Happy New Year

Happy Happy Happy New Year !!!

Especially to those Wendy's frycooks and bun attendants working flight 718 PHL to FCO 03 Jan and flight 719 FCO PHL on 07 Jan. I would like to thank you in advance for the complimentary biggie upsize. That was/is so sweetttt off youuuuuu. Bring ya Starbucks. That's right.

In other news, I'm really glad to be back at the fry cooker. This year I resolve to actually attend work all year.

All the way to the moon!!!

Here's wishing a great new year to everyone working at all airlines! May 2010 truly be at least a little bit better than 2009!

Noticing a lot of crew and maint. cancels for today (Jan.1)! Here's hoping the folks in Tempe have made a new years resolution to nip these problems in the aft galley and make US an airline we can once again be proud of! (Also wishing they'd move us to CLT, but that's probably a far-fetched fantasy!)