Is This The Fire Sale?

They're selling a lot of tickets. The web site is down on its knees, crawling for mercy. Yes, before you make a snotty comment, it's far worse than normal!!
I'll bet a lot of the internet bookers have zero idea of the death spiral U is in. They just see a sub-busfare price and click it. A few might be taking the chance that other airlines will honor U tickets after the shutdown.
Heinrich said:
They're selling a lot of tickets. The web site is down on its knees, crawling for mercy. Yes, before you make a snotty comment, it's far worse than normal!!

The website was extremely slow all day today
BoeingBoy said:
I just saw the full-page ad in USA Today this morning (free at the hotel - I am a pilot, after all) and wondered if it was due do a drop in bookings too. Someone mentioned a response to SW - I know they announced a fare sale a few weeks back. Have the kicked off a new one that I missed?

(I just saw the full-page ad in USA Today this morning (free at the hotel - I am a pilot, after all) ROTF....whew! Nice to find at least one thing to smile about. It feels like the Industry is about to go through the loss of Braniff/Eastern/ and Pan Am all over again. The best to everyone at US.
North by Northwest,

Hey, if I can't laugh at myself it's time to throw me in the ground and cover me up. Frankly, life's too short to be any other way.

BoeingBoy said:
North by Northwest,

Hey, if I can't laugh at myself it's time to throw me in the ground and cover me up. Frankly, life's too short to be any other way.

Well said, Jim :up: More posters to these boards need to have that attitude and LIGHTEN UP!!!! There IS life after USAIRWAYS!!! :up:
BoeingBoy said:
North by Northwest,

Hey, if I can't laugh at myself it's time to throw me in the ground and cover me up. Frankly, life's too short to be any other way.


I'm with you! If you cant keep a sense of humor in this industry, its time to leave for the sake of one's health.

I'm just wondering when gravity will quit working during our (UAL) downward spiral.

ua767fo said:
I'm with you! If you cant keep a sense of humor in this industry, its time to leave for the sake of one's health.

I'm just wondering when gravity will quit working during our (UAL) downward spiral.

767, if I could add to your post.... knowing that I will soon be persuing another endeavor, I can tell you my outlook is MUCH more positive!!! There is life after this industry, whether your from U, UAL, AA,Delta, CO, whoever!! :up: Positive attitude, and keep driving, good luck to you!! GOOD DAY!!!!
WN may have started the sale, but when US matched, they did so to lots of non-WN cities. Fares from the east coast to lots of Air Midwest cities in Kansas were $158+. My Grandma lives in Hays (HYS), KS, and I have never seen a base fare so low for WAS-HYS. Lowest is 188+ on a quick sale, which is rare, as I expect fares on this route to be over $200 most of the time. To me that sounds like a going out of business sale. But then again, every other airline matched it. I took advantage of the sale to book Thanksgiving trips for myself and family. 4 tickets on YX, one on US. :up: Maybe the point of the sale was to get other airlines to match, allowing all the cheapskates like me to book on them and take up their inventory, leaving US able to sell tickets at close to profitable fares. lol
whlinder said:
Looks like it got extended another 2 days.

Perhaps others, like me, had given up on trying to buy tickets online yesterday. Between two different sessions, I wasted almost two hours total trying to buy a ticket, getting to the last screen several times when I got the error/busy message. I hadn't bought a ticket over the phone for a couple years, but I finally had to do it last night. If I'd been able to buy the ticket I needed online, I might have gone on to book some more for later on, but I was just worn down.

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