Arlen Specter Commercial


Oct 10, 2003
Every US employee should be peeved at what is being shown in a commercial for Arlen Specters re-election campaign. The commercial describes how Arlen is fighting for jobs in Western Pennsylvania especially the USAirways jobs. How touching. Then they show a plane, not 1 but 2. And guess whos' plane it isn't?? USAIRWAYS ! ! ! They show UNITED AIRLINE planes. How embarrassing.

Guess we all have foreshadowing how dear Arlen is going to protect your jobs.

:( :shock: :down:

Yet another reason why I know I don't want him as my senator anymore.
Fortunately, or unfortunately if you prefer, I don't have the pleasure of voting for or against Spector since I don't live in PA. I do know that he tried to put language in the recently passed pension legislation that would have included our pilots in the bill (the effort to attach the amendment failed, by the way).

Maybe he figures more "civilians" are mad at us than support us.

Better than Kerry's remarks about it better for this place to go under and let 48,000 be out of work than let hte merger with UAL go through.
At the end, Arlen says that he 'authorized' the commercial. I guess that means that he put all of his trust in his supporters..........and they messed it up for him............
i see arlen now flys Uair express.i saw his new commercial just yesterday.
or was his use of United a/c a hint of the impending UCT? <_<
flyin2low said:
At the end, Arlen says that he 'authorized' the commercial. I guess that means that he put all of his trust in his supporters..........and they messed it up for him............
The campaign authorized the commercial. Often the candidate will never even see what is run on TV, placed in the paper, or aired on the radio.
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ITRADE said:
The campaign authorized the commercial. Often the candidate will never even see what is run on TV, placed in the paper, or aired on the radio.
That may be the case, but and it's a big BUT, whoever created the commercial should have done his or her homework to find out which frigging airline acutally flies out of Arlen's home state 99% of the time.

Personally, if I were Arlen, I'd fire that fool and have a new commercial made. By showing another airline in the commercial it shows a total lack of respect for the employees of US. That's my opinion. BTW, I emailed the Arlen Spectore re-election campaign website and informed them of this big faux pas and I have not heard 1 word from this Senator's staff. I know I am not voting for him. I don't need or want him as a Senator in my state anymore.
For what it's worth, Spector tried to add language to the latest pension reform bill that would have covered our pilots. He wasn't successful, but at least he tried.
