Forbes: 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security?

There is talk that the real reason behind this ammo buying, is an Obama agenda to limit ammo since guns are here to stay. You have a right to guns, but ammo is not your right. The armored vehicles are to take down the ones who have stocked up on guns and ammo. See honest gun owners, the government is coming after you, so that the criminals can prey on us!

Chances are this is BS but much like the accusations against the Patriot Act, this is a liberal force feeding us their version.
What follows below is something that a Face Book fried sent me. I have her permission to repost here. Please understand this is one woman's observation.and I have no way to determine the veracity of the content or if in fact she wrote it. Could be a cut and paste but I don't think it is.

I am extremely troubled by the move by DHS. My "gut" tell me something is going down. It could be tied to a worldwide currency collapse and the declaration of Martial Law. Truth is if a worldwide currency collapse occurs you might just need those bullets. We live in a dangerous time folks. Here's what she sent.

Went up to fort Campbell today to visit an old Army buddy. He had some interesting things to say. When I asked if they were being asked if they would fire on the American people he said, he can neither confirm or deny. I then asked him if the military is training up to deploy troops on our own soil? Again he said he can neither confirm or deny. What he did say was the higher ups are really stressing out over soldiers fighting each other throughout the Army if "certain orders" were given. The brass is worried that soldiers will be fighting each other if "certain orders were given!!!" He said it's going to be bad, real bad and people need to prepare themselves. This was guy was a specialist in the 160th SOAR when I was with 5th group. Now he's an 18 delta, Master Sgt with 5th group. We've seen this coming for awhile now, so we're not surprised, but I've known this guy for along time now and he's not the type to make a mountain out of a molehill so for me this just confirms even more what's about to take place very soon!
I think you need new friends. And if hearsay makes you nervous, maybe a shrink!

The reason I'm fearful RDU is that if we lose our status as the worlds reserve currency as a nation we are in a world of hurt. Troops could be used tp patrol the streets of our nation and IMO if that happens we are finished as a nation.

At best we could be the next Great Britain of the 1970's. We're OK for now but it's very shaky foundation going foward
What follows below is something that a Face Book fried sent me. I have her permission to repost here. Please understand this is one woman's observation.and I have no way to determine the veracity of the content or if in fact she wrote it. Could be a cut and paste but I don't think it is.

It came from three percenters Facebook page. They are militia groupthink.
So scared of the world they live in caves.

Speaking of hoplessly naive, complete village idiots that must indeed live in caves:

1) 1.6 BILLION rounds for purely domestic use?
2) Several hundred armored vehicles, designed and built for use in combat operations, now to be used for "policing" and homeland...umm..."security"?
3) Plans to employ lethal drones above American soil....?
4) A suddenly drummed up, frenzied "need" to disarm law abiding American citizens....?

"So scared of the world they live in caves."....?

Yeah. I can see your point here. What could possibly be even a wee bit wrong with what's going on lately? Sorry....My bad. Anyone who's not totally thrilled with any/all the above must just be paranoid. Heck! Why should all that be of even the slightest concern to any thinking person, who's living in what's still, at least supposedly, a Free country? ;)

Seriously: None of this even concerns you at all? Ok then: Are you completely ignorant of history and human nature?....Utterly oblivious to the world around you?...Or perhaps just certifiably insane?

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