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Chipmunn/ IAM T/A


Aug 22, 2002
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If the IAM T/A is voted down ,and I now believe this is possible , Dave Siegel will have to take some responsibilty for that. He allowed the IAM to load the T/A up with "PORK" for the GRAND LODGE . BIG MISTAKE !!! We can only hope it isn''t a fatal one for US AIRWAYS.[🙁(]
I hope it is voted down.I do not want my money going to the IAM pension plan.It is time to get rid of the IAM.
The IAM isn't a bad union with some other companies. The problem with our District is our leadership. Even our local chairman all think they will be the next AGC.
They would rather send a letter to the ramp that doesn't mean anything at their house instead of a contract.
I think the membership is responsible for this union being in the company's pocket. All we do is complain about our leaders then when they are up for election, all we do is vote them back in.

I'm tired of all the amfa signing that is now taking place here, without first trying to clean this union up from the filth within. AMFA would be no better if you just wanted a union for someone else to take care of your problems, you have to participate in your union, otherwise you end up with payoffs and accomadations like we have seen before.
Some of us have tried to change them. They might be to polluted. Maybe it is time for a new union. Let them pay for the sins they have committed. ----- VOTE NO-----Let the judge determine it. If we don't like that we can appeal.
All one can ask is a fair deal like the other groups received. If one is familiar with those and with the one offered to mechanics then one could conclude that this forced deal is not fair to the mechanics. Have no fear, some people have had to fight real battles. They companies plans are to have a judge decide if we chose not to accept this. If you do not agree with the judge you can try for appeal. I pick my battles carefully and this is one I find worthy.
Apparently unemployment doesn't bother those voting no. How comforting it will be to know that you "stood tall" against the demons in managemnent and IAM as you wait to fill out the forms at the unemployment office. B.T.W, checked out the job market lately? IT'S FLAT! Don't think it could happen? They voted no at EASTERN...where are they now? Us your heads...save the company today, iron out the wrinkles later. Vote no and you'll be ironing out wrinkles at the laundry that used to do your shirts!

Good posts AOG N IT

A320 Driver[:bigsmile:]
Apparently unemployment doesn't bother those voting no. How comforting it will be to know that you "stood tall" against the demons in managemnent and IAM as you wait to fill out the forms at the unemployment office. B.T.W, checked out the job market lately? IT'S FLAT! Don't think it could happen? They voted no at EASTERN...where are they now? Us your heads...save the company today, iron out the wrinkles later. Vote no and you'll be ironing out wrinkles at the laundry that used to do your shirts!

A320 Driver[:bigsmile:]
a320 driver,Get a clue.Noone at eastern voted no. It was the scum of Lorenzo that sank that ship.
A320 driver...Apparently you are misinformed..Voting NO does not mean the unemployment line.[Unless thats what the company wants for EVERYONE],, Voting NO is saying to the company that the membership does not like the way U has imposed a "take it or leave it " piece of trash on us, Unlike ALPA & AFA,, which were allowed to bargain in good faith !! , U has loaded this "offer" with a bunch of garbage that has no business being there. While I am fully aware that NO ONE knows what the judge will rule,[ If this offer to the IAM is voted down], I am willing to go with his decision over the companies "offer". Also, it's quite possible that the judge might take a look into the companies "closet" and throw out a couple skeltons while he's in there. BTW, The IAM will be represented in court along with the company.
Well said insp89. I also want our company to be profitable, but I earn my way I want to be treated fair.
insp89. Here in PIT it looks like most mechanics will vote no. I believe most stock clerks and utility will vote yes. One thing for sure is allot of AMFA cards are being filled out. I do feel some other employee groups do not understand how unfair this agreement is to mechanics or the history we have had in the past with our contracts. So my guess is it looks very probable that this forced labor friendly deal will fail.
Hi Pitguy....Hows things going up there in the "burgh"? Mechanics down here in CLT are not very happy with this "take it or leave it" trash.
On 8/27/2002 11:31:01 AM

a320 driver,Get a clue.Noone at eastern voted no. It was the scum of Lorenzo that sank that ship.

You get a clue. Eastern mechanics union said NO to the deal with Boreman. That forced the sale to Lorenzo. (read "Hard Landing").[:sun:]
On 8/27/2002 10:18:43 AM

Apparently unemployment doesn't bother those voting no. How comforting it will be to know that you "stood tall" against the demons in managemnent and IAM as you wait to fill out the forms at the unemployment office. B.T.W, checked out the job market lately? IT'S FLAT! Don't think it could happen? They voted no at EASTERN...where are they now? Us your heads...save the company today, iron out the wrinkles later. Vote no and you'll be ironing out wrinkles at the laundry that used to do your shirts!

It really burns my arse when these pilots try these scare tactics in informing us about the unemployment line,trying to save their 200k a year.Let me tell you one thing pilot,it does'nt bother me at all to be in the unemployment line.In my trade ,my abilities can cross over to other fields.How about yours. I can't vote for this deal on my own convictions I'm definatly not going to vote for it to save your job.I doubt you heard the mechanics trying to input on your vote.Why dont you give us the same concideration.
Don't worry pilots.The company has and will continue to outsource your jobs(to the commuters).Just think another 500 gone soon.Thanks to alpo.I hope they go ch7.

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