DAL Lawsuit, any update?

The last recorded action on the case came on Nov 27th.
United met the deadline ordered by Judge Kinkeade to answer or respond to a previous cross-claim from Delta. United had earlier asked and received an extension to file that response by Nov 27th.

There has been no published activity since that date.
Another thread on the same topic?  I would like to request for a merge into the other thread already opened discussing these very same issues.  700, why not post it in the other one?
Now, swamt, to be fair I went to the Southwest Forum thread menu and found at least 6 different threads that "could" be the one you are referring to.  You started 5 of them.  :lol:
jimntx said:
Now, swamt, to be fair I went to the Southwest Forum thread menu and found at least 6 different threads that "could" be the one you are referring to.  You started 5 of them.  :lol:
Damn Jim.


700UW said:
Couldn't find it.
I don't think you looked to hard.  It's "Dallas asked for stay of investigation" then in par.- (Dallas Love Field Gates)
jimntx said:
Now, swamt, to be fair I went to the Southwest Forum thread menu and found at least 6 different threads that "could" be the one you are referring to.  You started 5 of them.   :lol:
You are probably correct. The only time I re-open a thread on the same topic is when our famous trouble maker gets a thread locked because it started to make him or negative comments about Delta. When 700 posted the same topic about the suits and Love Field gates the other thread is still open so that is why I thought I would ask for a merge into one thread since they were both still open. 
If you want it even faster than DMN you could check the courts docket each and every day after they update the system with the daily cases as they happen. I do not know or have the web site to follow but I believe some here do. 

This website shows brief explanations of docket activity updated every morning at around 12:15 am. Everyday except Sunday.
Older docket action drops off as new action is listed.
The DMN does not report all that has been going on.
For example, the court hearing minutes back on Sept 28-30 were document numbers 202-205.
They are now up to 253 docket actions.
I have been keeping a copy of all these actions since mid Sept for myself just to keep it all straight.
A lot of motions/response delays have pushed the ruling back.
It has all settled down and there has been no activity since Nov 27th.
As far as I can tell, the court record appears to be complete now and it is in the Judges hands to rule on.
But he has a lot of motions/counterclaims/stays ect. to rule on or dismiss.

If you want to create a PACER account, you can get access to all the court documents, but you would have to pay for it.
The DMN doesn't report on a lot of what happens because frankly, 90% of what happens in court is boring...
Well as soon as we start talking about it we get some movement.

It was just posted that the Judge ruled Wednesday on an earlier motion by WN.
He allowed a couple of Exhibits to be sealed.

Yes, this may seem boring to some, but it is the first action posted in the last three weeks of silence and it shows the Judge is doing something on the case at least.

As I said before, he has a lot of motions/counterclaims/stays ect. to rule on. This is just one of them.

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