How McCain finally decided he couldn't stomach Trump anymore

Sorry, it can't be done.
But you know this Kev.
Demeaning people make them 'feel' more important in their insecurities.
HillBillies do that because they don't know better.
As Trump continues to go into melt down, we should try to comfort them.
Education certainly doesn't work
History doesn't work.
So we just get used to it, pat them on the head and ask if they need a HUGG.
They really need some love...

It will be interesting to see some of these folks after the election results are posted.

Once again, NHBB'S will have been correct, Eolesen will have his Karl Rove moment, and hackman will go back to waiting for Hillary to take his guns and money, just like Obama was going to 8 years ago. Sad.
Sorry, it can't be done.
But you know this Kev.
Demeaning people make them 'feel' more important in their insecurities.
HillBillies do that because they don't know better.
As Trump continues to go into melt down, we should try to comfort them.
Education certainly doesn't work
History doesn't work.
So we just get used to it, pat them on the head and ask if they need a HUGG.
They really need some love...
Is it HillBillies, Hillbilleys, or Hillbillys? I'm just wondering Hypocritical X. Like I said libtards like yourself are clanking that pot and kettle song again, on repeat.
Trump is in a meltdown eh? Is that what we saw last night from Hildabeast and Billdo? A meltdown or just terrified of the Billdo rape victims in the room? Or maybe it was the 12 year old rape victim where Hildabeast helped the rapist get off the hook and laughed about it. "Educate" me why Billdo looked like he saw a ghost, and Hildabeast had that fake smile and no answers.
What history are you talking about Hypocritical X?
The failed Obammy president and his cowardice?
The Unaffordable Care Act?
Maybe its all Hildabeasts failures, like Benghazi, Syria, or Lybia?
Pullout of Iraq?
Reset for Russia?
How about that "red line in the sand"? 3600 shootings and murder in Obammys home town of Chiraq?
How about the history of Obammy 8 years and the dead economy with no "shovel ready jobs?
20 trillion national debt?
Let me know K?
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It will be interesting to see some of these folks after the election results are posted.

Once again, NHBB'S will have been correct, Eolesen will have his Karl Rove moment, and hackman will go back to waiting for Hillary to take his guns and money, just like Obama was going to 8 years ago. Sad.

You have more 'faith' in the outcome of this circus than I do.
As a small business owner, I take it in the A$$ by DemoRats more-so than RepubliRats.
So I am screwed either way.
The 'initiatives' in KommieFornia are pro 'public' focused and business gets the check.
Well, my 'checkbook' runs thin, make me pay for healthcare, and I have to close.
FYI, All is not roses for us greedy :business owers".
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  • #20
Is it HillBillies, Hillbilleys, or Hillbillys? I'm just wondering Hypocritical X. Like I said libtards like yourself are clanking that pot and kettle song again, on repeat.
Trump is in a meltdown eh? Is that what we saw last night from Hildabeast and Billdo? A meltdown or just terrified of the Billdo rape victims in the room? Or maybe it was the 12 year old rape victim where Hildabeast helped the rapist get off the hook and laughed about it. "Educate" me why Billdo looked like he saw a ghost, and Hildabeast had that fake smile and no answers.
What history are you talking about Hypocritical X?
The failed Obammy president and his cowardice?
The Unaffordable Care Act?
Maybe its all Hildabeasts failures, like Benghazi, Syria, or Lybia?
Pullout of Iraq?
Reset for Russia?
How about that "red line in the sand"? 3600 shootings and murder in Obammys home town of Chiraq?
How about the history of Obammy 8 years and the dead economy with no "shovel ready jobs?
20 trillion national debt?
Let me know K?
Breathe, take your nitro pill and take a nap.
:cool: xUT
Breathe, take your nitro pill and take a nap.
:cool: xUT
LOL. Don't hit me with your Hurri-cane Hypocritical X. Your your a lot older than me, so load up on the Geritol gramps.
BTW, I figured your regurgitated libtard lies wouldn't amount to much.
I was correct on that once again.
Come back when you got a game.
It didn't happen if it wasn't on AM radio.

We have a local "talk" station here that broadcasts on both AM and FM. The FM side is more "news" and entertainment talk - some politics but not the focus. The AM side is pure right wing - Hannity, Limbaugh and the like. But the morning news show is broadcast on both the AM and FM side, and the other day they had a person they identified as a democratic pollster that they were interviewing. Apparently, the AM listeners didn't appreciate a "liberal" polluting their station and the hosts were commenting on the vitriol that was being texted to them. They clearly said it was a liberal they were interviewing, and they are also very clear when they have a conservative guest. And they could not understand the outrageous texts they were getting. I texted them that their show was the only one that was "simulcast" on the AM side....and I'd bet a dollar to a donut that the texts were coming from AM listeners.
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LOL. Don't hit me with your Hurri-cane Hypocritical X. Your your a lot older than me, so load up on the Geritol gramps.
BTW, I figured your regurgitated libtard lies wouldn't amount to much.
I was correct on that once again.
Come back when you got a game.

All these 'Trump supporters' jumping ship were only holding there noses and now they have an excuse to cut and run.

Sure does bring back fond memories of the dems circling the wagons around Bill and his fondness for cigars....probably you too, Jim.

All these clowns ditching will be interesting when they have to work with him a 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Actually, my opinion of Bill's peccadillos was and still is that it's none of my business. I admit I still don't understand why Hillary didn't throw his clothes out on Pennsylvania Avenue and tell him to find another place to sleep (even though technically he had the lease on the place), but you know some people are just not as fashionable as Mr. Trump and trade in their spouse on a newer model every few years. Hillary must be one of those old-fashioned people who take their marriage vows seriously--like all the professional Christians say we all should (as long as it's not them who has to stay in the marriage).. You know, like "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health til death do us part."
Actually, my opinion of Bill's peccadillos was and still is that it's none of my business. Your wrong, its our business when he's president and disrespects the White House, then lies about it to the nation. Then Hildabeast destroys the women involved. I admit I still don't understand why Hillary didn't throw his clothes out on Pennsylvania Avenue because all she cares about is money and power, they are a crime family, she couldn't leave her meal ticket to power tell him to find another place to sleep (even though technically he had the lease on the place), but you know some people are just not as fashionable as Mr. Trump and trade in their spouse on a newer model every few years. Happens all the time in Hollywood, big biz, and politics. Hillary must be one of those old-fashioned people who take their marriage vows seriously Very seriously, she tried to destroy and smear all Billdo rape victims and accusers, all for money and power--like all the professional Christians say we all should (as long as it's not them who has to stay in the marriage).. You know, like "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health til death do us part." Also to hold on to power at all costs, promises of her turn as president will be had no matter what it takes. The old hag didn't stick by a rapist just to be cast aside, that now it is her time...except its too late...and she is too sick, old, and tainted as a criminal.
Never Hildabeast.
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