DL asks for $5.9 Million for renovations.

WorldTraveler said:
SMS actually used to mean Special Members Services.

absolutely wrong... but you would never admit it.

DL REPAID the loans in full in exchange for being released from the obligations to maintain a certain level of employment.
They repaid the loan because it was one of the highest interest rate loans which DL inherited from NW.

now tell me again, one of you two, how much did NW receive in MN funding to build facilities including DLH which they subsequently closed?

DL has not taken one dime of MN money for which it has not held up its obligations.


because other states are willing to provide similar funding to attract those jobs elsewhere. MN can either do the financial calculations which show that the investment was worth it to create and maintain jobs or lose it to some other state. IF MN is willing to give forgivable loans for POSSIBLE job creation, then perhaps the MN people should be the ones who are upset. Were there marches at St. Paul today?

I believe another rust belt state (WI) was the topic of loan guarantees to a certain large automaker in the presidential campaign. perhaps you can refresh us on those details.....

and dozens of others... like the new Airbus plant that is being built in Mobile with - hold your breath - taxpayer incentives.

And the really galling part (I'm sure in your mind) is that Delta Air Lines will actually be buying aircraft built at that plant.

But it's not just the Europeans that know how to find the money. Georgia's other neighbor has shelled out money for a Boeing assembly plant too, IIRC.

Maybe AA will be doubled damned by buying planes built at BOTH plants.

It's the way the world works....

BTW, have you polled MN citizens (presumably not you) on their thoughts on subsidizing a ONE BILLION DOLLAR stadium for the Vikings?
You do realize that the Vikings don't even pay their $4M/year rent on the stadium anymore, don't you?

Stadiums & airports aren't relevant examples, and DL isn't seeking a break to build an Airbii factory. The IRC is not a public use facility. If you were talking about an off site corporate facility for the Vikings, we might have an interesting comparison.

If the calculus is "pay for this or we're moving to XXX," then it's an even less ethcial move on DL's part than I've been giving them credit for. Blackmail and good corporate citizenship don't go hand & hand.

And again; just because a company /can/ do something doesn't mean it should.
IOW, because this is your anti-DL rant, every other topic is off the table so you can be free to trash DL, and no comparisons can be made, including to NW who started the whole process in MN.

Did I get that right?

Nowhere has DL said they would move if they didn't get money.

If the loan is roughly $6M over 12 years, then DL would receive the equivalent of about $1000 in incentives per employee per year.

That isn't a whole lot of aid compared to the tax revenues those employees generate or the other taxes that DL pays, now is it?

And it certainly is tiny in comparison to the incentives that NW received from MN over the years. Was Target or 3M ever so lucky?
Kev3188 said:
Thanks. Too bad you can't still connect with the agent you were working with.

In my experience, DL employees are already pretty atomized- certainly compared to how NW was.
I guess I stand corrected-WT would know. That was my understanding.

Just so I understand correctly-DL is pursuing home-based ready reserve employees? May sound good and provide cost savings but in practice I wonder if they will find people new and inexperienced on the job aren't able to work as effectively autonomously. As you and DL has said (for now at least) RR is only for new hiring and back filing of existing FT/PT roles-but are they offering FT/PT the opportunity to go to RR in exchange for working at home? My understanding for AA at least, is that those res agents take a slight pay cut working from home, but recognize the time and money they save in commuting expenses. AA home based agents also do not answer premium calls, many of those same agents after Tuscon closed now work from their TUS area homes handling general calls from infrequent travelers.

your assessment is fairly accurate, Josh. New hire res agents cannot participate in the work at home program but must demonstrate proficiency as a res agent in a res office. Other airlines hire directly into work at home. Work at home employees can be Full time, benefitted positions.

I didn't say DL would move if they didn't get the incentives, Kev. I said the incentives are there to keep the jobs that MN doesn't want to lose. There is always the risk that other regions could provide incentives.

I would also guess that the $1000 per head per year that DL receives per employee is also factored into the cost/benefit for providing work at home agents... but there are still res buildings in cities where DL receives no incentives. States may provide some help but ultimately DL and every other business has to pay the freight for the majority of its employees.
Just so I understand correctly-DL is pursuing home-based ready reserve employees?
No, I believe they are expanding both programs concurrently.

FT/PT roles-but are they offering FT/PT the opportunity to go to RR in exchange for working at home?
Not that I know of??

My understanding for AA at least, is that those res agents take a slight pay cut working from home, but recognize the time and money they save in commuting expenses.
Same at DL.
it is possible to be an at-home and FT res agent for DL. you do not have to give up benefits in order to work at home.
737823 said:
I guess I stand corrected-WT would know. That was my understanding.

Just so I understand correctly-DL is pursuing home-based ready reserve employees? May sound good and provide cost savings but in practice I wonder if they will find people new and inexperienced on the job aren't able to work as effectively autonomously. As you and DL has said (for now at least) RR is only for new hiring and back filing of existing FT/PT roles-but are they offering FT/PT the opportunity to go to RR in exchange for working at home? My understanding for AA at least, is that those res agents take a slight pay cut working from home, but recognize the time and money they save in commuting expenses. AA home based agents also do not answer premium calls, many of those same agents after Tuscon closed now work from their TUS area homes handling general calls from infrequent travelers.


Yeah, I read what Josh wrote.
English is a funny language, but in general "exchange" does not mean the same thing as "mandate" or "force."
So yeah, like I said: RR is not an either/or proposition for DL RES agents "customer experience specialists." that choose the W@H option.
Maybe if you'd stop acting like a 12 yr. old girl for a second, you'd realize that we're saying the same thing.
no, exchange does not mean "force" or "mandate" but it does mean giving one thing up in order to gain another.
The W@H program is available to FT employees.  It is not necessary to give up or EXCHANGE one's FT position in order to get into the W@H program.
My notation was in reference to what Josh wrote, not you. Nowhere did I say I was disagreeing with what you wrote on the topic.
Dispense with the insults.  You were wrong in saying that no one said W@H was for RRs or else Josh's language was inaccurate - and he speaks pretty good English (or writes it anyway).  
IN EXCHANGE FOR means giving up.... DL res agents or whatever title they have today can be FT benefitted positions, or PT with partial benefits. It is not necessary to exchange anything to get into the W@H program other than to accept a slightly lower pay rate, invest in your own high speed, wired data and voice connections at home, and provide appropriate work space.  DL provides the call handling equipment and computer.  W@H requires visits to the res office on occasion and performance evaluations (which presumably include monitoring just as is done in the office) might determine that you don't meet the requirements for work at home and need to be returned to a position in a res office.  Leadership positions and those working in specialty call areas may not participate in the program.
Kev3188 said:
No, I believe they are expanding both programs concurrently.

Not that I know of??

Same at DL.
Hmmm I thought DL has had ready reserve for reservations for many years. What did you mean to suggest they are adding or recently added ready reserve to?

How'd I know you'd be first in line to defend this? I swear, this company could traffic in pornography, and you'd call it a "unique revenue stream."
Probably the same way we knew you'd be the first in line to accuse Delta of wrong-doing! I swear, they could give you a $50,000 a year raise and a 6 month vacation and it still wouldn't make you happy !