Count them....10!


Aug 29, 2002
Recently heard that 10 cities have been designated mainline. TPA, MCO, PIT, PHL, LAX, SFO, BOS CLT, DCA, LGA.....all others will become express as RJ'' come on line....heard this from a good source....says these cities will get timeclocks....not sure how that is connected thou......
I hope your info isn''t as good as gold because I work in ORD. On the face of it, it would be odd to have ORD as an express station but I suppose anything stupid is possible for this company.

Tim Nelson
Maybe that was 10 so far and the rest of station will be added later..however I notice ORD only has little over 10 usairways flights a day. Maybe they will make a deal with UA to handle U flights in ORD. Samething could be said for SEA,SAN and IAD to name a few.
But time will tell cause times a changing
On 4/20/2003 12:42:02 AM gilbertguy wrote:

Recently heard that 10 cities have been designated mainline. TPA, MCO, PIT, PHL, LAX, SFO, BOS CLT, DCA, LGA.....all others will become "express" as RJ'' come on line....heard this from a good source....says these cities will get timeclocks....not sure how that is connected thou......

There are more "Good Sources" out there than there are cities served....what about stations such as MIA,FLL,DEN,PHX,LAS,SEA,BDL,PVD..etc....I can''t see an RJ packed for a transcon, or one filled with cruise people going to Florida with all of their 100lb bags. If we are going to survive, this company MUST realize that RJ''s are not the cure-all to our lost revenue. To be competitive we have to fly mainline service to a lot of stations. I have said it many times that Sothwest nor JetBlue use them and they make a profit. In given time they will expand more and more and passengers will flock to them with their 737''s and 320''s in groves. This company can think what they want, but ask any passenger if they want to be stuffed in a commuter with fancy jet engines, or a larger A/C. This RJ crap is the scam of the century. A/C now the size of an F28 or F100, with poverty wage employees working them. Anthing over 50 seats is not an express commuter any longer. It is too bad that the unions let the company slip this by them. Before you know it there will be "Mini 737''s operating as Express too with 100+ pax on them. By all means an RJ is a welcome upgrage from a prop, but not a welcome downgrade from a larger A/C
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On 4/20/2003 12:42:02 AM gilbertguy wrote:

Recently heard that 10 cities have been designated mainline. TPA, MCO, PIT, PHL, LAX, SFO, BOS CLT, DCA, LGA.....all others will become "express" as RJ'' come on line....heard this from a good source....says these cities will get timeclocks....not sure how that is connected thou......

Wasn''t the whole premise that a city could maintain a certain number of mainline jets on it''s schedule, but once express service came into that city it was re-designated ''express'' and payscales/benefits would be under the new terms....maybe contract know-it-alls can help here?
I''ve heard a scenario similiar to this last fall. Mainline designation for hubs, focus cities (DCA,LGA,BOS, etc.) TPA, MCO and MIA. Probably mainline for long range (DEN, SEA, LAX, etc.) although you can paint an interesting picture here with the UA code-share. All else express as the Rj''s come online.

The IAM fleet contract says any station can be redesignated express, and have two mainline jets on the schedule. Additionally, unlimited jets can be placed on the schedule on a seasonal basis - four months out of twelve. With that scenario, even the SEA''s of the world could be expressed.

Now, is that going to happen? Dunno. Can it? Yes. Given this outfit''s track record, I''d bet on the screwing.

I also agree the RJ scam is a crock. The only profitable airline does not have them. One reason is the CASM''s are higher on the RJ''s. Dispatch reliability is suspect, in my experience. RJ''s frequently cannot accomodate all of the passengers AND all of their baggage. (I wonder if Mesa pays the costs associated with the above, or does mainline absorb them? Perhaps Mesa isn''t as cost-effective as advertised)

Things that make you go hummmm!
This was a hot topic at work this morning. Union Rep said 10 largest mainline cities are going to get time clocks, but that didnt necessarily mean everything else was going express. Even if that were the case, its going to take a looooong time for that to happen.
The rumor we hear is that fourteen more cities will be named mainline express is the near future.What those cities are is anyone's guess.With authority to fly 465 RJ's,there won't be too many mainline cities left.You can figure the hubs,whether that includes PIT or not,who knows.Some focus cities,DCA,BOS,TPA,MCO etc. I would think DEN might be the safest non-hub ststion in the system.I don't think RJ's,be it the ones we already posess or ones that being designed have that kind of range.
Take it from someone staring mainline express right in the face.This isn't pretty and it's going to get a lot worse. Dave is turning us into the world's largest regional airline.
Anyone remember getting a letter late last year from Dave that said "We don't anticipate closing any stations in 2003." Yeah OK!
Can anyone tell me how many and which stations have already converted or are about to convert from mainline to express. I know CLE,BTV and I know others have but am unsure of who or how many. Also heard that if someone from BTV who took furlough over staying at the express had put in for recall to ALB or ROC. They would get recall over a agent furloughed from that station if senior to the agent. Seems like agents who were already at the station should have recall over someone trying to transfer into the station reguardless of seniority. That stinks.
Recently heard that...
The rumor I heard was...
The rumor is...

I wouldn''t get my panties in a knot until there are facts.
On 4/20/2003 6:17:47 PM Mike W wrote:

Right now the only stations I know of that fall under the mainline express provisions are CLE and MKE.----------------​

I believe BTV/STL/MEM are three of the other stations in this category and I think there are a couple of others, just cant recall them right now.
I''ve said it before... the rumor I heard is....any station within a 250 radius of major destination or hub will be express. No talk of RJ''s in SEA yet
Right now the only stations I know of that fall under the mainline express provisions are CLE and MKE.Stations that were closed or having been announced they were closing prior to ratification of the Jan.10th extortion package were not covered under the mainline express agreement.
Under the Fleet Service CBA,agents in stations that have closed, can name a recall station (superseniority).They are then slotted in by seniority order with any furloughed agents from that station.They would then be eligible for recall to their new station.This is not something new.It''s part of the 1999 Fleet Service CBA.There will be a lot of us selecting recall stations before this is over.I get to choose mine on Friday.Whoopee!!!
Whatever they do, it would probably be a good idea to make sure the customer will go along. I''m a deal guy (as the moniker suggests), and as such, I get to see a side view of many industries. What stands out in my mind about this one, is the propensity for decision making in a vacuum. They never seem to take into account the notion that a competitor might see it differently. It''s very clever to size your operation to your costs, but that doesn''t always work. Putting more people on smaller planes, and flying those further, because they happen to have the range, might just not be the slam dunk some folks seem to be expecting.

These are expressed as of June8.

To be honest, MSP and ATL are odd. Ive tried to get on these flights out of PIT and they are always full both ways. MESA is doing BOS and PWM now, and plan on adding MHT, SCE (!?), and MDT (!?!?!?) as early as Aug.

This info is straight from a memo passed out to MESA MTC workers at CMH.