Specter: "he's A Scoundrel"


Jan 27, 2003
The following is a conversation between a friend and Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. This past Sunday, my friend was onboard his Delta flight from Atlanta to Pittsburgh. The friend is a spouse of a US Airways pilot based in PIT. This conversation took place at the Delta baggage claim in PIT.

(After hand shakes and introductions)

Friend: Senator Specter is US Airways going to stay in PIT?

Specter: We certainly hope so.

Friend: US Airways employees here in PIT are on pins and needles waiting for something to happen. My spouse is a pilot with the company, has 18 years. We may have to move if they close down the hub. I don't want to move. We already moved from the West Coast for this company. We like it here.

Specter: How many kids do you have and how long have you been married?

Friend: Three kids, 15 years married.

Specter: Where would you go?

Friend: Charlotte.

Specter: Well, we're hopeful to get to an agreement. I am not happy with how things are not progressing. They've been dilly dallying. I am planning on putting on some pressure this week to move things along.

Friend: You mean Seigel?

Specter: Yes. He's a scoundrel. I won't say that publicly, but he has not dealt in good faith.

Friend: You have 28,000 employees that would agree with you on that.

Specter: There are a lot of people's lives like your family that are left hanging because of this man. He's a scoundrel. The way Rick (Santorum), Tim and I went to bat for him during bankruptcy. We feel betrayed. The way the whole thing played out when they emerged from bankruptcy. He didn't even call me to let me know. I gave him my weekend phone number. He should have called. He called Monday morning after the fact. It was dirty.

Friend: He has never dealt in good faith. Ask any employee. My spouse took a 60% paycut and lost the pension. He cannot be trusted.

Specter: Its unfortunate that he lied to the pilots the way he did.

Friend: If you make a deal with him make sure he doesn't try to trade mainline jobs for low paying regional jet jobs. That's his plan you know.

Specter: Yes, I've heard.

Friend: I am glad you have him figured out.

Specter: Believe me, we aren't going to let him get away with it again.

Friend: Thanks Senator.
Thank you Airlineorphan. The other 39% of the airline that arent working seem to be widely forgotten. I spoke with a flight attendant on a flight who was under the impression that there were only voluntary furloughs and no invols. Clueless. She then proceeded to complain about how she cant even touch Rome anymore.
Well Spake Senator Spector, well spake.

He has davey's number immediately, doesn't he?

Aye, a scoundrel he is at that! :down:
golden1 said:
Well Spake Senator Spector, well spake.

He has davey's number immediately, doesn't he?

Aye, a scoundrel he is at that! :down:
someone get "flyonthewall" to log on!! :up: :up:
For what it's worth, having a politician call someone a scoundrel is like having an airline captain call another captain an airline pilot ... the two are one in the same in my book.
With the way "Dave & Co" have been burning bridges lately I sure hope he never needs any more help from any political leaders in the near future! If he does he is going to be like the majority of employee's(past & present).S.O.L.!!!!!!!
USFlyer said:
For what it's worth, having a politician call someone a scoundrel is like having an airline captain call another captain an airline pilot ... the two are one in the same in my book.
I would say Mr. Specter’s public record shows who the true scoundrel is! Dave is all for Dave and his pockets, he is full of arrogance, showing no signs of a truly mature CEO. The fact that everything he says can't be believed shows he's a little man. His record in history will sit beside all the other hacks of corporate America
Thank you Airlineorphan. The other 39% of the airline that arent working seem to be widely forgotten. I spoke with a flight attendant on a flight who was under the impression that there were only voluntary furloughs and no invols. Clueless. She then proceeded to complain about how she cant even touch Rome anymore.

Moderators, I realize this is a little tangential, but it's an important tangent......


I agree. It is amazing how many people have forgotten about the thousands who were kicked to the curb. And even more amazing when our sisters and brothers who are still at work are unaware that it's not all VF's! I've been complaining to folks in AFA leadership for some time that they need to do what ALPA does: List the number of f/a's who are on furlough in every e-line. I know the PHL AFA president has reported on this in her PHL LEC E-Lines, but it really needs to be done at the MEC level.

