Delta, Alaska Airlines Fight For Market Share In Seattle

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yeah, yeah.

can we shut this down before it even starts?

DL is the bad guy but they aren't backing down, AA will save the day, the media is all over it, and most consumers are loving it as much as McDonald's is getting its slogan all over 12 World Cup stadia.

anything else that hasn't been discussed?
Kev3188 said:
...and yet you couldn't help but post...
It wouldn't be an official thread until the forum's most trusted poster showed up with something not inherently distinctive, but merely laudatory and non-descript.
perhaps you two rocket scientist missed that we just finished a thread on the AA forum discussing AS. The flavor was some version of citrus with bubbles but this one looked the decidedly the same.

perhaps also 700 thought he would throw another grenade into the fire since he has never been known for doing anything like that.

we could just ask the mods to put a lock on this thread and then regale ourselves with the merits of unions at an airline where employees have voted over and over again that they don't want them - just to make sure the DL forum doesn't die.

sound about right?
WorldTraveler said:
perhaps you two rocket scientist missed that we just finished a thread on the AA forum discussing AS. The flavor was some version of citrus with bubbles but this one looked the decidedly the same.

perhaps also 700 thought he would throw another grenade into the fire since he has never been known for doing anything like that.

we could just ask the mods to put a lock on this thread and then regale ourselves with the merits of unions at an airline where employees have voted over and over again that they don't want them - just to make sure the DL forum doesn't die.

sound about right?
Yet that thread (unlike so many others) on the AA forum got contaminated with the typical "DL is better" cancer.
Sound about right?
and if it isn't true, then it shouldn't be hard to prove, should it?

specific to this topic, AS' execs haven't said anything about concern for yields o any other part of their system due to another carrier besides DL expanding, have they?

in fact, have any other carriers specifically cited expansion of another carrier in their key markets as reason for concern anytime recently?
oh, I LOVE the topic.

I'm simply noting that we have been thru the same thing quite a few times.

FWIW, at this hour, DAL is leading airline stocks followed by LUV and ALK.

investors seem to be favoring the largest and most solid airlines in the sector.
eolesen said:
WT, if you don't like the thread's topic, then don't post in it.
And pass up an opportunity to be the self-proclaimed authority on every subject--including the price of tea in China.  Surely you jest.
(I noticed the timestamp on your post.  Are you drinking at work?  :lol:)
actually, I am a coffee kind of guy.

except unsweetened tea with lunch.

ps. I have ticked off more than one FA for asking for iced tea only to be told they don't do it and then ordering every component of it - hot tea, lots of ice, and a lemon - separately.

never tried it on AS... not sure if they know what iced tea is....

did they stop serving those Jones sodas?
WorldTraveler said:
actually, I am a coffee kind of guy.

except unsweetened tea with lunch.

ps. I have ticked off more than one FA for asking for iced tea only to be told they don't do it and then ordering every component of it - hot tea, lots of ice, and a lemon - separately.

never tried it on AS... not sure if they know what iced tea is....

did they stop serving those Jones sodas?
See...there ya go, you do have a sense of humor, you'll never do stand up comedy but you'll make make someone chuckle...good job..
and, you love to be the chief clown to incite them, right?

because we all know what you really want is to have the podium all to yourself w/ no interference.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you would realize that your tactics of looking for every opportunity to throw mud and lead red arrow campaigns serve the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you really want.

If you really wanted me to agree to share the platform with you - or perhaps even walk away for a few days at a time - then you would start a campaign to be done with the mudslinging and reverse the negative votes that you spent so much time trying to accrue for me.

In the meantime, I'll be the expert on pickle relish in Germany, fuel prices in Thailand, and airline economics in the English speaking internet world.
WorldTraveler said:
oh, I LOVE the topic.I'm simply noting that we have been thru the same thing quite a few times.FWIW, at this hour, DAL is leading airline stocks followed by LUV and ALK.investors seem to be favoring the largest and most solid airlines in the sector.
Not today Mr. Buffett.
Looks like investors are dumping DAL and holding LUV.

Problems at the widget?
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