Atlanta, Southside Terminal ?


Aug 26, 2002
What is all this I hear about a New Atlanta Southside Terminal? I heard ASA might get it, I also heard AirTran might get it. Any info on this project? I would hope either AirTran gets it, or takes over C Concourse and sends ASA that way. Good either way.
I think the southside terminal is still in the planning stages. The only thing that is for sure is the runway. Which will be finished in 2005. Either ASA gets the new concourse and Airtran gets all of C concourse or ASA is getting all of C concourse and Airtran gets the new terminal. I think the new terminal will have 40-50 gates. You can go to the ATL Airport website and it has the plans on the website.
The most logical plan is for Airtran and possibly everyone on D to move to the new terminal with ASA and DL taking over C and D. ASA in the new terminal would be a poor choice for connection reasons. I am suprised at the location for the new hangar. I thought between the current south runway and the new one would have made a more convienent place if you consider the new south terminal. The master plan shows hangars in this space. Getting an airplane from DLNTC to the south terminal will be harder.
I think it all depends on how many gates the Southside Terminal has when built. If it only has 31 gates (thats what the current plan shows), then only Airtran would be sent over (and I'm not sure 31 gates would even be enough for Airtran). Allowing DL to take over the rest of C and everything else remains status quo.

If the Southside terminal is bigger, say 60 gates, then you could move both Airtran and the Others (US,CO,NW,F9,etc) over there. Of course, alliances might play a role as well. US might want to be closer to UAL if they ally and CO/NW wouldn't want to be moved if they end up partners with DL.
On 9/19/2002 3:45:49 AM DalMD88 wrote:

The most logical plan is for Airtran and possibly everyone on D to move to the new terminal with ASA and DL taking over C and D. ASA in the new terminal would be a poor choice for connection reasons. I am suprised at the location for the new hangar. I thought between the current south runway and the new one would have made a more convienent place if you consider the new south terminal. The master plan shows hangars in this space. Getting an airplane from DLNTC to the south terminal will be harder.

Not entirely. AirTran will probably want at least 40 gates, with at least 10 for larger(738-757) aircraft. The airport will probably give in to AirTran, especially if FL decides to move its HQ to ATL.

Right now it is hard to tell for sure. Who knows what size either airline will be when the terminal is completed.
Just curious: Is this proposed Southside Terminal on or near the site of the 1961 Jet Age terminal that was torn down in the early '80s after the current (1981) Midfield Terminal opened?
I don't have George Cearley's Atlanta airport history to look at, and my mind is hazy as to which side of the field the old '60s/'70s terminal was on...
On 9/19/2002 12:28:00 PM DLFlyer31 wrote:

I think it all depends on how many gates the Southside Terminal has when built. If it only has 31 gates (thats what the current plan shows), then only Airtran would be sent over (and I'm not sure 31 gates would even be enough for Airtran). Allowing DL to take over the rest of C and everything else remains status quo.

If the Southside terminal is bigger, say 60 gates, then you could move both Airtran and the Others (US,CO,NW,F9,etc) over there. Of course, alliances might play a role as well. US might want to be closer to UAL if they ally and CO/NW wouldn't want to be moved if they end up partners with DL.

What I could see happening is that the airlines in D move out to the new one, ASA gets D-North, which is larger than C-South, AirTran gets C- and D-north. Depending on setup of south terminal, maybe the airlines in T might go(If the customer convenience is still there as it was for the T airlines) giving DL more gates in T, and everybody is happy.
I think one thing is for sure, I don't see ASA going to the southside. It really would be a mess for connections trying to go from the concourses to the south side or vice versa.
No, the old Jet Age terminal was where the Renaissance hotel is now. The new Southside terminal will to the West of the Northwest hangar and new cargo buildings. I loaned my Cearley book on ATL last year and never got it back.
On 9/20/2002 3:55:29 PM gr8slvrflt wrote:

No, the old Jet Age terminal was where the Renaissance hotel is now. The new Southside terminal will to the West of the Northwest hangar and new cargo buildings. I loaned my Cearley book on ATL last year and never got it back.
