Do Other Airlines' Employees Pay To Travel ?


Aug 10, 2005
My dad told me that US airways is the only big airline in the US that offers free travel for employees, he says that others have to pay, but very little, is that true ?
A330US said:
My dad told me that US airways is the only big airline in the US that offers free travel for employees, he says that others have to pay, but very little, is that true ?
HP payed for a short time in the early 90's. Employees are free, parents pay unless the employee gives them a flexi pass.
If I remember coorectly we paid for one year after 9-11. I believe Dave S took the charge away to help improve moral. It worked for a day, then it was back to the whining.
UAIR employees pay to travel also. If you want to go somewhere, you have to buy a ticket, just like anybody else. Nonreving is impossible nowadays.
Delta employee travel is free, including first class. I like how they do their companions though. For true companion passes it's almost an ID95, super cheap. Their version of registered companion has unlimited companion passes. They don't have the silly imputed income thing we have.

American pays the first 5 years, then it's free. However I think there may always be a surcharge for first.
evprincess said:
Delta employee travel is free, including first class. I like how they do their companions though. For true companion passes it's almost an ID95, super cheap. Their version of registered companion has unlimited companion passes. They don't have the silly imputed income thing we have.
American pays the first 5 years, then it's free. However I think there may always be a surcharge for first.

I was thinking that first is free for those with 25+ years with the company. I may be wrong. Personally, I think that the effort they go through to collect the fees--computer processing, payroll deductions, back programs to make sure that no one is abusing the system, etc--probably costs more than the fees.
Don't forget the famous "companion passes" another morale booster!! Shop around though before using as you are usually able to beat the price online!! We used to pay about $150 a yr at U for our term passes and then when Dave took over after a couple givebacks he waived the term pass fees.
A330US said:
My dad told me that US airways is the only big airline in the US that offers free travel for employees, he says that others have to pay, but very little, is that true ?

Your dad fibbed to you. Employees of AWA fly free on AWA and some carriers with whom stations have local agreements. That's okay. My dad told me Santa Claus was dead and that's why I didn't receive any Christmas presents.
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its truew that nonrevving is impossivle now adays
i was gonna get atuck at SEA the other say becuz of no seats available on CLT, PIt or PHl, pit got a equipment change from a A321 to a A319, PHL took on some PIT passenger, and CLT was the tightest flight there, but luckily, we made it !
AA employees/retirees/kids under 19 -- free domestic coach after five years, free international coach after twenty five years. Taxes/fees still apply, though.

jimntx said:
Personally, I think that the effort they go through to collect the fees--computer processing, payroll deductions, back programs to make sure that no one is abusing the system, etc--probably costs more than the fees.

It's pretty much a sunk cost -- most those back-end systems were paid for ten years ago. The only new costs incurred were for the website for listing and monitoring your travel, and I think the cost on that was well worth it, since it took all those nonrevs out of the ATO queue at opening just to be first on the priority list (AA still does first come/first on as opposed to seniority). The web has also forced employees to pre-list your companions (D3's), so the number of D3 passes sold on street corners in MIA has gone way down as well.
Delta gives employees, their immediate families, and other airline employees free travel even in first class. That is true because my dad retired from Delta as a station manager at ABE in December 2001 after nearly 33 yrs with them. I think USAIR was/is free in coach but a charge in first. I choose to buy my tickets on UAL and Continental due to them having cheaper prices.
:down: You pay with US, with your Life and then they kick you in the Ass! Non-reving is impossible even with Seniority. Which I understand AWA doesn't use. Their Gate Agents list all their Friends the night before for the 1st come 1st serve!! :down: How does a $14 mill. airline take OVER a $60 million losing Airline? It doesn't they both go under!