How To Run A Winning Card Drive.

Strake said:
Could someone with the amfa constitution PLEASE post the process for ousting lets say Delle Femine?
Did you know that Dell is up for re-election this year? I will be getting a ballot to vote for him this year. Along with several other AMFA National officers.

Will the twu members ever get to vote for little, or hall? Didn't think so.

Now go back to watching Sesame Street at the 514.

Strake said:
I bet they were at NW too! I wonder how those AO guys feel now? How many hangars are they tearing down up there?

From what I understand, the amfa guys on the line at AA are pretty pissed off with the way you amfa guys here in Tulsa have performed. As they should be. You gotta figure though, you have a "welder" running the show (one of the first to go whould amfa get in). Go figure. The kicker here is you guys picked him!
Minneapolis Airport is tearing down NWA's old hangars which go back to WW2, to make room for new terminals. They are also extending a runway. Read the article in the Star Tribune.

Did you know that NWA has built a new 747 hanger in DTW? You really should do some research before you run your uneducated twu mouthpiece.

Just for grins, would you help with my research and post the process for ousting Delle Femine? Lets just assume he will get re-elected. Again, please fill me in, is NW going to actually perform AO in that new hangar?
Strake said:
Just for grins, would you help with my research and post the process for ousting Delle Femine? Lets just assume he will get re-elected. Again, please fill me in, is NW going to actually perform AO in that new hangar?
its not blasphemy to have a copy of the AMFA constitution, ask any AMFA supporter for one and you can research this info for yourself. I have an old copy of the twu's and I'm going to get a new version or at least the latest version they have out next week. There is nothing wrong with educating oneself, knowledge isn't poisin like the twu would have you believe.
Strake said:
Just for grins, would you help with my research and post the process for ousting Delle Femine? Lets just assume he will get re-elected. Again, please fill me in, is NW going to actually perform AO in that new hangar?
You surely are not another TWU Supporter that cannot read are you?

Here is the process:

Read This
Strake said:
Honestlly, does it really take a so highly touted A&P licensed mechanic to repair a seat or glue carpet to a closet? How about deicing a plane? I don't think so.
Strake, there is much more to your statement than meets the immediate eye. If work is not done properly on aircraft, no matter what or where on an airplane it is preformed it can become a hazard and a fatal hazard at that!!! Just taking your "glue carpet to a closet" scenario in a what if situation. What if the wrong glue was used at installation. The plane reaches cruising altitude of 35,000 feet and suddenly depressurizes. The glue chemically reacts and catches fire. I am not saying this can happen I do not know but, worse real life actions have happened. A fire was caused by the installation of a VCR by non-certified personnel for one instance but, there are many instances and none of them should be taken lightly.
Strake said:
Just for grins, would you help with my research and post the process for ousting Delle Femine? Lets just assume he will get re-elected. Again, please fill me in, is NW going to actually perform AO in that new hangar?
Since you obviously can't read, maybe you could have someone at the 514 read the AMFA constitution and tape it, so you could listen to it over and over until it sinks in. It might take awhile. :blink:

I think NWA built the 747 hanger so they could bring the aircraft in to repair the damage from the hack shop in Singapore because the iam agreed to outsourcing them before AMFA booted them out the door. :rolleyes:

Steve Connell said:
Maybe you could add a slogan, a few lies, a free hockey ticket, a free one day pass to BigSplash, a campaign of fear, and a t-shirt to the AMFA Constitution re-call of National Officers procedure and then Strake will understand it.
This screen capture is from the AMFA constitution on recall of National officers. Basically a 25% petition of those effected for any reason will trigger a recall vote and if a simple majority of the ballots say recall it is done.
Strake said:
Throw those amfa guys a bone and watch them jump through their asses. So funny and predictable.

Here it is again!

Article VII of the amfa constitution (explained)
Well i had to see if you were in fact a true twu cultist clown. You were new here so I gave you a benifit of the doubt. Obviously you do not care about the truth and I am sure you will be treated as such from now on. Have a nice day and carry on!!!

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