

Jan 22, 2008
And here BaRack and the rest of the Libtard crowd, thought these guys were going to open ice cream shops and River Dance, once released!

Official: Two former Guantanamo detainees arrested in Belgium!
"Two former detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba were arrested by Belgian police in a counterterrorism operation targeting a recruiting network for al Qaeda in Syria.
They were arrested Wednesday night along with three others as they were about to break into a house to raise funds in the town of Hoboken, near Antwerp, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN."
southwind said:
And here BaRack and the rest of the Libtard crowd, thought these guys were going to open ice cream shops and River Dance, once released!
Official: Two former Guantanamo detainees arrested in Belgium!
"Two former detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba were arrested by Belgian police in a counterterrorism operation targeting a recruiting network for al Qaeda in Syria.
They were arrested Wednesday night along with three others as they were about to break into a house to raise funds in the town of Hoboken, near Antwerp, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN."
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you did not read the article.
One of the former Guantanamo Bay detainees was Moussa Zemmouri, 37, a Moroccan national born in Antwerp, Belgian federal prosecutors announced Friday. The other was an Algerian identified as Soufiane A., who prosecutors believe spent time in Syria.
Wait for it ...... wait for it ........wait for it ...............
Zemmouri was released from Guantanamo in 2005 and authored a book "Innocent at Guantanamo" after returning to Belgium. His case was featured prominently by the UK Muslim prisoner advocacy group CAGE, which has long maintained that he has no links to terrorism
George W. Bush, America's 43rd President (2001-2009), was transformed into a wartime President in the aftermath of the airborne terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, facing the "greatest challenge of any President since Abraham Lincoln."
Now....... You were saying? 
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Point being, closing Gitmo was a bad idea, who's watch did that happen under?

Now wait for it.....

The fruits of BaRacks labors will be showing themselves sooner, rather than later, as he continues to coddle terrorists and the states that support them! And to think, he left 4 AMERICANS in an Iranian prison and couldn't even lower the WH flag to half mask, when AMERICAN soldiers were killed on AMERICAN soil by a terrorist! This guy is a disgrace to ALL AMERICANS!
southwind said:
And here BaRack and the rest of the Libtard crowd, thought these guys were going to open ice cream shops and River Dance, once
southwind said:
Point being, closing Gitmo was a bad idea, who's watch did that happen under?
Now wait for it.....
The fruits of BaRacks labors will be showing themselves sooner, rather than later, as he continues to coddle terrorists and the states that support them! And to think, he left 4 AMERICANS in an Iranian prison and couldn't even lower the WH flag to half mask, when AMERICAN soldiers were killed on AMERICAN soil by a terrorist! This guy is a disgrace to ALL AMERICANS!
I guess if all else fails try and double down.... it's the Southwind way.

Your point was very very clear. Your point was that Bush and the conservatives were very ignorant in letting a captive from Gittmo free back in 2005.

Your problem started when you posted and article which you never read. The article not only proved you wrong but it showed that you are just like Eolsen and Knot.

You guys post cap with out even taking a minute to verify that it is even real or accurate.

Knot posts an article from a satire site as proof of something that never happened.

Eolsen posts a photo shopped picture as proof of something that never happened. At least he had the pull to get his posts and mine deleted so he can pretend it never happened.

And now you post an article to prove something that never happened because you did not even bother to re a day past the first paragraph because you are to lazy and you think your chit does not stink.

Guess what. You just proved that yours smells just as bad. So just man up and own your phuck up and admit that you were wrong.
southwind said:
Point being, closing Gitmo was a bad idea, who's watch did that happen under?

Now wait for it.....

This guy is a disgrace to ALL AMERICANS!
In your attempt to smear the current sitting president, you posted completely inaccurate crap, then doubled down with more idiocy.
If you really are an A&P mechanic, you are a disgrace to us all. How did you ever pass the exams?
Flag at "half mask"?
Wow, its half mast.
Its amazing they let him fix things that goes on airplanes.
southwind said:
And couldn't even lower the WH flag to half mask, when AMERICAN soldiers were killed on AMERICAN soil by a terrorist! This guy is a disgrace to ALL AMERICANS!

"US Flags at Half-Staff Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Chattanooga, Tennessee


Our thoughts and prayers as a Nation are with the service members killed last week in Chattanooga. We honor their service. We offer our gratitude to the police officers and first responders who stopped the rampage and saved lives. We draw strength from yet another American community that has come together with an unmistakable message to those who would try and do us harm: We do not give in to fear. You cannot divide us. And you will not change our way of life. We ask God to watch over the fallen, the families, and their communities. As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on July 16, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, July 25, 2015. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth. BARACK OBAMA"

3 for 3 on ignorance today from southwind.
The only issue I have with this is what did we do to honor the 6,828 military personnel who were killed in the line of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan?  
Why is the flag not at half staff (half mask for Southwind) for them?  Not to demean the soldiers in TN but it seems to me if they get the flag as half staff (half mask for Southwind ..... sorry this never gets old) the men and women who died abroad ought to at least get the same treatment.
I wonder if people would get tired of never seeing the flag as full staff (full mask for Southwind).