FBI Re-opens Clinton Email Investigation

Obama's not going to lose any friends, so after Hillary is elected, he should pardon her ala Ford and NIxon. The ONLY thing this insures is that after Hillary is elected, we will have investigation after investigation until the republicans get what they want. Congress never much cared for Obama, so as an ultimate F-U, he should tell them "get back to work".
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Yeah, I don't think he'd do that. Campaigning with her is one thing, but Ford's legacy was marred by pardoning Nixon. Obama's ego is too big for that.
Yeah, I don't think he'd do that. Campaigning with her is one thing, but Ford's legacy was marred by pardoning Nixon. Obama's ego is too big for that.
1976 was the first election I could vote in....and I voted for Ford BECAUSE he pardoned Nixon and forced Congress to get back to work and stop investigating Watergate. Hillary will most likely win - but this is red meat for the alt right, so the country can go to hell...let's prosecute HIllary.,
There are no known unknowns here. Please give us your prediction of the secret Trump voters not captured in the polls eolesen.

I predict Trump stepping on this within 48 hours.
Obama's not going to lose any friends, so after Hillary is elected, he should pardon her ala Ford and NIxon. The ONLY thing this insures is that after Hillary is elected, we will have investigation after investigation until the republicans get what they want. Congress never much cared for Obama, so as an ultimate F-U, he should tell them "get back to work".
Obammy isn't gonna pardon Hildabeast, because he knew all about her illegal server and lied about it, over and over. Maybe he might be in the cell next to her. Obammys and Clintonians hate each other anyway, they just hide it for votes.
Congress does it's job by investigating criminal behavior such as bribery, fraud, posession of classfied material, making false statements, and obstuction of justice. People have gone to prison for ONE of those crimes.
Hildabeast is going to prison. The FBI found new compelling evidence that they can't ignore, and it's extraordinary that they opened the case now. It's seriously bad for Clintons Crime Syndicate. It's organized crime under RICO. Really bad for her. Really bad.
She won't ever be presiden KCfrier and Hildabeast in handcuffs is coming very soon.

She's all done.
As long as Hillary "didnt know she did anything wrong" all will be forgiven. Besides weren't her emails about yoga anyway? In Obamas fairy tale world there are no bad people that commit crimes so he'll make it go away for her as I'm sure she has dirt on him that he doesn't want exposed.
Obammy isn't gonna pardon Hildabeast, because he knew all about her illegal server and lied about it, over and over. Maybe he might be in the cell next to her. Obammys and Clintonians hate each other anyway, they just hide it for votes.
Congress does it's job by investigating criminal behavior such as bribery, fraud, posession of classfied material, making false statements, and obstuction of justice. People have gone to prison for ONE of those crimes.
Hildabeast is going to prison. The FBI found new compelling evidence that they can't ignore, and it's extraordinary that they opened the case now. It's seriously bad for Clintons Crime Syndicate. It's organized crime under RICO. Really bad for her. Really bad.
She won't ever be presiden KCfrier and Hildabeast in handcuffs is coming very soon.

She's all done.

Not really. In Missouri, Mel Carnahan beat John Ashcroft in a run for Senate. Nothing unusual about that, except that Carnahan died in a plane crash before the election. So we have a precedent that a disliked candidate lost to a dead man...they didn't even have another candidates name on the ballot - yet he still lost to a dead guy.

YOu guys have 10 days to get your "anti Kaine" campaign spooled up because even if Hillary drops, even more people may vote for him that T Rump. Because I doubt that the country is ready to give the reigns to Trump by default.
Not really. In Missouri, Mel Carnahan beat John Ashcroft in a run for Senate. Nothing unusual about that, except that Carnahan died in a plane crash before the election. So we have a precedent that a disliked candidate lost to a dead man...they didn't even have another candidates name on the ballot - yet he still lost to a dead guy.

YOu guys have 10 days to get your "anti Kaine" campaign spooled up because even if Hillary drops, even more people may vote for him that T Rump. Because I doubt that the country is ready to give the reigns to Trump by default.
Yea, but you live in Kansas not Missouri. And in ten days , the witch will still be there. So the choose is still Hillary or Trump. And if Hillary wins, all she has to do is pardon herself. And if she don't, she goes to jail......... No better reason to vote for Trump!
Yea, but you live in Kansas not Missouri. And in ten days , the witch will still be there. So the choose is still Hillary or Trump. And if Hillary wins, all she has to do is pardon herself. And if she don't, she goes to jail......... No better reason to vote for Trump!

The fact that a dead man beat another candidate has nothing to do with where I live. If Hillary were arrested on Novembe7, there is a good possibility that the "democratic ticket" would get more votes than
The fact that a dead man beat another candidate has nothing to do with where I live. If Hillary were arrested on Novembe7, there is a good possibility that the "democratic ticket" would get more votes than

As usual J, your correct AGAIN ! This is like a Chicago Bulls game, where after 3 1/2 quarters Da' Bulls have been playing an unusual bad game. But lo and behold, they get a significant ENERGY Boost, AND you've got the Greatest NBA player in History on the floor (M J ). Michael start a FEROCIOUS comeback, yet there is one (and only one) thing working against him, that HE KNOWS he can't overcome. (C'mon 'HACKJOB', well give you the honor of saying 'IT') A K A, " NOT ENOUGH T I M E on the Regulation CLOCK " !! Eat your heart out !!
No kidding. How is the DOJ Lynch'em Up and Obammy planing on stopping the FBI investigation this time? Obammy says "she made an honest mistake" on the lying DNC stump. Barry, Hildabeast doesn't have an honest bone in her body. Stop wasting tax money flying around lying for a criminal hag.

Not enough time on the "regulation clock" right Grampa Bears?

Where is everyones favorite super libtard Grumpy Grampa Bears? CAPS LOCK IS STILL ON....or not.
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