Calling a $#!7hole a $#!7hole is not racist.


Dec 30, 2007
upstate ny
I lived in a shithole, I visited a shithole, I legally immigrated from a shithole, and I don't want anti-American shitheads migrating in my country. Nuf Sed!
I lived in a shithole, I visited a shithole, I legally immigrated from a shithole, and I don't want anti-American shitheads migrating in my country. Nuf Sed!
Such language on the Commie News Network, for shame.
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That's interesting.
Care to share what shithole you came from?
Most Italian immigrants come from Southern Italy. We immigrated to the US(legally with a Visa so shoot me now), I returned and lived in a southern Italian town for years and it was a shithole because these socialist/communists, or anti-Americans, wanted it to stay a shithole. I live in NYS run by Gov Homo and other anti-American libtards and I'm still living in a shithole. The highlight of all shitholes was when I visited Tunisia and saw a shithole worse than my shithole. Today NYS is worse than that Tunisian shithole. Go figure!
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Target: MS13. Libtards in Sanctuary Cities are protesting because ICE is arresting these POS salvages. I know because I live in a Sanctuary City but will hear our resident libtards(see above) who live in posh neighborhoods tell me how they're better than me but are too stupid to realize that they've inhaled too much jet fumes!
Most Italian immigrants come from Southern Italy. We immigrated to the US(legally with a Visa so shoot me now), I returned and lived in a southern Italian town for years and it was a shithole because these socialist/communists, or anti-Americans, wanted it to stay a shithole. I live in NYS run by Gov Homo and other anti-American libtards and I'm still living in a shithole. The highlight of all shitholes was when I visited Tunisia and saw a shithole worse than my shithole. Today NYS is worse than that Tunisian shithole. Go figure!

I only wish there had been someone like Trump in the White House when your family was getting ready to come over here to say Italy was a sh*thole and why were we letting all these dirty Italians in and THEN sign an executive order barring all Italians from entering USA.

That would have been bigly awesome!
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Yeah well welcome your African Sharia pushing Sons of Allah. Unfortunately for your dumbass, Trump just said he would welcome more Europeans from "whitey" countries.

That IS bigly awesome!:p
Yeah well welcome your African Sharia pushing Sons of Allah. Unfortunately for your dumbass, Trump just said he would welcome more Europeans from "whitey" countries.

That IS bigly awesome!:p

Notice how the Norwegians said no thank you. And like I said too bad someone didn't sign an executive order keeping Italians out.

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