check out Peace of Mind from USAirways


Aug 21, 2002
USAirways was the first and made national news. Check it out and lord help those in res that has to describe it to the passengers. WTG U---finally they''re first in something!!!
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Okay, I will explain this one--go to and check out the Peace of Mind fare. No change fees will be charged if we go to war. I was watching MSNBC when they started talking about usairways first starting this. The other airlines will probably follow suit, but a first for US. Talked to an agent and she said she heard it from a pax last week, but couldn't confirm it then. You know res is always the last to know about change.
This happened more than a week ago and the other majors have already announced that they will follow suit.
On 3/10/2003 12:28:15 AM drifterreno wrote:

Okay, I will explain this one--go to and check out the Peace of Mind fare. No change fees will be charged if we go to war. I was watching MSNBC when they started talking about usairways first starting this. The other airlines will probably follow suit, but a first for US. Talked to an agent and she said she heard it from a pax last week, but couldn't confirm it then. You know res is always the last to know about change.

I created a topic last WED on this..nobody cared...
On 3/10/2003 10:27:29 AM flyin2low wrote:

Yes, it does. It's a free for all if we go to war or anything similar to it.
The lost revenue will be made up by the 5% give back of ALL employees during war......