CSA/CSR Contract Questions


Oct 11, 2005
With the recent announcement of the CWA/IBT dollar stuff, we, in PHX have some questions that you, US CSAs, can help us understand. First lemme explain a few things that you may already know. Many of our CSRs have different rules depending on the station. Whether agents support the CWA/IBT alliance or not, it's here. I am not speaking for any agents or representing anyone except a few PHX agents who want to gain some understanding.

Background -- Specifically regarding PHX, ATO agents can double their shifts (full timers) for a 16 hour day. PHX agents can work as many days in a row as they'd like and have unlimited trade-ability. Agents must have 7 hours rest inbetween shifts, but I have a coworker who has worked over 30 days straight, specifically to earn extra for a personal trip. We can also "drop" shifts as long as someone picks it up IF we work a minimum of 128 hours in two pay periods (full time) or 64 hours (part-timers) in two pay periods. Side note - our computer system doesn't catch it if we drop below those hours, but that's a glitch I imagine will be fixed at some point, so I'm writing from the standpoint that we are following the guidelines.

We have over 250 part time agents, most of whom WANT to be part time. The position was "sold" to them on the flexibility that comes through trades. I know through my association with US Airways agents that many of you were downgraded (proper term?) to part time and don't want to be there, but the HP Part-time CSRs (most of them) choose that because of the flexibility. We have a lot of retirees from other careers and this is, in their opinion, the perfect part time job. For those of us who are full time, while we are happy with the upcoming (albeit slow) increase in pay, we are really at HP for the flexibility and benefits. That applies to many full time and part time agents. As a full timer, I work 3 days per week with trades and drops, still working my minimum hours.

Now, that was a longwinded way to get to my questions, and I apologize, but we need some understanding.

Can you please explain how trades work with the current contract (that it seems we will be adopting the entire contract effective June 06).

Can we "drop" a shift, essentially passing it on to another agent? Can a full time agent choose to work less than 40 hours with dropping shifts? Can agents double shifts (16 hour days) or double shifts - i.e., a full timer and a part timer double up (buddy bid) for a 13 hour day? Can we double more than one day at a time? How often can we trade shifts?

If an agent (part or full time) works more than 8 hours in a day, is it paid at "over time"?

How does the current sick policy work?

How does the holiday policy work?

How much vacation time do you get and at what point in your years of service?

There may be more questions, but some of us feel that we are getting only bits and pieces and really just want to know what we are being handed.

Thank you so much! I have met about 30 (or so) US Airways agents and am proud and grateful to call them friends. I look forward to meeting more of you and really appreciate your input on helping us understand what's new.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for asking these questions!!! There are indeed MANY of us with the exact same questions that no one here in PHX really seems to know the answers to!

One other question I have a LOT of part timers asking...

The 5 day work week...does this mean they will no longer see 3 or 4 day work weeks? I really have NO clue how to answer this question, and I am cross eyed from reading the contract!

Thanks y'all. :D
Can you please explain how trades work with the current contract (that it seems we will be adopting the entire contract effective June 06).

* Following answers are for ATO only. Rez answers will vary from these.

Can we "drop" a shift, essentially passing it on to another agent? *YES.

Can a full time agent choose to work less than 40 hours with dropping shifts? *YES within swap limits

Can agents double shifts (16 hour days) or double shifts - i.e., a full timer and a part timer double up (buddy bid) for a 13 hour day?
* Employees may work a maximum of sixteen hours during a twenty four hour period as a result of shift trades, excluding meal periods. Employees will not be permitted to work double shifts (twelve hours or more) on consecutive days as a result of shift trades.

Can we double more than one day at a time? YOU can not work more than 12 hours on the second day.

How often can we trade shifts? *Employees may shift trade off their regularly scheduled shift a maximum of twenty times per calendar quarter. Shift trade start time exchanges within the same starting time period (ie shift 1 to shift 1 (am to am) or shift 2 to shift 2 (pm to pm) on the same day will not count toward the twenty quarterly maximum.

If an agent (part or full time) works more than 8 hours in a day, is it paid at "over time"?
*No overtime will be paid to an employee as a result of working another employee's shifts under these provisions. The employee who trades to work will be compensated at straight time rates, plus applicable shift premium for the hours worked (shift premium currently not in contract, but snapback in 2012?)

How does the current sick policy work?
* 1/2 pay and 1/2 dock of hours counted for the first 5 sick days of the year. After that, full sick pay and hours counted.

