If you see john ward, tell him I am looking for him

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
John Ward has gone MIA and I dont mean the base. Has not been to the office since the vote closed. Could someone swing by Don Carty''s house and see if john is out sunning by the pool?

The TWU is threatening to not sign based on the news of the companies pension trust for SR. Execs. APFA can say yet, we can find our President.

There is an effort underway to make sure we dont sign. probably by the five No votes for the extension voting by the BOD.

For those based in the cities where BOD members voted yes for the extension. Time to get on the phone.
Mikey I''m sure John is either in a bunker near Omaha or in the witness protection program awaiting relocation.. he may also have followed Sadaams footsteps through the tunnels underneath APFA headquarters.. in any case he does''nt have the guts to stand up and own up to what he has done to this membership, this Company and this Union. Make no mistake there is a movement which is supported by half the membership to recall him and to stop this TA from ever being implemented. In any case and with a very good case he may as well stay home for his days as a union president are drawing to a close.
Sounds like the APFA President executed some membership shock and awe and then ran to hide.

At least the F/A's were smart enough to leave the TWU so that now you have the wonderful option of re-call of your leaders.

At TWU, we are still stuck with the appointed sellouts that do nothing but threaten and then fold. And there is NO Re-call procedure.

Is there anyway to find out how many shares of stock these so-called leaders bought and sold based on "inside" or "confidential" information?

I think there may be more than just 45 AMR Executives lining their pockets at our expense!

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