American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Update from President Dale Danker – Negotiations

The company continues to be clear on their position on M&R Scope. They want the ability to outsource more heavy, line work and faculties maintenance in all locations. The company’s proposal would reduce base maintenance headcount by 2200, increase line outsourcing by 7% and totally destroy facilities maintenance scope. We want to maintain our current work and our current headcount. They make billions and it’s still not enough for them.

The company will continue to try to get all of us to take a bite of their sandwich. But until they give us the work and headcount we currently have it is a crap sandwich.
I understand completely the frustration of the length of this negotiation. I would love for all of us to be able to enjoy the good things we have already TA’d. My concern however is if we excepted their scope proposal people would retire and the company would not rehire. This would cause our friends that have been stuck on undesirable shifts for years to never gain the seniority to get to a better shift. We have to maintain our current headcount numbers.

Always work safe and IAW (in accordance with). Do not let anyone pressure you into doing inferior work.

Dale Danker
President TWU Local 514

Let' put it up for vote. I'm tired of losing tens of thousands of dollars every year for future headcount. Besides, the guys on undesirable shifts would prefer a contract now, than concern themselves with more hollow promises of no future layoffs - so they can work on a so called desirable shift.

This delay is all about the TWU and IAM holding out for future headcount guarantees for dues collection.

We have been dealing with this BS since before I started 33 years ago.

One decent contract in 33 years time, that's it. Didn't even last a year.
Let' put it up for vote. I'm tired of losing tens of thousands of dollars every year for future headcount. Besides, the guys on undesirable shifts would prefer a contract now, than concern themselves with more hollow promises of no future layoffs - so they can work on a so called desirable shift.

This delay is all about the TWU and IAM holding out for future headcount guarantees for dues collection.

We have been dealing with this BS since before I started 33 years ago.

One decent contract in 33 years time, that's it. Didn't even last a year.

Vort I’m not knocking what you want but I just need to ask this. Should the guys maybe back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s thought the same way and then maybe AA would only have a handful of line Maintenance jobs and that’s it?

If our past peers had thought the same way maybe we wouldn’t be working here ourselves today? Besides isn’t 2200 in the Bases just an awful lot of jobs to chuck in the can?

Again I’m not knocking what you want cause you’ve been here long enough to have earned the right to your opinion. I’m just wondering if you’ve ever thought about it from the angle I think of it sometimes?
Remember in 2010 when we heard, we need to vote this down and send them back to negotiate a better deal, RESTORE and MORE.........that was 9 years ago and still nothing.

And that was with a touchy feely management team, we now have a smashy testical management team.

2010 was a different time, a different airline and a different industry.

Since the merger they’ve made Billions in Profits, spent a fortune on Capital improvements, bought and least lots of Planes and wasted over 10 Billion Dollars on Stock Buybacks.

Not for nothing but seriously I could have sworn the old AA got all the work concessions they said they needed in the last Bankruptcy? And that goes for LUS too?

I don’t think at this time asking for the very least (the very least) to keep what we already have is an unrealistic or unreasonable request.
Don't know what group Vortilon is in, but I want in that group because im not expecting "tens of thousands" once Fleet signs a deal!
Don't know what group Vortilon is in, but I want in that group because im not expecting "tens of thousands" once Fleet signs a deal!
No for us with the double time and a half holdays and raise and another week vacation probaby more than 6k but then there is the dreaded AA insurance and the dues hike to pay for the unions raises
Vort I’m not knocking what you want but I just need to ask this. Should the guys maybe back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s thought the same way and then maybe AA would only have a handful of line Maintenance jobs and that’s it?

If our past peers had thought the same way maybe we wouldn’t be working here ourselves today? Besides isn’t 2200 in the Bases just an awful lot of jobs to chuck in the can?

Again I’m not knocking what you want cause you’ve been here long enough to have earned the right to your opinion. I’m just wondering if you’ve ever thought about it from the angle I think of it sometimes?
That was a different time where every airline did it’s own everything now we are in a time of contracting out everything we are very fortunate to be even asked to farm out only 7% of line. AA has planes all over the country and I would assume need to do overnight TI inspections on planes in out stations making the schedule more palatable during bad storms.

Just a guess.
2010 was a different time, a different airline and a different industry.

Since the merger they’ve made Billions in Profits, spent a fortune on Capital improvements, bought and least lots of Planes and wasted over 10 Billion Dollars on Stock Buybacks.

Not for nothing but seriously I could have sworn the old AA got all the work concessions they said they needed in the last Bankruptcy? And that goes for LUS too?

I don’t think at this time asking for the very least (the very least) to keep what we already have is an unrealistic or unreasonable request.

In 2010 about a year and a half after largest world recession we turned down a pay raise because it wasn’t restore and more.

I believe we are now experiencing airline executives who can no longer accept losses of tens of millions per quarter, and will have contracts in place that will carry them through bad years.

Unfortunately Tulsa still thinks this is the 90s where everybody will have days and weekends off and work in the seat shop before they retire. Not realizing or caring that people outside of Tulsa are working OT to help with daily expenses, saving for retirement sending kids to college. Not like Tulsa where they’re working OT to get that $60k pickup or new boat. I know I can just abandon my extended family my wife’s family and move to Tulsa.
Does the Union Represent current workers or future workers? Anyone worrying about futures jobs for people not on the property now are not thinking.
Does the Union Represent current workers or future workers? Anyone worrying about futures jobs for people not on the property now are not thinking.


If our past peers had thought the same way maybe we wouldn’t be working here ourselves today? Besides isn’t 2200 in the Bases just an awful lot of jobs to chuck in the can?

Not for nothing but seriously I could have sworn the old AA got all the work concessions they said they needed in the last Bankruptcy? And that goes for LUS too?
2010 was a different time, a different airline and a different industry.

Since the merger they’ve made Billions in Profits, spent a fortune on Capital improvements, bought and least lots of Planes and wasted over 10 Billion Dollars on Stock Buybacks.

Not for nothing but seriously I could have sworn the old AA got all the work concessions they said they needed in the last Bankruptcy? And that goes for LUS too?

I don’t think at this time asking for the very least (the very least) to keep what we already have is an unrealistic or unreasonable request.

Wasn’t that the year you transferred to MIA Weez?


If our past peers had thought the same way maybe we wouldn’t be working here ourselves today? Besides isn’t 2200 in the Bases just an awful lot of jobs to chuck in the can?

Not for nothing but seriously I could have sworn the old AA got all the work concessions they said they needed in the last Bankruptcy? And that goes for LUS too?

Old AA executives are long gone, failures who took the largest airline into bankruptcy with $4b in cash just to kill employees pension.

They were outmaneuvered by executives of a LCC that now have turned the New AA into a LCC hybrid that is now a cash cow. That doesn’t mean give the employees everything they want when times are good. They have a responsibility to manage airline through good and bad times. That doesn’t mean a FSC working in the pillow room making $30 an hour. Or an AMT cleaning coffee maker sensors in an air conditioned shop for $48 an hour.

These are new times. We are in the era of trump where going bankrupt is considered a business tool and unions are hated. No one will feel sympathy for us as we make $48 an hour.

I say get with the UPS contract.
No for us with the double time and a half holdays and raise and another week vacation probaby more than 6k but then there is the dreaded AA insurance and the dues hike to pay for the unions raises
Doesn’t work that way. Dues go up when your wages go up.
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