How does the holiday policy work?
* Currently 5 holidays paid. In 2007, holidays gone, but an extra week of bid vacation (or to be precise bid holidays) will be granted with latest agreement. Holidays will then be straight time with no extra $, time off instead.

How much vacation time do you get and at what point in your years of service?
*at the start of 1st year 10 days
10th year 15 days
20th year 20days

* You can split your shift off between 2 agents only and it must be a minimum of 1 hour to one person. It must also be in increments of 30 min periods.

* Once you accept a swap and need off, you can either canx it with both parties approval, or trade the entire shift off to another party.

*Shift trades may overlap up to 1/2 hour if coverage is ok.

*Currently 4pm day before is the standard deadline for approval of shift trades. Local policy may be less restrictive.

*Probationary employees may not shift trade until the end of 120 WORKING days.

*Once you accept a swap, its yours and becomes part of your schedule. If you miss it or are late, it counts the same as a regularly scheduled shift.

*Cancelled trades do not count toward the 20 maximum. Hence, many agents who accept then have to take off do the cancel and resend with the original party so it wont count against them.

*The company can canx approved swaps with at least 10 days notice for employees who transfer, are on leave, termination, jury duty, scheduled rebid, oji.

*The 8 hour rest provision does not apply to agents who accept a swap with less than 8 hours between shifts.

There may be more questions, but some of us feel that we are getting only bits and pieces and really just want to know what we are being handed.

Thank you so much! I have met about 30 (or so) US Airways agents and am proud and grateful to call them friends. I look forward to meeting more of you and really appreciate your input on helping us understand what's new.

* Same to you. If you have any more questions, please dont hesitate to ask. Many of us arent even familiar with the contract due to all the changes. We have our original contract and have to piece in all the revisions (3 times?). No wonder it would be confusing to you guys.
The 5 day work week...does this mean they will no longer see 3 or 4 day work weeks? I really have NO clue how to answer this question, and I am cross eyed from reading the contract!

Thanks y'all. :D

For computing pay, the workweek shall begin at 0001 hours Monday morning and last through and until 2400 hours Sunday evening and includes any tour of duty that begins during this period. A work week will consist of five (5) scheduled work days and two (2) scheduled days off, except for rebid, shift trades, open time agents (vacation coverage), employees who are off Mo/Su, (rez variations)

Currently part time agents can be scheduled between 3 and 6 1/2 hour shifts. All shifts over 5 1/2 hours may include a 1/2 hour unpaid meal period. Part time agents at airports may also be scheduled for split shifts with a minimum of two (2) hours. The split shifts can cover a maximum of fourteen (14) hours in a twenty four (24) hour period (from the beginning of the first duty period until the end of the second duty period). There will be no meal scheduled during either duty period.
No Full Time split shifts.

*** At one time there was an agreement to enter into discussions about 10 hour workdays for full timers, but it was never worked on. This and possibly a three or four day 7 or 8 hour workweek for part timers would be something that the CWA/IBT should consider, IMO. Since we no longer get double time on OT (I believe that was one of the sticking points at the time), it should be looked at. There are many stations where a 10 hour day plus a part time shift would fit nicely and I'm sure would benefit the company staffing wise as well as better suiting some agents. I'd just as soon be there 10 hours (whats 2 more in a day) and have another day off altogether. Maybe this is something we can have looked at?
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How often can we trade shifts? *Employees may shift trade off their regularly scheduled shift a maximum of twenty times per calendar quarter. Shift trade start time exchanges within the same starting time period (ie shift 1 to shift 1 (am to am) or shift 2 to shift 2 (pm to pm) on the same day will not count toward the twenty quarterly maximum.
Why would I trade an am for another am on the same day? Do trade for trades (my shift on tues for your shift on thurs) AND drops (my shift to you, not working for you back) both count as part of that 20 times per calendar quarter? This is a HUGE one for us! We have unlimited trades. Again while the money increase may be nice, most of us LOVE the flexibility of the position. Consensus has been that agents would take $2-3 less if they have total flexibility like we have.

How does the current sick policy work?
* 1/2 pay and 1/2 dock of hours counted for the first 5 sick days of the year. After that, full sick pay and hours counted.
So how many days are paid or included in the plan? We currently have 10 paid days but we are typically counseled (although it's not consistent) after 3 or 4 in a rolling calendar year. At what point does "sick time" become an attendance "issue"? Is that addressed anywhere?

