Cutting down on F/C seats

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Sep 19, 2006
Sounds like PB is complaining about losing benefits, free, free, free stuff that big fat businessmen have been getting free for too long! Most of them don't even know how to behave in 1st class - especially trans con, "if it's free, I'll take it", "I'll start with a double gin on the ground, then I'll have me a bloody mary, then wine, then bailys, then to finish it off, I'll have an apply juice cause I'm kinda thirsty". "And now I wonder why I have to sh** and have a stomach ache". "And you Miss "A" flight attendant, are here to listen to my stories while I entertain you with boring details of my life" - captive audience we are.

Well here is fact #1: in U's first year of bankrupcy, U gave over 25 million away in frequent flier crap. Time to forgo the free stuff and free upgrades for the US4's, US3's, and US2's. Heck, my 86 year old uncle willie never flies, he just uses his credit card everywhere - Kmart, Walmart, the dinner, and even he is considered a frequent flier!
I sure hope all of you FF's and VFF's know that most of us f/a's with half a brain know how important the customer is. We all don't share this vision of the customer. To be honest I have had MANY US1's to US4's that I couldn't care less if they left due to their behavior and attitude but MOST are pretty nice people. We have our fair share of employees that are barely fit to fly as well so.... It really gets me PO'd when I see what the company has done to the employee AND customer to date.
Sounds like PB is complaining about losing benefits, free, free, free stuff that big fat businessmen have been getting free for too long! Most of them don't even know how to behave in 1st class - especially trans con, "if it's free, I'll take it", "I'll start with a double gin on the ground, then I'll have me a bloody mary, then wine, then bailys, then to finish it off, I'll have an apply juice cause I'm kinda thirsty". "And now I wonder why I have to sh** and have a stomach ache". "And you Miss "A" flight attendant, are here to listen to my stories while I entertain you with boring details of my life" - captive audience we are.

Well here is fact #1: in U's first year of bankrupcy, U gave over 25 million away in frequent flier crap. Time to forgo the free stuff and free upgrades for the US4's, US3's, and US2's. Heck, my 86 year old uncle willie never flies, he just uses his credit card everywhere - Kmart, Walmart, the dinner, and even he is considered a frequent flier!

OH Lord?! Where have you been for the past 5 years?

US gave NOTHING away. It enticed it's customers to REMAIN for fear of those customers would start flying other airlines and US would not have ANY money coming in. They swelled the ranks of the "elite" flyers beyond what was needed but it kept those "elite" people flying and the money coming in. Every little bit helped.

Heck even the "new US" figured a way to keep the money coming in by having the "everything counts" promotion. You can become a Chairman's Preferred without even stepping foot on a single plane. Buy enough flowers through FTD and you're on your way to US1 status.

And guess what sweetie, dahling, honeypie..........I don't like listening you b1tch and moan when you're sitting in the jumpseat. I don't care to hear about your schedule, I don't care to hear about it's close to your time limit for the day, I don't care to hear about which pilot you're not sleeping with or how you're boyfriend is screwing someone else when you're not home.

It's a 2 way street. We're just as captive as you are. And we don't care anymore about your problems going through 2 BK and your paycuts.

Once I did care when US was "true US", but not anymore.
I sure hope all of you FF's and VFF's know that most of us f/a's with half a brain know how important the customer is. We all don't share this vision of the customer. To be honest I have had MANY US1's to US4's that I couldn't care less if they left due to their behavior and attitude but MOST are pretty nice people. We have our fair share of employees that are barely fit to fly as well so.... It really gets me PO'd when I see what the company has done to the employee AND customer to date.
STOP Kissing His Arse!!!He is An Idiot!!
I assume it's me you're calling an idiot?

So allow me if you will to inquire of you the following:

What did your above comment add to the discourse here?

Why not put your obvious command of one sylable words to better use and join the dabate?

Why In no time you'll graduate from monosylabic dialogue and move on to using really big words big words like Prognosticate & Procrastinate?

Then the world would be your oyster and you could use complex compound sentences too. And Metaphors, Analogies too would soon be within your grasp. Heck you may even use a pallindrome.

Think how joining an intellegent debate would enhance your abilities when it comes to crossword puzzles in the galley? So much to be gained don't you think?

So many endless possibilities beyond mere insults don't you think?

What Ever!! :down:
This was one thought out and productive thread on everyones part. Can we try a little harder next time?
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