Brrrrr... Its sure is cold.....

So, the question is: is 9987 fixed or not? Still showing AOS as of 0100 Central.

No it is not fixed and is still on AOS. We are indeed having difficulties. The tape issue was a serious set back because by the time we finally got it all off we then discovered, on engine start, that we had a bad start valve. Of course there is not one here so we had to order one. Problem was there were no more flights coming here. We finally get our part and do an engine run up. Now the engine won't develop full thrust take off power. Guess what, we don't have a rig pin. I suggested a drill bit and got a somewhat odd look from our inspector. Now we are waiting on a rig pin. As far as the engine removal and installation went it was done in twelve hours. I know that Hackman that is a horrible time to do that job in but I am quiet pleased with it considering the cold, winds and the huge crane they had here for us. That time also includes racking the old engine for transport.

Is what I do not understand is why didn't they ferry this aircraft to DTW or MSP?

This is the second day Kev.

The airport here offers free wi-fi, I think that is pretty cool.
No it is not fixed and is still on AOS.

Is what I do not understand is why didn't they ferry this aircraft to DTW or MSP?
NO parts, NO tooling, and NO incoming flights? does NWA not understand AOG? .....yep sounds like a well ran operation alright. hey but all things are smooth and normal over at the RED TAIL :lol: :lol: :lol:
Is what I do not understand is why didn't they ferry this aircraft to DTW or MSP?

It is. Right after you fix it. Did you make the 1000 ETR?

This is the second day Kev.

MX called for a road trip on the afternoon of the 17th; that's what I based my numbers on (yes, I'm assuming you didn't start until later that night or first thing on the 18th.)

The airport here offers free wi-fi, I think that is pretty cool.

Which you've clearly taken advantage of.

NO parts, NO tooling, and NO incoming flights? does NWA not understand AOG? .....yep sounds like a well ran operation alright. hey but all things are smooth and normal over at the RED TAIL :lol: :lol: :lol:

GRR has tons of flights; maybe the last RON flight was already in the gate....

As for AOG's, who could blame the stock clerks for being,ahem, less than cooperative?
It is. Right after you fix it. Did you make the 1000 ETR?
I think so, I think we even had a little bit of time to spare.

MX called for a road trip on the afternoon of the 17th; that's what I based my numbers on (yes, I'm assuming you didn't start until later that night or first thing on the 18th.)

Someone had said the aircraft had been sitting there for three days before we arrived. That seems like an awful long time to me. We didn't get started on the aircraft until ten p.m. on the 19th. Its all done and over with now. I had a really great time out there. I was also really surprised at the genuine support we were given by the rampers. That is a really good bunch of guys up there and we appreciated their support and willingness to help. It seemed that everyone at the airport and the restaurants in the area knew we were there "to fix that plane with the bad engine." I thought it was pretty comical apparently there is not a lot going on up there.
How many days for a 9 engine change??? I can recall several road trips that the engine was done and back in service in under 12 hrs. Inside a hangar with the crane about 4. Sounds like you are working for a well oiled machine!! No roadtrip engine change kit? No about torque wrenches...use them? Bother to trim the motors? You know it is possible to manually open the start valve :p BTW congrats on getting hired full time and becoming a real airline mechanic!!!
So tell me PTO why wouldnt someone with all your vast knowledge just remove the start valve from the old engine serviceable and install it? You do know how to do that dont you or was it not covered in your scab training class? Of course someone with your knowledge certainly wouldnt have loaded the old engine on the truck and sent it on its way before you were done with your engine change i'm sure. BTW maybe you should have stowed the part power stops before attempting take off power :up:
How many days for a 9 engine change??? I can recall several road trips that the engine was done and back in service in under 12 hrs. Inside a hangar with the crane about 4.

I bet that hangar was really nice, we did this one one the ramp in minus 9 degrees and 30 to 35 mph winds. You guys can dog this trip all you want. I am going to chalk this one up as a great learning experience. Other than the glitches we ran into, the engine change was done in 12 hrs. We also had a crane, a monsterous bastard that could have probably lifted the whole damn plane. Ever pulled an engine with 50 foot of cable in 30 mph winds? I think we did very well considering the circumstances.
So tell me PTO why wouldnt someone with all your vast knowledge just remove the start valve from the old engine serviceable and install it? You do know how to do that dont you or was it not covered in your scab training class?

Yes Chas I do know how to do that and would have if... :huh:

Of course someone with your knowledge certainly wouldnt have loaded the old engine on the truck and sent it on its way before you were done with your engine change i'm sure.

we hadn't loaded the old engine and sent it on its way before the engine change was complete. :rolleyes: I just couldn't see keeping that truck there for another 3.5 hrs while I peeled, scrapped and rubbed tape off the engine inlet. ;)

BTW maybe you should have stowed the part power stops before attempting take off power :up:

Yes we did all of that but with the fuel controller out of rig we couldn't adjust for the cold weather settings.
The original ETR was yesterday (the 20th), by the way.

I did not know that. I wonder why they let it sit there so long before calling in a crew. We should have been done on the 20th but with the unforeseen glitches we did fall behind. I do agree that we should have been more prepared. The next time this opportunity comes up I will make sure I am involved in the planning process before we leave.

The MAPS went around asking for volunteers to make this trip, I thought that was strange. I would think that they would already have a list of people pre set up for go teams for situations such as this. When I joined up with the crew for this trip the truck was already loaded. They had a Herman Nelson in the back that we took up there, turns out it didn't work. It turned out to be a challenging trip that I learned a great deal from. I hope I have more opportunities for such trips.

Hey "Hack",

DTW is like "Puerto rico", compared to MSP !

But yea, I agree with you.
I think those "red neck *ricks" (by a tiny margin), hate the cold WORSE than "yankees" and unions.

Hate to break it to ya guys, but I'm loving this cold. I grew up in NW Michigan, am a proud member of the polar bear club, worked in Alaska at -40 below, and used to teach cold weather survival in the Corps. This feels downright balmy to me!


Why don't you go to NY, or Philly, and (try) to cross the Subway Workers Picket line !!

Let me know how you make out !!!

I'm not sure I understand your post. Are you saying the hardworking and honorable transit workers would knowingly violate a persons constitutional right to go where he pleases? Or worse yet, that they would resort to violence? I was under the impression that only evil corperations and republicans undertook such dastardly acts!

GRR has tons of flights; maybe the last RON flight was already in the gate....

As for AOG's, who could blame the stock clerks for being,ahem, less than cooperative?
GOD, why couldnt I have gone on this road trip....I grew up not far from there! See what they got over at northern, or amway....those guys are pretty well set.
What NHBB is saying why dont you go and replace the folks at Transit in NY when they were out on strike. I bet you wouldnt survive day one if they had replaced them with scabs such as you. I highly doubt that the strikers would resort to violence.