Conservative commentator D'Souza indicted

Funny, never heard of anyone on the other side of the fence having to deal with these issues.....
If it does come up, it seems to fade from the radar every time.
oh look 700 has posted something negative about a conservative who would ever guessed

how about you post the latest from that idiot Cuomo in ny?

oh that's right he's a liberal who's no doubt God like and does no wrong
delldude said:
Funny, never heard of anyone on the other side of the fence having to deal with these issues.....
If it does come up, it seems to fade from the radar every time.
dude isn't NY home to well known tax cheat and current coingressman Rangel?

what political party is he in?
700UW said:
Conservative commentator and author Dinesh D'Souza has been indicted on charges of violating federal election laws and could face up to seven years in prison if found guilty, according to documents released Thursday by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the FBI.
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Its truly amazing how you have to call names, insult and attack others, why cant you debate the topic at hand?
If you want to post things about Cuomo, Rangel and others start a topic.

The article I posted was from USA Today.
Now carry on and grow up.
Dog Wonder said:
Who is Dinesh D'Souza?
He's some  'Right Wing Nut' DOUCHE-BAG, who made a half ass'ed film about the .......  B  O  .....SS. 
Ya know 'Dog, when it 'Rains (REPLUGS), it POURS'
I mean, first we have....( 'T O N S..of FUN' ) ..Christie, who the FEDS are now looking into BRIDGE-GATE, and Super Storm Sandy (NJ).$$$$$, ...Then Dinesh D'DOUCHE-BAG..gets INDICTED, and for SHITTS and GIGGLES, Shawn (Your a great American) Hann Seriously thinking of leaving NYC, to run for political office down in the CESS POOL called the SOUTH, which appears to leave....Mike HUCKLEBERRY as the current mouthpiece of the F'D-UP.....GOP.  (NO One pays any attention to OXY-CONTIN Boy anymore).
So in summary, could (UNCLE) Herman...(999)...Cain become a ...GOP...player again   ???
The Republican Party.
The GIFT (that WILL FOREVER).....Keep on G I V I N G  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xUT said:
This topic should be moved to the water cooler... :p
xUT , it's a race between 700 and bears as to who can look more like a tool, right now I have to go with bears on his mindless rambling.