Can Siegel Reinvoke 5% Pay Refer Again?

If that sob ceo needs cuts that bad, then they can go sit on an egg because we the
employees have given way too much back and some cities such as mine have gone from mainline to the crappy mainline express joke with the most horrendous paycuts. if they need costs down, let them reduce their own pays by 100%
I'm sick and tired of that ceo thug saying "we need more cost cutting" and "am looking at all aspects. there's nothing left for them to steal from the employees
Justair said:
Can Siegel legally reinvoke 5% pay defer again?

Sure he can. Look what he has done already :angry:

And from my point of view, the $#it hasen't even hit the fan yet
In short, NO.
The pay deferral can only be invoked in the event of a force majuere event such as an act of war or terrorist event involving aviation.
Don't you guys realize by now that newspaper "reporter" is a misnomer?
These guys only "report" what is filtered to them. The couldn't investigate a real story if it jumped up and bit them on the nose! There whole existence is determined by how much advertising they can sell (Headlines). That is why we have four full time "news" networks.

I agree with your view on the press, but all I am saying about the article (true or not) is that people should not be surprised on what Dave Siegel tries to do next. he is an evildoer :down:
"I think you haven't see Siegel pull the last rabbit out of the hat," Boyd said.

Well, Dave if you are reading this...I can tell you where you can shove that rabbit once you pull it out of that hat.

Don't even come looking at labor.


If you can't run this place with what we gave you, then get the *&%# out and shut it down.


ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The more likely scenario is that when our kickbacks are due (inflight is suppose to have 2.9% back in Jan) they will try to ask for a deferral. Although these are supposedly negotiated items ( just like reserve,sick, etc...) they will find a way to NOT give us what is due.
Really, REALLY think this is time for our MEC, all MEC'S to collectively band together and insist on a mgmt change. Things will never change with Dave, Ben and Sherry (among many others ) running this operation. Why do we have seats on the board if our voices arent heard... Just my thoughts!!!
a320av8r said:
In short, NO.
The pay deferral can only be invoked in the event of a force majuere event such as an act of war or terrorist event involving aviation.
Don't you guys realize by now that newspaper "reporter" is a misnomer?
These guys only "report" what is filtered to them. The couldn't investigate a real story if it jumped up and bit them on the nose! There whole existence is determined by how much advertising they can sell (Headlines). That is why we have four full time "news" networks.

Also NO in the long form. In case of an act of war, or strike etc, management can enact the "force majeur" to bring the fleet size down to 245. Has nothing to do with the 5% deferral. The contractual restructuring agreements do not say a "force majeur" will trigger a 5% deferral event too.

Inasmuch as Dave would like to have that 5% ongoing, no such luck can and will occur. That window closed in the summer.