Election year 2020

Oh....I see...I missed it because I thought it had something to do with the election. So it's just assignments.
Everything for the next six months or more will have to do with the election.

Except for the Trump virus. People dying cost him the election.
Everything for the next six months or more will have to do with the election.

Except for the Trump virus. People dying cost him the election.

Well...this was in a thread about the election, so I assumed that Pete felt that this was of some significance. So I searched for Supreme Court and election and found nothing. And I actually think it IS nothing, except in Pete's mind...wishful thing that one of these justices might rule on a case with flimsy "proof"
This looks more and more like Whitewater...nothing in the real estate deal...let's look at the travel office...Let's investigate his sex life. We've been told for four months that mail in ballots were rife with fraud....now it's voting machines. By the time all is said and done, Trump will likely say that if you discount the fraud from mail in ballots and the fraud from voting machines, he would have won EVERY vote.
In the spirit of transparency, the left sure as hell wants to move on without seeing evidence.

How does Trump know there was fraud? He's convinced a lot of his followers that there was. He was doing that in July. Which only goes to prove that if you repeat something enough times, people will believe it. It worked in Germany in the 1930's
How does Trump know there was fraud? He's convinced a lot of his followers that there was. He was doing that in July. Which only goes to prove that if you repeat something enough times, people will believe it. It worked in Germany in the 1930's
Duh....reporting from poll watchers for one....?? Duh
Retired Air Force General blows whistle on CIA vote hacking

You know how you don't believe anything you hear on CNN? That's kind of how I view OAN. BUT...they are saying what you want to hear, so they must be right. I googled that guy....wow...it's scary that a conspiracy theorist like that was in charge of any troops.