Do You Want To Re- Elect Bush For Presendent!

no thanks - keep voting repukelican and watch your wages decline and the deficit rise.
Yes the Republicans who want to have a 'smaller federal government' except for the new bedroom police who will watch your bedroom activities to make sure that you are in the right position for the right sex and that you are doing everything in a moral manner.
Bush for Impediment, maybe...

This seems a little off topic for US Airways. Isn't there an area for posting general stuff? If you said "Vote for Bush to increase the amount of competitive pressure on US Airways cuz he's sure to allow cabotage by foreign carriers if he's elected...."

then maybe, just maybe.... it would be a topic for the US Airways board.

Anyway, me, I'd rather do what the Spaniards did, stand outside of GOP HQ with a few thousand friends, banging on garbage cans, and then go vote that Connecticut Carpetbagger out of office.

If memory serves me correctly, I believe it was the sex(whoops, I meant sax)playing, adulterous, good ole southern boy, William Jefferson Clinton who created the "BIG WOOOOOOOOOSHING SOUND" when he signed NAFTA. Yep, that legislation sure helped keep UNION jobs in AMERICA.

If memory serves me correctly, I believe it was the sex(whoops, I meant sax)playing, adulterous, good ole southern boy, William Jefferson Clinton who created the "BIG WOOOOOOOOOSHING SOUND" when he signed NAFTA. Yep, that legislation sure helped keep UNION jobs in AMERICA.


No kidding. And I am sick of having two pro-corporate parties to choose an lesser evil (or perhaps an "evil lesser").

The head of the Arkansas AFL-CIO used to say Clinton was the kind of guy who would shake your hand and grin while he pee'd on your leg.

But it doesn't logically follow that because Bubba was the best friend big business ever had that the smirking chimp currently residing in the White House deserves any support either.

Sigh.... Moderators, please move this topic to "General Discussion"

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Kerry is heir to the Heinz Ketchup Fortune by marriage
Note: Kerry is (former) heir to the Heinz Ketchup Fortune by marriage.
He is now divorced.

Does anyone want to talk about Bush and Oil
Jet Fuel Prices 1999 averaged $.52 / gallon
2000 averaged $.79/ gallon
2004 approaching $1.25 / gallon

While I won't be voting for the Libertarian Party (which an old housemate of mine used to refer to as "Anarchy for the Rich"), I agree with voting your heart instead of your fears. Of course however you and I vote, we will still end up with some rich Skull & Bones Club Yale Alum in the White House (yes, Kerry and W have that much in common).

what we say when some desert clown drops one with a shoulder launched missle?
bush says lets go to their yard and kill them...
kerry says lets open a dialoge...
don't matter everyone will be riding a least until they hit that mode...
lindy said:
If memory serves me correctly, I believe it was the sex(whoops, I meant sax)playing, adulterous, good ole southern boy, William Jefferson Clinton who created the "BIG WOOOOOOOOOSHING SOUND" when he signed NAFTA. Yep, that legislation sure helped keep UNION jobs in AMERICA.

NAFTA only applies to trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The jobs are going to India and China. Can't blame NAFTA or Clinton for that.

P.S. Clinton is no longer President. In fact, he hasn't been President for almost 4 years now. Don't you think it's time to move on with your life and use an argument that's a just a teensy bit more germane to what's happening in the world today? Yes, Clinton lied. :shock: :shock: :shock: He's a politician. But, his lies didn't get any American soldiers killed, did they? They just got a bunch of white middle-aged white men angry--probably because they were so jealous that he was still getting it and they weren't.