Fox Report - What the Hell?

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Aug 20, 2002
Labor unions are behind some of the biggest and most organized anti-war demonstrations being held against military action in Iraq. We'll look at their motivations and how they're using dues for the purpose regardless of how their membership might feel
These stories ... and more on The Fox Report With Shepard Smith at 7 p.m. ET.
I just watched this story and it was interesting how they report that despite feelings of members the unions are using members dues money on anti-american sentiments.
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On 1/28/2003 7:16:37 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

Are you saying that you agree that to be anti-war, one must also be anti-american? I hate to burst your bubble but more americans are against sending our young men and women (the future of our country) off to their possible deaths all at the whim of a bunch of congressional old phuks whos dicks don't work anymore...and it's the only jollies they can get? If the old geezers want to wave their **** ***** at another country, let them go do it themselves and leave our children out of it!


Equating National Defense and Security in such manner, is proof that the First Amendment is something you cherish. How do you plan to defend that right?

The topic was directed at the use of union members dues money for such activities. The whole issue could be outside aviation, but given AA employees are unionized in substantial numbers, I thought it would apply. You would be pounding the keyboard if they funded a protest against your ISP "Planet Hunk"?
Wouldn't bother me a bit......since they're not my ISP. And, your remarks are absolute proof that you're perfect for the AA corporate structure.

The first amendment is NOT defended by sending children barely out of high school off to kill people (or get killed themselves) in a foreign land, simply because the rulers of another country don't like that other countries won't bow to their whims. if you think it is, then you're an idiot. Oh wait....I have first amendment rights....[PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR]
On 1/28/2003 7:23:15 PM Buck wrote:

Latest polls state that Anti-war is 40%.......

New York Times poll freshly counted today says 75% (the number would be much lower if they had a president who they didn't think was hiding something)

And if you don't like what your union is doing....stop paying dues, it's that simple.
Are you saying that you agree that to be anti-war, one must also be anti-american? I hate to burst your bubble but more americans are against sending our young men and women (the future of our country) off to their possible deaths all at the whim of a bunch of congressional old phuks whos dicks don't work anymore...and it's the only jollies they can get? If the old geezers want to wave their **** *****at another country, let them go do it themselves and leave our children out of it!
You know what? The NYTimes polls New Yorkers, the very people who suffered the attacks of 9/11, and if 75% of them that were polled don't trust Dubya enough to back him in a war...that's good enough for me.

And yup martweb is the ISP, and who they sell hosting space to is none of your business...or mine!
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Martweb A.K.A. Planet Hunk.

You are also now a proven LIAR!
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Complete evasion of the fetish? Hmmmm.

You recently claimed that it was your ISP and the cost was why you subscribed. I believe it was in challenge to find you another $9.95 per month service?
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On 1/28/2003 7:56:42 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:


Your tactics are evident, any posting of which the contents you disagree with the subject is attacked with such unethical language so that the thread will be shut down and drift from view of the readers.

Your First Amendment rights might remain, but your membership to this site should be reconsidered!
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On 1/28/2003 8:00:13 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

You know what? The NYTimes polls New Yorkers, the very people who suffered the attacks of 9/11, and if 75% of them that were polled don't trust Dubya enough to back him in a war...that's good enough for me.

New York, the "center of the universe".

Nobody else in the country suffered but those poor, pitiful, New Yorkers, thus they now speak and control the National Pulse?
Union Asked to Stop Funding of Anti-War Groups

A coalition of organizations and individuals recently sent a letter to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney calling for it to sever both funding and affiliation with leftist organizations publicly opposing U.S. efforts to fight terrorism. The letter has thus far gone unanswered and unheeded. Union member dues, presumably, still are supporting these organizations.

In the letter, authored by National Center for Public Policy Research President Amy Ridenour and sent on October 5, it is noted that the left-wing Institute for Policy Studies, Interhemispheric Resource Center and Foreign Policy in Focus "are circulating among policymakers a petition opposing a major military response to the terrorist attacks. It also opposes needed immediate changes within our U.S. intelligence agencies pending time-consuming further studies and counsels that changing U.S. international policies to conform to the wishes of the terrorist groups is the key way to deter future terrorist attacks."

"These groups each advertise, to various extents, connections to and support from the AFL-CIO and AFSCME. An AFL-CIO representative is listed as a member of the board of directors of one and on the Advisory Council of another. Both the AFL-CIO and AFSCME are listed as donors."

Expressing condolences for the many union members who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks, and noting Sweeney's public statement that President George W. Bush had "any and all assistance from the labor movement," the coalition asks Sweeney "to repudiate these [anti-war] views and indicate publicly that the AFL-CIO does not support this petition. We further ask that the AFL-CIO and its member unions discontinue all support for and formal connection with the aforementioned groups as long as they and the AFL-CIO continue to disagree on this very critical U.S. national security issue."
Wow. I actually agree with WNP. ANd my jaw drops at the unionists who are pro war - the one single act that can insure the bankruptcy of your company and the loss of thousands of union airline jobs. If I were in an airline union, I'd applaud the efforts of the unions anti-war stance.
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