Erection Fraud

Where do I start?

Trump to elevate election deniers at Arizona rally​

Saturday would be a good start.....
Hey P.Rez how is that pocket book doing? Bet you can't wait until interest rates hit 10% or higher ( looks like the peanut farmer all over again X10). Can hardly wait until we are an oligarch government (NOT!!!!).
Hey P.Rez how is that pocket book doing? Bet you can't wait until interest rates hit 10% or higher ( looks like the peanut farmer all over again X10). Can hardly wait until we are an oligarch government (NOT!!!!).
Lol, faux news?
Where do I start? You’re rambling again with your anti Union, liberal hate.
Anti-liberal union hate....LOL....I don't do hate.....that's a liberal concept.

Let me tell you, I spent 12 years with USW .

18 with IAMAW....Wimpy trained...Union rep, 10 years.

16 months TWU.....stooges had no idea where their local meetings were held...Duh.

Found their local prez authorized changes to their local agreement, which have to be approved by the Int' clue......

So don't you denigrate yourself by trying to impune my involvement with trade unionism.

And, with that said.....and you?

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