How does the holiday policy work?
* Currently 5 holidays paid. In 2007, holidays gone, but an extra week of bid vacation (or to be precise bid holidays) will be granted with latest agreement. Holidays will then be straight time with no extra $, time off instead.
HP currently gets 9 holidays (7 set; 2 bid floating) AND if we work the holiday we get paid to work and paid for the holiday.

How much vacation time do you get and at what point in your years of service?
*at the start of 1st year 10 days
10th year 15 days
20th year 20days
I wonder if HP agents will be grandfathered. Currently we have 1 - 4 years is 2 weeks; 5 - 11 years is 3 weeks; 12 years + is 4 weeks. Again, we get a little more money (or a lot) in 20 months, but lose flexibility and time off starting in june.

* You can split your shift off between 2 agents only and it must be a minimum of 1 hour to one person. It must also be in increments of 30 min periods.
So I can trade 1 hour to another agent? Does that count as part of my 20 trades?

*** At one time there was an agreement to enter into discussions about 10 hour workdays for full timers, but it was never worked on. This and possibly a three or four day 7 or 8 hour workweek for part timers would be something that the CWA/IBT should consider, IMO. Since we no longer get double time on OT (I believe that was one of the sticking points at the time), it should be looked at. There are many stations where a 10 hour day plus a part time shift would fit nicely and I'm sure would benefit the company staffing wise as well as better suiting some agents. I'd just as soon be there 10 hours (whats 2 more in a day) and have another day off altogether. Maybe this is something we can have looked at?
This certainly varies from location to location but in PHX, we've had everything from three 8 hour shifts for part timers to 4 six hour shifts to typical standard of 5 days per week at 4 - 6 hour shifts. We have had bids with 4 10-hour days for full timers but they found that it doesn't work as well for the operation so the last two bids have been 5 8-hour days but again, the flexibility to double and trade at will is just HUGE.

Part time agents at airports may also be scheduled for split shifts with a minimum of two (2) hours. The split shifts can cover a maximum of fourteen (14) hours in a twenty four (24) hour period (from the beginning of the first duty period until the end of the second duty period). There will be no meal scheduled during either duty period.
This would be a huge nightmare and inconvenience as it's a 16 minute ride from the parking lot to the ATO and with 2 hours in between a shift, well, you can see it would be yucky.

I think, overall, the saddest part of this is the trading. The holidays and vacation part are probably livable but the consecutive doubles and unlimited trades can make or break it. Many full timers do what I do and work only 3 or 4 days with drops and trades while still maintaining hours. Many (most) part timers work 3 or 4 days or even two days a week dropping to min hours of 16 per week.

Thank you, tad, for addressing this and continuing to help us understand! So, lastly, we have a "team" of negotiators who were elected and I thought they were still negotiating with the IBT (or now the alliance) for a contract. What are they doing? Will what they negotiate override it or at this point is that done and the mere fact that the agents voted for the alliance mean that we are ALL locked in to this contract til 2011? (Note - 2011 is 5 more years!!!!!)
hopefully someone can help me here...have an employee here that is considered "management" as she is the auditor/admin assistant....she is not a union employee...about 2 months ago she asked a union employee to assist with the auditing....we are now covered by a contract....is this now "union work" -should it have been posted so others had a chance to bid for this premium pay position ...should a union employee even being doing non union work....? The non union employee can not do ours..and hasn't for some time...anyone????
hopefully someone can help me here...have an employee here that is considered "management" as she is the auditor/admin assistant....she is not a union employee...about 2 months ago she asked a union employee to assist with the auditing....we are now covered by a contract....is this now "union work" -should it have been posted so others had a chance to bid for this premium pay position ...should a union employee even being doing non union work....? The non union employee can not do ours..and hasn't for some time...anyone????
Union represented employees can be deployed for up to 1 year and also for an additional 1 year without losing their seniority. Typically, deployments should be posted and often the most senior employee is taken, but that has not always been what happens. At least that has been what I've seen occur.
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Union represented employees can be deployed for up to 1 year and also for an additional 1 year without losing their seniority. Typically, deployments should be posted and often the most senior employee is taken, but that has not always been what happens. At least that has been what I've seen occur.

is that the specific language from the contract? does "deployed" mean that a union represented employee may CHOOSE to apply for another position within the company and then return to their previous position or does this only apply when management requests assistance from a union represented employee?
How about buddy bidding? Currently part-timers can double or even triple bid. We have morning, mid and night shifts. If I drop my Monday night and pick up another agents Friday mid shift, does that count against my 20 drops per quarter?
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How about buddy bidding? Currently part-timers can double or even triple bid. We have morning, mid and night shifts. If I drop my Monday night and pick up another agents Friday mid shift, does that count against my 20 drops per quarter?

