An open letter to FOX News

tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
Dear FOX News.

I'm taking this opportunity to write to you, to inform you, that as a Democrat for 48 years that we (as a party) are ultra rarely....flabergasted.....with things that effect us politically. We've had many "practice runs" over the years to get to "this" point. (The asassinations of JFK, RFK,MLK and Bill Clinton/Lewinsky come to mind) !

BUT, lo and behold, You and your Ilk have managed to TOP Anything that we have seen/experienced before, and you've done it (so far) within the last 24 hours. I give you your FOX and Friends AM show of this morning 1/20. Led by the segment cheerleader Gretchen Carlson, she quiried fellow Fox Reporter ..Chris Wallace (a better than average reporter in the business) if he thought that the question raised by CNN reporter John King (to NEWT) was reasonable. Mr Wallace replied that it was very much so. Incredulous, Ms Carlson vehemently disagreed. Knowing that Mr. Wallace is to Interview (this sunday) Speaker-of-the-house John Boehner, Ms Carlson opined "DON'T be embarrasing him" !

Shifting gears slightly here, long time award winning conservative writer Charles Krauthammer (today) opined in his editorial piece.......... "The GOP Suicide March", that (in so many words) that the majority of the GOP should congratulate itself...for a job "Well Done" :blink: for its acheivement in the following area. By bashing Mitt Romney for his success as 1 %er, they (GOP) have succeeded in highlighting the other 99%ers ! Quoting Mr. Krauthammer,..." If Mr. Obama is rewarded with 4 more years @ 1600, it won't be for anything he's done, but can be tied to the Greatest bunch of SELF DESTRUCTING adversaries ever assembled" !

Silly me, FOX News. Here I was all along thinking that YOU still advocate CAPITALISM @ any Cost !

A member of senior management @ the conservative publication the Evening Standard opined that, " Mr Gingrich's seeking forgiveness...ONLY removes Impediments pertaining to a clear road to Heaven, NOT 1600 Pennsylvania Ave " !

Back now to you fine individuals at FOX News, I fully expect you NOT to understand my "Summary", which is,..............we democrats have a fairly weak President seeking re-election. It is therefore paramount that you DO NOT STOP doing what you do Best, (along with "helpers" FOR Barack, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and your Boss @ Fox, that FAT disgusting looking BLOB Roger Ailes) assuring that we remain @ 1600 for 4 MORE years !

Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

The GOP. The gift that keeps on GIVING !

Life is Good/Lean Forward.
For publicly admitting you watch Fox News we are revoking your membership in the Democratic Party.
I have started watching FOX on a more regular basis. Some of their stuff is funny as hell. I don't watch Sustren or Oreilly. Reading any of Bills stuff makes me ill, hearing his voice is more than I can take. I just watch the other stuff to see what is on the republicans minds.

My real news sources are varied. Any thing of importance I try and verify through multiple sources.
All the main sources are. I think FOX and MSNBC are leading the pack but that is like saying leprosy is better than syphilis. All of them suck.
So what is your chosen news source? Just curious.

None to be honest. I tend to start out with NPR and CSM (Christian Science Monitor) and then branch out from there. If I see something interesting I do a web search on it and see what pops up. If it's a quote I try and find the transcripts or video to see if the quote is in context. If the topic is about the ME I'll take a look at Al Jazeera to see their take on it if I can find an article. After all is said an done if I can not find the original source as far as a quote is concerned, I try and apply a bit of logic to it. When I heard quotes of Bush's that portraied him as being anti American or saying something that just seemed hooky I assumed it was BS till proven other wise. While I did not like his politics I know he was doing what he felt was best for the US albeit misguided in my opinion. When Pelosi is quoted as saying you'll just have to wait till it's passed to see what it says, I knew it was a BS statement because she is a skilled politician and would not say something so stupid and low and behold she did not. Gore never said he created the internet either.
None to be honest. I tend to start out with NPR and CSM (Christian Science Monitor) and then branch out from there. If I see something interesting I do a web search on it and see what pops up. If it's a quote I try and find the transcripts or video to see if the quote is in context. If the topic is about the ME I'll take a look at Al Jazeera to see their take on it if I can find an article. After all is said an done if I can not find the original source as far as a quote is concerned, I try and apply a bit of logic to it. When I heard quotes of Bush's that portraied him as being anti American or saying something that just seemed hooky I assumed it was BS till proven other wise. While I did not like his politics I know he was doing what he felt was best for the US albeit misguided in my opinion. When Pelosi is quoted as saying you'll just have to wait till it's passed to see what it says, I knew it was a BS statement because she is a skilled politician and would not say something so stupid and low and behold she did not. Gore never said he created the internet either.

CNN/AllPolitics - Storypage, with TIME and Congressional Quarterly

Transcript: Vice President Gore on CNN's 'Late Edition'

March 9, 1999
Web posted at: 5:06 p.m. EST (2206 GMT)

GORE: Well, I will be offering -- I'll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.

But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I've traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

During a quarter century of public service, including most of it long before I came into my current job, I have worked to try to improve the quality of life in our country and in our world. And what I've seen during that experience is an emerging future that's very exciting, about which I'm very optimistic, and toward which I want to lead.

Why must we continue to prove over and again these false claims. I'll do this one. Go ahead and look up the Pelosi and save us all the time.

Snopes on Al Gore Internet claim.

Internet of Lies

Claim:   Vice-President Al Gore claimed that he "invented" the Internet.

Status:   False.

Origins:   Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way. The "Al Gore said he 'invented' the Internet" put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "Late Edition" program on 9 March 1999. When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part):
Why must we continue to prove over and again these false claims. I'll do this one. Go ahead and look up the Pelosi and save us all the time.

Snopes on Al Gore Internet claim.

You tell me.....

I think this proves your source to be spot on:

   [in-vent] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to originate or create as a product of one's own ingenuity, experimentation, or contrivance: to invent the telegraph.
to produce or create with the imagination: to invent a story.
to make up or fabricate (something fictitious or false): to invent excuses.
Archaic . to come upon; find.

   [in-vent] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to originate or create as a product of one's own ingenuity, experimentation, or contrivance: to invent the telegraph.
to produce or create with the imagination: to invent a story.
to make up or fabricate (something fictitious or false): to invent excuses.
Archaic . to come upon; find.

1. Background, environment, framework, setting, or situation surrounding an event or occurrence.

Read more:
1. Background, environment, framework, setting, or situation surrounding an event or occurrence.

Read more:

In the beginning, God invented the heavens and the earth.......

Gore is guilty.
In the beginning, God invented the heavens and the earth.......

Gore is guilty.
He said it.

To his credit, Al Gore has participated in advancing information technology.  When he was a senator, he supported funding for NSFNet through the High Performance Computing Act that became law in 1991.  He wrote guest columns for Byte magazine that reflected an appreciation of technology.  But even his supporters have to say that any notion of having created the Internet is tough to stomach.

According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old.  The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate.  It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet.  In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a "federal research center for educational computing to support an "information systems highway."  

We've never found any explanation by Gore as to why he made the claim, but he did have a sense of humor about it.  At a meeting of Democratic leaders, he said, " I was pretty tired when I made that comment because I had been up very late the night before inventing the camcorder."


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