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“for trump family, charity begins at home...

Contra Mundum

Sep 3, 2017
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and ends at home” . Great headline from the NYT!

So if you are wealthy, you can create a charity, pay yourself to run it, get a tax break by donating to it and also be a benefactor of the charity.

“All animals are created equal. Some animals are more equal than others.”
G. Orwell, Animal Farm
and ends at home” . Great headline from the NYT!

So if you are wealthy, you can create a charity, pay yourself to run it, get a tax break by donating to it and also be a benefactor of the charity.

Yes, and? Well, not for everyone...just for Czar Trump and family.
Amazing! None of the Trumpettes has jumped in to defend poor Donald. Could it be that they too see something a bit off about creating a charity, drawing a salary from said "charity" and take a tax deduction all at the same time? Naw, that couldn't be the reason.
Amazing! None of the Trumpettes has jumped in to defend poor Donald. Could it be that they too see something a bit off about creating a charity, drawing a salary from said "charity" and take a tax deduction all at the same time? Naw, that couldn't be the reason.
They are looking for bible quotes to justify theft...😱
Not defending trump just find it laughable a liberal calling someone out on this given the various democrats records on taxes and the charity foundation arena, lmao
Not defending trump just find it laughable a liberal calling someone out on this given the various democrats records on taxes and the charity foundation arena, lmao
Yet you do. The infamous 'two wrongs make a right' defense.
Do you have any proof or is it fake news?
Actually I don’t give a chit,it’s not like everyone in politics isn’t crooked in some form or another.
Just laughing at the hypocrisy
Not defending trump just find it laughable a liberal calling someone out on this given the various democrats records on taxes and the charity foundation arena, lmao
Vague unsupported claims that have no facts to make them a topic of conversation. Try again. Which various Democrats? Which charitable foundations? Don't bother claiming the Clinton Foundation. No charges have ever been brought against them except by Faux News. That does NOT make it so. Looks like the Southern District of New York Attorney General might just move on the Trump Foundation.
Actually I don’t give a chit,it’s not like everyone in politics isn’t crooked in some form or another.
Just laughing at the hypocrisy
You do realize that hypocrisy cuts both ways. Sure...democrats ignored the "scandals" of the Clinton Foundation - REpublicans and Trump supporters didnt'. On Trump scandals...they say nothing

Trump supporters (and Trump himself) were pretty damn vocal about Obama's golf outings. Not a word about Trumps golf outings putting him on a pace to overtake 8 years of Obama golf in less than 4. Crickets from Republicans.

Republicans and Trump supporters were quite vocal about "lies" from Obama and Hillary, but never doubted for a second that "thousands and thousands" of parents who lost a son in the Korean war were begging him to bring their remains home during the campaign. For those lacking math skills - the average age of a soldier in the Korean war was about 20. The average age that families were started back then was about 21, so they were about 41 when they lost their son....the Korean war was 65 years ago. So he had "thousands and thousands" of people who were 104+ years old begging him to bring their sons remains home. And that was just a "little white lie" in comparison to some of the whoppers he's told or twitted.

And of course - any allegation leveled at Trump is usually followed by "yeah, but Hillary".

So yeah...we know all about hypocrisy.
i have read, but not verified, mind you, that Trump's golf outings cost taxpayers more than Mueller's investigation.

when you add jet time and secret service on top of advance team and limo transport, it is probably true.

i have read, but not verified, mind you, that Trump's golf outings cost taxpayers more than Mueller's investigation.

when you add jet time and secret service on top of advance team and limo transport, it is probably true.


It was posted here....I forget how much but it was jaw dropping....more than Benghazi I think.

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