hp csr -- it appears that, yes, buddy bidding trades are part of the 20 trades per quarter. 20 is just not enough, especially coming from UNLIMITED trades.
We used to have unlimited trades also. They were taken away from us because jealous coworkers didn't like the fact that they had to be at work every hour possible to pay the debts they got themselves into. While those that were trading their days off were having fun nonrevving everywhere. They put themselves in a position of debt, but blame it on those that have none or little debt. If I can't be happy, neither can you. And you'll find that no matter had bad they need the money, they won't work for you if they think it will keep you at work. Believe me on this one, I have been fighting this battle for 26 years.
is that the specific language from the contract? does "deployed" mean that a union represented employee may CHOOSE to apply for another position within the company and then return to their previous position or does this only apply when management requests assistance from a union represented employee?
There is specific language in the contract. Deployment is a temporary position that is posted and employees apply for the deployment. I believe that it is page 61:
Temporary deployments for which the Company determines specialized skills are
required and which are expected to be thirty (30) or more consecutive days in
duration will be filled through a local Passenger Service COB. Where applicants
are equally qualified, seniority will be the determining factor. These positions
will be filled for a duration not to exceed twelve (12) consecutive months, but may
be extended for a period not to exceed an additional six (6) months with mutual
agreement of the Company and the Union. Employees temporarily deployed as of
the effective date of this agreement will begin the twelve (12) consecutive months
deployment period starting on the effective date of this agreement.
For deployments of more than one (1) day but less than thirty (30) consecutive
days, where no special skills are required, the company will offer temporary
deployments on an equalized basis to qualified employees at that location who
sign up on an availability list.
Employees on temporary deployments will not have authority to administer
Hope that helps.
How about buddy bidding? Currently part-timers can double or even triple bid. We have morning, mid and night shifts. If I drop my Monday night and pick up another agents Friday mid shift, does that count against my 20 drops per quarter?
thisis one of the items that will be renegotiated from Jan. through APril...trades are a hot topic and they are aware of it...IMO I think the policy will lean a lot towards the way HP has done it in the past...

is that the specific language from the contract? does "deployed" mean that a union represented employee may CHOOSE to apply for another position within the company and then return to their previous position or does this only apply when management requests assistance from a union represented employee?
well I got an answer from someone on the audit work being performed by a union employee...I was told until the transition is complete that we are still under Awa rules-which TOTALLY confused me-so I am guessing it means that management basically still can do what they want to a point. We now follow the CWA grievance procedures instead of our old interim grievance procedure from 1 1/2 yrs ago....so I went back to flyteamsters.com and reread the interim/transition agreement that came out on 12/05 of this year....it is very confusing....if there is someone on this board who is on the negotiator team....can you sum up what the agreement now means? I think I have a good grasp on it but everytime I think that-I have read it a different way!! HAHAHA-I pat myself on the back though as I am trying very hard to understand it so I can CORRECTLY communicate it...very frustrating!
Mandatory Overtime...I know I am missing the language in the contract for it. Does anyone know a section or a page to point me to? (Mainly, can they mando us 10 minutes before our shift time now or are we SOL?)
Mandatory Overtime...I know I am missing the language in the contract for it. Does anyone know a section or a page to point me to? (Mainly, can they mando us 10 minutes before our shift time now or are we SOL?)
page 39 :
U. Mandatory Assignment of Overtime
Mandatory overtime may occasionally become necessary as a result of irregular
operations or unusual events. Mandatory overtime will only be used when the
Company determines it is essential to meet the minimum needs of service and all
voluntary options will be exhausted prior to utilizing mandatory overtime.
1. When mandatory overtime is required and is anticipated to be four hours or
less, it will be assigned in inverse seniority order in the following order:
· Part-time employees within the duty assignment whose shifts begin or
end within one hour of the required coverage period.
· Qualified part-time employees in the location and classification but
outside the duty assignment, whose shifts begin or end within one hour
of the required coverage period.
· Full-time employees within the group and duty assignment whose shifts
begin or end within one hour of the required coverage period.
· Qualified full-time employees within the group but outside the duty
assignment, whose shifts begin or end within one hour of the required
coverage period.
· If no employees fall within these parameters, mandatory assignment will
be in the order provided for in Paragraph U.2 of this article.
Overtime assigned under this provision will be worked contiguous with the
employee’s shift.

Also you can search the pdf using key word "mandatory overtime" and any other info will display.

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