DOT gives tentative approval to AA/BA codeshare

Wild Onion

Aug 21, 2002
Would this be an example of our management doing nothing and having no plan at all going forward?

Good news, indeed.
Finally.... from CBS

U.S. approves British Airways, American Air code share

The Department of Transportation tentatively approved a code-share agreement between American Airlines and British Airways. Specifically, the pact does not apply to non-stop flights between the U.S. and London.

A. The war is winding down.
B. The stock market is rising.
C. AA/BA is looking quite promising.

VOTE "NO" !!!!!!!!!!!!!,

But tell AA that we ARE willing to work with them,as we "renegotiate", some of the negotiations.

I REALLY DON"T THINK THE FEDS, WOULD WANT TO AWARD (the CROWN JEWEL) of codeshares, to a airline in BK-11 !!!!!!!

On 4/9/2003 1:12:24 PM Wild Onion wrote:

Would this be an example of our management doing nothing and having no plan at all going forward?

Good news, indeed.

Wild Onion,
Good news for who?
I had a chance to talk to RLC about 5 or 6 years ago about this subject. He said that the employees of AA would be a little better off without the deal with BA.
It sounded like another one way street giveaway to another country.

VOTE "NO" !!!!!!!!!!!!!,

But tell AA that we ARE willing to work with them,as we "renegotiate", some of the negotiations.

I REALLY DON"T THINK THE FEDS, WOULD WANT TO AWARD (the CROWN JEWEL) of codeshares, to a airline in BK-11 !!!!!!!

Foolish thinking......the Feds awarded slots and route authorities many times to carriers destined for bk.

Those that advocate a NO vote remind me of those back in the Vietnam days who felt that "in order to save the village, we must burn it down".....not the solution then, not the solution now. Or perhaps those that advocate a NO vote believe the other Vietnam era slogan....."kill them all and let God (or in this case the bankruptcy judge) sort them out. Again...not the solution then or now.

AA will survive either way...but without a bankruptcy...many oportunities for future growth and profitability will exsist that will be impossible or much more time consuming and costly if there is a bankruptcy.

Try filing bankruptcy and then go try to get a loan or buy a car or a house........see what it gets you compared to someone who has made some hard decisions, sacrifice and stayed the course.....