Birth Control

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  • #151
I am sure that the Republican chairmen of several committees will now come out with many women refuting Ms. Fluke's testimony.

Funny you mention that. If Pelosi would have vetted Fluke and her facts, this whole issue could have gone a different avenue, but that is what this issue was never intended.
Seems after some digging it has been found out that those birth control drugs are in fact technically covered by Georgetown's insurance for non pregnancy conditions, from Flukes own testimony.
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  • #152
That EFFEMINATE lil' man..................DICK Morris is Opening his MOUTH at the wrong time. :ph34r:

Tommy can you hear me?

Opening his mouth at the wrong time?

Reality can sometimes be a freaky looking ####. :lol:

Obama is so low on cash he isn't giving campaigns any cash.
Obama is doing a couple fundraisers (2) and that's it, dems are on their own.
Obama's not doing any campaigning for them either.
So how are they going to take back the house?

It is what it is Tom, bend over and grab your socks.

Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Uncle Ernie's at the door Tommy.
Her expectation that the rest of us take over a portion of the costs associated with her lifestyle is both self centered and not in keeping with the notion that with Individual Liberty comes INDIVIDUAL Responsibility

Remind us all how are "the rest of us" paying part of her tab?

Guess it's a good thing no one ask me how I felt about paying for a 30 year old female college student's, who's dishing out $50,000 tuition fees a year and wanting me to pay for her contraceptives, so she can play hide the salami whenever she want's !

Would rather pay a one time fee, getting people like her, tubes tied to help weed out "The Entitlement Element" of our society !


Actually, the less people ask you about anything, the better.

Do you really think she's throwing down 50k upfront each August?

Let's do some "Empty Suit math". BC Pills according to MS Fluke work out to about $19.23/wk. When the Empty Suit took office gas was $1.90 now it's doubled to $3.80. Food Stamp guidelines for a single person is $152/ month and a 25% increase is $38/mo. So if Ms Fluke uses 5.5 gallons of gas a week, at current Empty Suit Prices plus the $38 increase in food, The Empty Suit POTUS stole her contraception money. This is exactly how the horse's ass President steals from each of us daily.

That's quite a leap you're making, Sparrow.

Point of order: Who drives in DC?
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  • #154
Wonder when Sandra is going to come out?

Prior to her statements to congressional Democrats, did Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke have any prior connection to Obama administration officials?

Did the congresswomen who pushed Fluke’s testimony coordinate with a marketing and polling outfit that recently conducted a survey to determine whether contraception mandates can become a possible presidential election issue?

According to some reports, it was Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., who pushed for Fluke’s testimony. Maloney also initiated the call for Fluke to sue Rush Limbaugh for his on-air derogatory remark about Fluke, according to the Daily Beast.

Maloney is tied to a progressive pollster, Celinda Lake, who recently ran extensive polling in an effort to gauge voters’ reactions to including birth control or contraception in insurance coverage.

Lake heads Lake Research, which lists both Maloney and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as recent clients.

During the hearing, Maloney thanked Pelosi “for bringing Sandra (Fluke) to this hearing and for your commitment to these issues that are so important to tens of millions of women and men across our country.”

More possible Obama ties?

This week, faculty members, staff and students of Georgetown University Law Center and other law schools signed a statement that “strongly condemn the recent personal attacks on our student.”

One signatory was Georgetown Law Professor Rosa Brooks, who served from 2009 until June 2011 as the Obama administration’s adviser to Michelle Fluornoy, the undersecretary of defense for policy, a position described as one of the most influential in the Pentagon.

Brooks serves as faculty director of Georgetown Law School’s Human Rights Institute. Brooks may have worked with Fluke, who co-founded a campus committee addressing human trafficking, according to her Georgetown bio

Brooks previously served as special counsel to the president at billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute. She has consulted for Human Rights Watch and served as a board member of Amnesty International USA.

Another close Obama associate, John Podesta, is currently the visiting professor of law Georgetown.

Podesta is chairman of the Center for American Progress, which is influential in helping to craft Obama administration policy. Podesta co-directed Obama’s transition into the White House in 2008.

Georgetown is not in DC. If you take 5 gallons of gas with a normal car you're talking between 100 and 120 miles per week and you can burn through that in a heartbeat anyplace. At a 100 miles a week it would be less then the national average by more than half. Besides with her legs in the air as much as she claims she probably drives to/from his place.

There is NO STRETCH. Last time I looked Obama was President and gas has doubled and Groceries have risen 25% under his "Leadership". His policies have led us to the commodity inflation we have today. It's also interesting to note that if you took the value of the silver contained in a pre 1964 dime, that dimes silver value would be roughly equal to a gallon of gas.

