Brrrrr... Its sure is cold.....

Hackman, please tell me that this isn't it. This is almost beach weather. Do not tell me that this was AMFA's last grand stand hope, that the weather was going to run us off. :lol: Boy I do hope the pilots have it together a lot more than AMFA did. If not maybe they can hope for hurricane force winds that cover the whole country that will only affect NWA aircraft.
it may be nice up there for now, but you still got FEB and Mar to go thru. and Iam sure it can get quite cold as it does here in PA!

There is no union nonsense. you will never ever understand anything about the unions because you are a union hater and a big time scab at that!

As NHBB would say

YOU are a POS scab
robbed, if you are not a foreign national are you one of those people that are hired through a company on a government subsidized work program?



Well I don't know ANYTHING about "robber again".
I DO KNOW 1 thing !!

"Robbed" IS NOT a (POS) INFESTATION of a SCAB !!!!!!!!!!

Think about how BAD your car smelled, the last time you hit a SKUNK,or drove over SKUNK road kill.
(Do you "catch my DRIFT PTO" ????????????

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Hackman, please tell me that this isn't it. This is almost beach weather. Do not tell me that this was AMFA's last grand stand hope, that the weather was going to run us off. :lol: Boy I do hope the pilots have it together a lot more than AMFA did. If not maybe they can hope for hurricane force winds that cover the whole country that will only affect NWA aircraft.
No 'Cods, no where near what it should be on the temp or snow gauge. I was just up to go sledding in U.P. and didn't go because there is no snow and none of the lakes and rivers are safe to ride on. The first time I have ever seen it this bad in my lifetime. I hope to god its just a fluke, because this summer is going to be brutal if it stays like this.

If the weather won't run the scabs off, hopefully the rogue Scab Air management will piss the pilots and the FA's off on the 17th and they walk. It doesn't look good for you scab losers. :D
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Welcome aboard CSAR GYRENE, if more NWA scabs continue to come here we can have some real aviation discussions and put an end to all this union nonsense.
Yeah 'Cods, your extensive experience in aviation and air carriers has been so enlightening this far.

The only nonsensical moronic fluff is the 1575 PlaytheCods posts in 5 months from your scab hotel room. Your time is coming in the barrel 'Cods ...your just too ignorant to see it. I can't wait. ;)
Hackman, please tell me that this isn't it. This is almost beach weather. Do not tell me that this was AMFA's last grand stand hope, that the weather was going to run us off. :lol: Boy I do hope the pilots have it together a lot more than AMFA did. If not maybe they can hope for hurricane force winds that cover the whole country that will only affect NWA aircraft.
How was the "beach weather" in DTW today PTO? Or are you still on your "under the managers desk negotiated" leave of absence?
It was 20 below with the wind chill in my neck of the woods and deicing a frozen bus in that is not exactly my idea of a day at the beach.
It was very comfortable and refreshing. I think it was 28 today a very nice temp. for these parts. I have three days off coming up I think I'll go see what is happening at Breckenridge. No under the desk arrangements being made here. You just don't seem to understand at will employment is all.

Hackman that just goes to show how little you pay attention.
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It was very comfortable and refreshing. I think it was 28 today a very nice temp. for these parts. I have three days off coming up I think I'll go see what is happening at Breckenridge. No under the desk arrangements being made here. You just don't seem to understand at will employment is all.

Hackman that just goes to show how little you pay attention.
When it comes to your scab B.S. you are right on 'Cods, I don't pay much attention to your posts, along with so many others here.

Ignorance and cowardice are not what draws my attention unless its to disprove your constant scab blather. Taking a Scab Air beer can to ski? Might not want the family with you... in case something happens with the scab maintained junker. ;)
Why are you having so many problems accepting the fact that your ScabAir isn't as bad off as you would like to believe? Northwest is on the right track of making this a competitive company that will survive long into the future. The only thing that can stop that is if the people continue to follow these foolish unions. I hope the pilots do strike and that NWA is prepared to replace them just as effectively as the mechanics. What kind of blow would that be to you precious unions?
Why are you having so many problems accepting the fact that your ScabAir isn't as bad off as you would like to believe? Northwest is on the right track of making this a competitive company that will survive long into the future. The only thing that can stop that is if the people continue to follow these foolish unions. I hope the pilots do strike and that NWA is prepared to replace them just as effectively as the mechanics. What kind of blow would that be to you precious unions?

Well since NWA is in chapter 11, and there books open for most to see, hiding those thousands of pilots training/housing costs might prove a tad difficult.