way to start up your mediated nego's? This way they won't have to send another team out into the field in the same area DFW metroplex.
We just received our first meetings with the mediators after the contract was rejected. These two dates will be Nov. 19-20 just 2 days but much better than meeting for these 2 days next year. Don't expect much to get done this year with all the holidays, but it could get done IF the co. really wants to get it done. The ball is in their court. Theoretically they could even set more dates in Dec before the X-mas holiday. In reality I don't see anything getting done until next year like we have all said from the get go. These two meeting dates from what I have been told, will be more like introductions of the "new" company nego team and for them to get familiar with all the info. That's all BS as they could be doing that right now prior to meeting in Nov. by just getting with all the current team and going over notes.
Good luck Tim. I was being sarcastic about using our mediators, but know this, it will not speed things along any faster than before mediation. Matter fact pretty sure it will slow the pace down as it did in our case.
The ball is definitely in the company's court. And they are just fine with continuing the bankrupt agreement for 70% of the MX and fleet. Their last best final offer was acceptable to secure an arbitrated decision since it offered far more scope than United. It only offered a cost positive of hundreds of millions due to record profits. But with the industry trending far downward now, I think the next offer will be less. Our union leaders gave the company 'seamlessness' for the merger, so there isn't any logical reason why management would really want to bother at all. It is raking it in paying millions less.
The ball is definitely in the company's court. And they are just fine with continuing the bankrupt agreement for 70% of the MX and fleet. Their last best final offer was acceptable to secure an arbitrated decision since it offered far more scope than United. It only offered a cost positive of hundreds of millions due to record profits. But with the industry trending far downward now, I think the next offer will be less. Our union leaders gave the company 'seamlessness' for the merger, so there isn't any logical reason why management would really want to bother at all. It is raking it in paying millions less.
Tim are we starting from scratch or are the items already TA'd done
Tim are we starting from scratch or are the items already TA'd done
That's up to the company. This is section 6. All of the past 4 years doesn't compel a company to negotiate. That said, the company would like to have a JCBA voted upon and it fully supported its last best final offer so I would assume that the company would agree to keep several of the TA's on the minor issues. But I've not received any communications involving Fly for a month or so. But I think the company is going to keep staying on high ground and not start laying off and closing stations. But at the end of the day, there really isn't anything left to negotiate. The company will either start by offering significantly less or the same. The problem isn't the company, but the union not willing to allow us to vote. The company believes we would support its offer and until the union shows the company, through a vote, that we don't, there simply remains no reason for the company to take our union serious.

And FWIW: the last best final offer will be voted in by 95% if it was allowed to be voted upon.
That's up to the company. This is section 6. All of the past 4 years doesn't compel a company to negotiate. That said, the company would like to have a JCBA voted upon and it fully supported its last best final offer so I would assume that the company would agree to keep several of the TA's on the minor issues. But I've not received any communications involving Fly for a month or so. But I think the company is going to keep staying on high ground and not start laying off and closing stations. But at the end of the day, there really isn't anything left to negotiate. The company will either start by offering significantly less or the same. The problem isn't the company, but the union not willing to allow us to vote. The company believes we would support its offer and until the union shows the company, through a vote, that we don't, there simply remains no reason for the company to take our union serious.

And FWIW: the last best final offer will be voted in by 95% if it was allowed to be voted upon.
It might surprise you how the vote will go, I thought ours would have paased or been close, but I was wrong, and these were guys that have not had a raise in 6 years.
I'm still waiting for the Association to play the "Leverage card" some of their soldiers on here say they possess.
I'm still waiting for the Association to play the "Leverage card" some of their soldiers on here say they possess.
I think the leverage was the attack mode that Peterson took with him when he left,wasn't going to mount to anything but a big embarassment for those who participated
I think the leverage was the attack mode that Peterson took with him when he left,wasn't going to mount to anything but a big embarassment for those who participated
You're probably right Al. If you watched that video, I think he is just as fed up with the Association as we are. They won't even return his calls.
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