Can someone please do something about this? I always assumed that this has been a leftover from disastrous Lenosky administration that never got cleaned up because everyone in AFA leadership was so swamped with the restructuring blitzkrieg and the blizzard of contract violations that swiftly followed it. I understand that, but this is a vital piece of membership education that needs to be addressed.

Of course if our erstwhile coworkers would do well to pay attention to the whole enchilada and not simply be "all about me!"

In solidarity,
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Here's a copy of a letter that was sent to Senator Specter by "Friend".

[email protected]

Dear Senator Specter

It was a pleasure talking with you this past Sunday (9/7/03) at the Delta
Air Lines baggage claim area in Pittsburgh. I thoroughly enjoyed your
insight into the US Airways/Pittsburgh hub situation. In particular, your
summation of US Airways' CEO David Siegel was right on target.

The state of Pennsylvania cannot afford to be held hostage to one man's lack
of integrity. As I discussed, my spouse has been with US Airways as a
pilot for eighteen years. *&^ like the rest of the 28,000 active employees
(and 19,000 furloughed employees) helped build US Airways. In his nineteen
months at US Airways, David Siegel has done his best to tarnish
long-standing relationships that Allegheny/USAir/US Airways built with the
state of Pennsylvania over the past 60 years. This has been detrimental to
the employees in the Pittsburgh area. It is bad enough to have your pay,
benefits and pension slashed, but now many of us face having to uproot our
families and move out of state.

Senator Specter, it has been suggested by many employees and business
leaders that the state of Pennsylvania not give in to David Siegel's
demands. If the state of Pennsylvania grants any monetary assistance to US
Airways there should be a clause in the agreement to demand the termination
of David Siegel in order to receive such funds. US Airways employees,
Pennsylvania residents, and government leaders such as yourself deserve to
deal with corporate leaders that have a high degree of integrity. As long
as David Siegel is at the helm of US Airways, integrity will be absent in
any dealings with US Airways.

I appreciate your time in reading this letter.



Friend says feel free to use parts of this letter as a template for any correspondence with the senator.

Have to add my 2 pennies in this peice.

The entire PA delegation is on to this team's "lack of honor" , lack of credibility and disingenueousness. They are so well aware of what they have done to the employees of U; our suffering, and our broken spirits. This all will follow this management team for the rest of their careers. Presently, doesn't help the employees of U, cause we are stuck with them until they move on willingly or forced.

All we can do, is gather all the support from the state leadership and public on the outside,from the state to the federal level, to help us here at U survive these guys and NOT let them beat us down.

You must trust when I say, the PA delegation is on board with the employees of U.
They know very well what is at stake and how far they will allow this to go with this management.

This management will NOT receive all they want, and whatever they do receive, IF they receive it, will be in writing, with shared risk, and "MAINLINE".

We need to stick closely together, all groups, Pax too, at all cost, no matter what.
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PitBULL et all,
here is the definition for Specter's term of Siegel as a "Scoundrel"

scoun·drel [ skówndrəl ] (plural scoun·drels)


villain: somebody who behaves dishonorably toward other people

[Late 16th century. Origin unknown.]

Is it not perfectly clear that David Siegel is person non grata with the big guys in Washington and Harrisburg? It should be clear as a bell to "Daddy Warbucks" in Alabama that his chosen one has become a liability to the company. Mr. Bronner if you are reading this think long and hard. Is this what you want political leaders to think of your investment? Do that right thing, replace Siegel ASAP.
How come if "FRIEND's" husband is a US pilot, she was flying Delta? Doesn't make sense now does it?
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Friend was flying home from Sao Paulo. US doesn't fly to Brazil. Also, you're assuming this person is female. Why does everyone assume airline pilots are male?