When government becomes involved in an Industry prices rise. Like say Insurance Premiums for Health Care. So each of us pays double. Yet another hidden tax courtesy of the Back Bench Junior Senator posing a President.
Uh, since when?

And again; remind us how we're all (as taxpayers) directly paying for this student's contraception.

Really don't care whether she's throwing down $50 grand a year or $5 bucks a year for tuition, some of us don't want to pay for play time !

So who do you think she wants to pay directly or indirectly for this "So-called" student's contraception ? I seem to remember paying for my own !
Uh, since when?

And again; remind us how we're all (as taxpayers) directly paying for this student's contraception.

I just did READ! and My Bad Georgetown is on the DC side of the River. Got it confused with Arlington, VA

If as a Government I step into an industry an become the Payer of last resort and ultimately the Payer directly or indirectly of about 50% for the nations Health Care cost prior of Empty Suit Care then this puts upward price pressure on EVERYONE'S Insurance Premiums. So you pay MORE due to the actions of your Government.

Secondly, When you have Commodity Inflation brought on by massive and growing debt you additionally inflate the cost of EVERYTHING. Then to make it worse, the Empty Suit isn't merely content to just go into debt so they crank up the print money out of thin air further devaluing the spending power of YOUR paycheck, And just for shits and giggles we have the Fed Policies of QE1 and QE2 buying up bad debt. A practice from which Japan has yet to recover from. All of these combined raise the cost of living. Now tell me if it affects Warren Buffet or you more?

This is why the 1% are getting richer. Government bailouts rob from the poor and give to the rich. The rich in turn back The Empty Suit and then it's BOHICA time all over again.
Tommy can you hear me?

Opening his mouth at the wrong time?

Reality can sometimes be a freaky looking ####. :lol:

Obama is so low on cash he isn't giving campaigns any cash.
Obama is doing a couple fundraisers (2) and that's it, dems are on their own.
Obama's not doing any campaigning for them either.
So how are they going to take back the house?

It is what it is Tom, bend over and grab your socks.

Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Uncle Ernie's at the door Tommy.

dell, IMO, I don't expect to re-take the "House"
B U T,
There will be NO changes @ 1600 or the Senate, except a few MORE D's !!!

As far as 16' is concerned, I'll be retired, living smack dab on the US/Canada border, with (hopefully) dual citizenship !!!!!!!!!!
Perfect argument for tubal ligation, instead of we don't populate the planet with more like these, that are parasites on the system and will always be parasites on the system and that once they receive entitlements, believe they should receive said entitlements forever , no matter the situation !

"Michigan woman still collecting food stamps after winning $1 million lottery !"
Adlocating invasive surgery over medication. Breaking brilliant.

Sex is a.part of being human. Birth control not only is the most reliable and safest method of birth control but it is also used to treat a number of other medical problems.

Aside from that if the religious right is even a.little sincere about reducing abortions they should be.all over this. The fact that they are not shows their true colors.

On top of all thatyou have the cost factor. The insurance companies are Thing far more for a pregnancy than for a condom. In fact i bet you can probably pick up quite a few condoms for the price of a pregnancy.

Then you have the fact that the use of contraceptives allows women control over their sexuality.

I.can see no reason why all meds should be covered by insurance but a fundamental medicine for women to low control their life is not.
Adlocating invasive surgery over medication. Breaking brilliant.

Sex is a.part of being human. Birth control not only is the most reliable and safest method of birth control but it is also used to treat a number of other medical problems.

Aside from that if the religious right is even a.little sincere about reducing abortions they should be.all over this. The fact that they are not shows their true colors.

On top of all thatyou have the cost factor. The insurance companies are Thing far more for a pregnancy than for a condom. In fact i bet you can probably pick up quite a few condoms for the price of a pregnancy.

Then you have the fact that the use of contraceptives allows women control over their sexuality.

I.can see no reason why all meds should be covered by insurance but a fundamental medicine for women to low control their life is not.

I'm in total agreement just so long as not one tenth of one cent of government money is involved. Government needs to get back within it boundaries and then ALL things are possible.
I'm in total agreement just so long as not one tenth of one cent of government money is involved. Government needs to get back within it boundaries and then ALL things are possible.

As far as i am aware we are talking about insurance companies and premiums no tax dollars are involved. Religious institutions them.selves are exempt but not their subsidiaries such as schools or hospitals which is what prompted this.whole argument as far as i am aware.

As an aside. I am sure if men needed the meds it would be covered just the way ED drug are covered. Men seem to make the rules and they have been screwing over women from day one.