Yea, but Little and Drummond And Gless say we need to get this contract done! They too want us locked in for 6 years.
Locked in for 6 long years? YEAH its true. Read the scope clause in the new TA.
No change in working conditions, pay, and work rules until 2018 at the end of the contract.
Merger or no merger, makes no diff.
So if AA merges with US, our brothers over there will be making more than us with much better medical until 2018. But, hey, someone said that if a new union takes over, then they can file to reopen the existing contract in 6 months. Is this just a bunch of bolongna? And why would the co. OK any of that with the history making concessions which would gaurantee huge yearly profits for the new company?
They would just be using the same ol' foot dragging strategy of the past just to keep the staus quo alive and well.
Interesting that the pilots vote deadline is the same for M&R. Gee, I wonder who arranged that? So we can't use the pilots decision to help us decide. Great.
OK, if the judge abrogates, the co. slaps us with the terms, or anything else they can devise.
Then take the hit, and wait for merger mania. I wonder about the terms of the TWU/US agreement.
How many AMT's would like the idea of OSM in the hangar? Well, per TA, its 25% of total base Title 1 numbers, and do the math people!!!!! It comes out to about
1100 max. new OSM in the hangar, using today's senority list numbers. The new OSM will be making lots less for doing AMT work. Think of the millions in savings over the life of the 6 yr. contract, plus setting a new anti-AMT precedent in the industry. Vote YES and the new OSM will make $10,000 less per year.
Vote NO and the new OSM will make $22,500 less per year. Add huge increases to medical copays and coinsurance and we are talking about a HUGE paycut here!!!! But with continued negotiations and US waiting in the hallway, there is pressure on the co. to deal.
OK, now talking about 7 day coverage for whole maint. base. Takes more heads right? Will co. just increase headcount with new OSM's? 1100 is a huge number. What would you do if you were in the beancounter's shoes?
Food for thought. Someone said, if we give up benefits and they are gone forever. Its a hard decision to make. How would you convince a fence-sitter?